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Monday, August 31, 2009

Jobs and careerrs identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have some very interesting headlines for you to check out.  These may be the ones that will help you to understand our changing landscape in a better way.

Jobs and careers identifiednde
Are you a retiree looking for some well needed coaching services?
Do you feel that these types of services will help you?
Please read on.
Retirement Coaching by Career Partners : Bizzia - Business News ...
By Stephen Kersey
Said Dave Hemmer, Career Partners International's President and COO: "Baby Boomers are exiting their jobs in significant numbers – some voluntarily as they reach retirement age and some involuntarily as a result of corporate downsizings. Regardless of their circumstances, ... The CPI New Horizons program delivers an innovative coaching experience that enables emerging retirees to design a future that takes full advantage of personal dreams and financial realities." ...
Bizzia - 
Are you having difficulty calculating how much momey you would need to retire comfortably?
Not sure where to go?
Then please read on.
The Portal to Boomeranger World: What If We measured Our Country's ...
By Virginia Cornue
As discouraging as that message might sound, it's exactly what many baby boomers need to hear, according to financial planners and researchers. Most people underestimate how much money they will need for retirements that could ... Her husband is looking for odd jobs, perhaps in a hardware store, she says. "There's a lot of people who are going to go back to work in my age bracket," Ms. Hilinski says. "More and more of my friends are talking about going back to work." ...
The Portal to Boomeranger World - 
Do you know which careers are forecasted to grow over the next 20 years?
Want to get a headstart?
Then please read on.
Growth Career Fields for the Next Twenty Years - Consumerism ...
By Flexo
While there is a trend of outsourcing jobs overseas, there are many types of careers that must remain local. Technology infrastructure is an exciting field. I expect broadband networks will be expanded to new areas and the ... Politicians have their eyes on health care right now, and this is a valid response to the same social condition that requires more careers in finance. As the baby boomers, one of the largest demographics, continue to age, they will need more care. ...
Consumerism Commentary: A Personal... - 

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hosting companies missing the point

Hello there!  My name is Christian Robicheau and I am the assistant editor at
I am delighted to be sharing this weekend with you and I am also delighted to introduce an editorial written by our president Donna J. Jodhan.  This week, Donna shines the spotlight on how hosting companies are missing the point when it comes to providing better service to some of its very important consumers. 
I'm Christian Robicheau wishing you a great weekend.
 Hosting companies missing the point
By Donna J. Jodhan
So many hosting companies are just too busy trying to attract the wrong type of customer.  Yes, and I say this because in their efforts to attract the technically savvy customer, they are managing to rob themselves of some very important ones.  You got it!  Those who are technically shy; those that did not grow up with the Internet.  Those millions of aging baby boomers who have already started to make plans to make the Internet their place of business when they do finally retire.  In addition, we have the millions of disabled consumers who continue to be challenged by complicated hosting panels and hosting companies that do not seem to be able to grasp that they should be starting to do what is common sense and logical.
Shocker or shaker you ask?  Maybe so, maybe not!  Maybe so to those of us who are technically shy or those of us who are persons with disabilities but a shocker to those keen observers who feel that hosting companies are choosing to keep their heads buried in the sand.
Many hosting companies continue to offer hosting panels which offers the customers many flashy features but at the same time they are terribly complicated, not very user friendly, and terribly inaccessible.  Added to this is the attitude of many of these companies.  They are not very helpful when it comes to providing phone support service and they are substituting online support for customer support via phone.  They are doing this in order to cut overhead costs but in doing so, they are inadvertently shutting out millions of customers.  As a general rule of thumb, there are millions of technically disabled persons along with physically disabled persons who are not comfortable using online support in order to communicate with support teams at hosting companies.  Many of our technically disabled consumers grew up in the age of using the phone to communicate with companies and many of them are still in the stage of learning how to use online support systems.
Too many hosting companies are guilty of not remembering this.  Their designers and developers are super great at designing and developing nifty hosting panels that do nifty things but they fail miserably when it comes to understanding why it is so important to make their hosting panels usable and accessible.  There is a huge communications gap between designers and developers and their basic understanding of what is needed in order to make the technically disabled more able and comfortable to use their hosting panels and making their hosting panels more user friendly and accessible to persons with disabilities.
I have had first hand experience with working with programmers and for the most part their heads are primarily stuck to their screens where their main objectives are to design and develop finished products that can perform acrobatic-like tricks, loops, and mind-boggling iterations.  That is all well and good if the end customer is a technically-abled person but when the end customer is one who is either technically-disabled or shy, or one who is a disabled person, all that hard work and panache often ends up being for naught.  What we need to see is a major shift in thinking, designing, and developing on the part of hosting companies.
I would like to paint a very simple picture for hosting companies:
First, you need to realize that your bread and butter consumers of tomorrow will probably be aging baby boomers, retirees, and seniors.  They are the ones who will be diligently seeking ways to make the Internet their new world.
Second, a large group of your consumers will continue to be those persons with disabilities; the blind and visually impaired, the hard of hearing, and those with learning, cognitive and dexterity challenges.  Those with dexterity challenges are unable to use a mouse to communicate with their computer screen.
Third, the majority of consumers will continue to demand hosting panels that are simple and easy to use and understand.  They are not too keen on technical jargon.  They just want the simplest way possible to communicate with their hosting panel and with you.
Fourth, their preferred method of communicating with support staff would probably be by phone and they would demand to speak with staff that can understand them in their native language.
Fifth, there is still a lot of business that will be generated by the mainstream user; those who are technically savvy. 
Sixth, if hosting companies are seeking to maximize their returns, then they will have to find ways to strike a perfect balance between mainstream and non-mainstream consumers.
The future will belong to those hosting companies that will be able to walk the plank of balance but for those that are unable or unwilling to find and define that balance; they are the ones that will probably find themselves gasping for survival.  For make no mistake:  aging baby boomers, seniors, and retirees are the ones who will be pushing the demand for simpler and more straightforward services.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

British doctors find treatment for peanut allergy; Therapy 'retrains'

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at
You're probably wondering what I have up my sleeve for today.  Well, a very interesting medical article and I hope that you can use it to help others.
I'm Nico Trimoff wishing you a great day.
British doctors find treatment for peanut allergy; Therapy 'retrains'
people's immune systems
Ottawa Citizen , July 19, 2009
Children suffering from potentially lethal nut allergies have been offered
the hope of leading normal lives for the first time.
Doctors at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge have developed a pioneering
therapy that "retrains" the immune systems of patients with food allergies
so they become desensitized to the food.
Peanut allergies are triggered by part of the immune system known as
antigens that wrongly identify proteins in peanuts as a threat, and cause
the immune system to attack the patient's body. The symptoms vary from
stomach upset to anaphylactic reactions and breathing difficulties that can
result in death.
The researchers found that if they started by giving children doses of
peanut flour that were lower than the amount required to trigger a reaction,
they could gradually increase the dose. After the four-month treatment with
the peanut flour, the children needed to continue taking peanuts to ensure
their immune system continued to be desensitized, and 20 patients, aged
between five and 17, can now eat 12 peanuts a day.

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learning From Google & Monetizing Your Site

Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at
Today, I am going to take the liberty of reprinting an article that appeared a few months ago.  This article has some very interesting advice and suggestions to pass on; from who else but Google, the Godfather of search engines.  I hope you find it of value and use.
I'm Mark Micheau wishing you a great day.
Learning From Google & Monetizing Your Site
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
 The number of businesses selling online is quite large, and its only growing.Advertisers need spots where they can shine. I spoke with John Federman, President and CEO of Searchandise Commerce about some things that can not only give those spots to advertisers, but earn eCommerce sites some extra money.

Editor's Note: The gist of John's point is basically that online retailers can get more money out of their sites by incorporating paid search advertising into them - Doing as Google Does. What are your thoughts on this concept? 
Consumers Are Going Online
First we talked about how the current economic situation is driving more consumers online as opposed to in-store. Federman cited an AdAge piece stating that Web sales were growing at five times the rate of brick and mortar stores, a trend that the economy will no doubt fuel further. "The Web represents an unprecedented choice for today's consumer - a broader spectrum of product options, features and prices to compare than physical stores offer," says Federman. "The sheer time savings, and the saved transportation cost make the Web an increasingly preferred venue in which consumers are shopping."
"From the retailer side, the economy is clearly causing brick and mortar chains to evaluate the profitability of every store, and close those that are under-performing," he continues. "It's hit everyone from Best Buy whose Web growth outpaced in-store sales to Starbucks. For the consumer, fewer stores is another driver to the Web."
The Scramble for Advertising Opportunities
The next subject Federman talked about was how Google's dominance has left marketers scrambling to find new opportunities to advertise.
"Google has done an excellent job helping the 80+% of buyers who start the purchase online (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2008) identify which retailers are selling which product and driving traffic to the retailer's Web sites," Federman explains. "For marketers, implicit in the Google model is the skyrocketing costs for keywords - it's more challenging than ever for them to make any sort of brand impact."
But What About the Flood of Content?
Add to that the ever-increasing amount of content being uploaded to the web (with user generated content playing a big role) is having a negative effect on online advertising, perhaps even more so than the economy.
"Consumers are hungry for information," Federman notes. "In fact, 64% of them use multiple sources for information, and visit 2.5 sites in the purchase process (JupiterResearch). What will emerge from the plethora of content is a sort of user loyalty that will result in consumers using more information from fewer, but more trusted sources. That loyalty may be driven by the site that provides the most accurate recommendations, superior customer service or the best promotions based on their personal hot buttons."
Learing from Google
"What we know from Google is that marketers find paid search to be effective - it's a pay for performance model and highly measurable ROIs are more easily justified than CPM based offerings and mass media," adds Federman. "But Google only gets you so far, what do you do with your brand once you've arrived at the online storefront?"
He then referenced JupiterResearch again indicating that for the first time, the retail sites have become the source for online research, overtaking search engines.
"Taking the learnings from Google, and applying them to site-side search is a huge opportunity for marketers," he says, citing an example from his own Searchandise Commerce. "Marketers place cost-per-click bids by brand, SKU or category to elevate their placement in on-site search results. Knowing that 80% of buyers start their search online, and that over 70% of clicks occur in the top 10 search results, attaining premium placement is an innovative way to engage prospects at the point of purchase while displacing competitive offerings. The service addresses that last mile of search that Google does not address."
Federman has some interesting ideas about building trust and loyalty. Searchandise's site drives the point home itself, "Retailers are looking for innovative ways to merchandise, monetize and maximize virtual shelf space, the same way end-caps and other displays are used in-store. It's all about engaging the prospect at point of purchase."

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ignoring your LEP audiences now can cost you now ? or later...

Top of the day to you.  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and today I am hear to sound a very sobering warning.  Please take the time to pay more attention to your LEP audiences.  Want to learn more?  Then please read on.
        Ignoring your LEP audiences now can cost you now … or later...
If you are planning to ignore those consumers whose English is limited, then I am here to advise you to not do so.  Please remove that strategy completely from your arsenal of marketing weapons.  It is one of the worst things that you could ever consider doing.  The LEP or limited English people consumer market as experts are calling it these days, is growing rapidly and their demands for products and services are increasing at tsunami rates. 
When it comes to being able to communicate in a culturally sensitive way, many companies are either not taking the time to learn how to do so or they are completely ignoring it.  Global trade is here to stay and as time marches on, it will only continue to increase and with the present global economic crisis we can be sure that global governments will be doing everything in their power to ensure that global trade stays alive and well. 
The LEP market is definitely going places and its rise to importance and prominence is well on the way and as global governments continue to reach out to each other for support and stability we are going to find that LEP markets will be the ones that many companies will have no choice but to compete for.  There used to be a time when this was not the case; where the predominantly English audiences were the top prizes but no more.  These are not circumstances that have arrived overnight.  No, they have been growing slowly, steadily, and naturally. 
The LEP concept is not a difficult concept to understand nor should it be a difficult concept to accept.  The explanation is really very simple!  Before this economic crisis took possession of our global economy, China and India were the booming economies and you can be sure that when we finally come out of this downturn, these two economies will resume their previous robustness. 
I am going to close by giving you a reference to checkout.
        Ignoring your LEP audiences now can cost you now … or later ...
        By marketing
        Communicating, in a culturally sensitive way, with all of your limited English proficient (LEP) communities is critical for a variety of reasons. Failure to respect this step in the name of expediency or expense is sure to cost you somewhere else ... Connect with your LEP communities with effective medical translations in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Tagalog and more. As a leading provider of medical and healthcare translation services in over 50 ...
        viaLanguage - Speaking Healthcare... - 
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  advocating accessibility for all) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have the top three headlines of the week that helps to give you a clearer picture of the landscape as it pertains to jobs and careers identified for aging baby boomers, seniors, and retirees.
Please read on.
Jobs and careers identified
Here is the big question of the day!  Is the economy going to recover in 2009?
If so, will this mean a reprieve for those planning to retire soon?
Please read on!
Will The Economy Recover In 2009?
By Henry Blodget
Henry I recall Dick Cheney remaking about the baby-boomers retiring as the mother of all wealth transfers to ever occur. I see this as a positive in that a retiree provides a younger person a job which will significantly add to the economy. But if the older folks can't retire (loss of savings due to real estate and stocks) and there are no new jobs for the younger entrants into the job market we have a morass that is going to take awhile to work through. ...
The Business Insider: Economy - 
Are pre-retirees living in Toronto any better off than those living elsewhere?
How badly has the heartland of Ontario been affected by this present recession?
Please read on.
Rotting in Toronto — Greater Fool – The Troubled Future of Real Estate
By Garth Turner
It's incredible since we are in the worst recession since the 1930s, the industrial base of southern Ontario has been hollowed out, that 47000 more people lost full-time jobs last month and governments are plunging the country into debt at the ..... Maybe, just maybe, what they have been working towards all these years isn't a big fat lie fed to them by their baby-boomer elders. Wake up… wake up… stop working overtime just to pay off your outrageous dreams of grandeur! ...
Greater Fool - The Troubled Future... - 
Will the next wave of retirees be any better off than the present wave?
Or, will they be better prepared to face hard times if they do indeed occur in their time?
Please read on.
"Pension Tensions" « Money Jungle Safari
By Shelton Hull
What this means, exactly, for the next wave of retirees (and remember, the Baby Boomers have reached retirement age) is a matter under discussion right now, at the highest levels. Jacksonville currently lags behind other major .... Peyton plans to cut another 100 city jobs, while departments will be asked to "trim" five percent off their operating budgets, while freezing all pay increases and experimenting with furloughs for some employees, which amounts to a pay cut. ...
Money Jungle Safari - 

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Public perception

Hello there!  My name is Scott Savoy, and I am the editor of writing services at
I am delighted to be with you this weekend and hopefully it will be the first of many to come.
This weekend, I am delighted to introduce an editorial written by our president Donna J. Jodhan.  An editorial that will hopefully inspire others to put their differences aside and start working to build bridges and tall structures.
I'm Scott Savoy  wishing you a great weekend.
Public perception
By Donna J. Jodhan
Public perception is and continues to be one of the most difficult challenges for disabled Canadians but this is not unique and should come as no shocker or shaker.  Public perception of disabled persons as a whole continues to be a challenge on a global basis and it is one that we need to find a way to change.  Some of you may agree with me and others may not but here goes.  Much of sighted society views disabled persons as being helpless, unable to be contributing members to society, and unable to make decisions for themselves.  As long as the memory can recall, blind and visually impaired Canadians have had to deal with a general public perception that in order to live as normal a life as possible, they would need to go to the CNIB for assistance. 
How well I remember so vividly a few years ago, a doctor telling me "You should go to the CNIB and they will help you to find a job" and when I told him that I already had a job he practically fell out of his chair.  A few years ago as well, I visited the Priest in my new parish; having just moved from Montreal to Toronto and when I told him that I wished to get involved in some of the Church's activities, he told me "You would be better off going to the CNIB because there you will find activities suited to you."  This response really upset me and to this day I share it with others. 
This perception has really been around for too long.  So many other blind and visually impaired Canadians have shared similar stories with me and it is this perception that has done much to anger our community and rightfully so.  Up until now, the CNIB has not done much to refute this perception and as a matter of fact, they have somehow unwittingly encouraged this type of public opinion to flourish.  Tides however seem to be turning and I along with many other blind and visually impaired Canadians are hoping that the CNIB's new CEO John Rafferty will be allowed to steer his ship in new and unchartered waters.  MR. Rafferty's job is not going to be an easy one and we should not expect things to change overnight.  However, based on certain signals that the new CNIB boss has already started to send out, we can only hope.
Having met with MR. Rafferty twice since March, I am impressed with his willingness to listen.  I do believe that he knows only too well that he is in the hot seat and that the blind and visually impaired community is watching him very closely.  He seems to have started out quite well; keeping the puck in the goal crease so to speak.  He has signaled his intensions to tackle the very controversial library services issue and in September, he will be meeting with other stake and rights holders to start building bridges.  An active voice as opposed to a passive voice so to speak from a man who seems to mean business and is more than willing to reach out.
Blind and visually impaired Canadians certainly do not need an agency to speak on their behalf.  They need an agency to support their efforts and advocacies.  They need an agency that will work with them to change public perception for the better.  No one likes to be perceived as being helpless and valueless and no one likes to have their life run by others, especially agencies.  Above all, no one likes to have things dictated to them and be told what they are allowed to have and not have.  Time to change the public perception.    
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, August 20, 2009

IBM computer to take on 'Jeopardy'

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at
Today, I am going to pass on some very light reading to you; however, it is very interesting.  All about one of IBM's latest and biggest computers.
To learn more, please read on.
I wish you a great day.
    IBM computer to take on 'Jeopardy'
 April 28, 2009
Alex Trebek is the host of the popular quiz show 'Jeopardy.'
IBM, having already come up with a computer that can beat the world's best
chess players, is gearing up for another challenge.
The US computer giant on Monday announced it was developing a computer to
compete with humans on the popular US television quiz show Jeopardy!
IBM said its scientists have been working for nearly two years on an
advanced computing system codenamed "Watson" -- after IBM founder Thomas
Watson, not Sherlock Holmes's sidekick.
It said the scientists believe "Watson" will be able to eventually compete
on Jeopardy!, a TV show in which contestants provide question-formatted
answers to clues on history, literature, politics, film, pop culture and
IBM said Jeopardy! would pose a stiff challenge for a computing system
because the clues given to the human contestants involve "analyzing subtle
meaning, irony, riddles and other complexities."
"The essence of making decisions is recognizing patterns in vast amounts of
data, sorting through choices and options, and responding quickly and
accurately," IBM chairman Samuel Palmisano said.
"Watson will be designed to do all of this in a matter of seconds, which
will enable it to compete against humans, who have the ability to know what
they know in less than a second," IBM said.
An IBM computer named Deep Blue defeated then-world chess champion Garry
Kasparov in a celebrated man-versus-machine match in 1997.
Developing a computer to compete at Jeopardy! however may be an even more
difficult proposition than defeating the world's top grandmasters.
"The challenge is to build a system that, unlike systems before it, can
rival the human mind's ability to determine precise answers to natural
language questions and to compute accurate confidences in the answers," said
David Ferrucci, leader of IBM's Watson project team.
"This confidence processing ability is key. It greatly distinguishes the IBM
approach from conventional search, and is critical to implementing useful
business applications of question answering (QA).
"Progress on the underlying QA technologies enabling Watson will be
important in the quest to understand and build 'intelligent computing
systems' capable of cooperating with humans in language-related tasks
previously out of reach for computers," he added.

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8 things that e-tailers should know

Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at
Today, I would like to share a very interesting article with you that talks about some of the most important things that e-tailers should know when it comes to the shopping habits of their consumers.
Please read on to learn more.
I wish you a great day.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The following is based on research, not sexism or prejudice of any kind. Conclusions are by nature overly general, and there are many exceptions to the following "rules" of masculine and feminine behavior. Quite simply, there really are general and stark differences in the behaviors men and women, but this fact should never be used for discrimination or other types of abuse. Also, in the following, jokes and wisecracks abound. The author apologizes in advance if you don't find him funny and reminds you they're only jokes. Have some keen demographic insight? Tell us.
Do you know the main demographic using your website? Is it meant to attract women, men, or both? If targeted toward a specific sex, there are some things you might need to know about how men and women use websites and approach the buying process. So take the following information, gleaned from studies and surveys, and apply it how you think best.
1. Men want to complete the task and get on to the next task. Women want to experience the task. Guys, I know that sounds stupid, like forming a relationship with pain, but this is why women are good at taking care of you. Generally, they seem to be more thorough, which is why she's never ready when you're jingling your keys at the door and why you might survive getting stuck in a blizzard once you finally get out the door. (That's a poor example. She'll likely know there's a blizzard coming and will protest leaving at all. Men believe they will defeat the blizzard. Women, I know this sounds stupid, but this is why men are good at killing mammoths, and why they're good at protecting you. In the end, it's all about taking down the beast.)
2. On the Web, both genders agree that ease of use is the most important aspect of usability. Pose as a visitor. How easy it is to upload/download/view/purchase? However, men prize download speed over easy navigation, while women place both easy navigation and accessibility ahead of download speed. Customization was the least important to both.
3. Women are more holistic when shopping. They want to see and weigh all the options, want to be advised, and want to take their time making a decision. One explanation of this is that women tend to think more long term about their purchases: Will this still work in six months? Will I be able to wear this next year?
4. Men want to get in, buy it, get out. They don't want help unless it involves help at the checkout to speed their exit. They think of immediate need more than long-term need. It's a very simple thought process: I want to grill some meat. My grill is old and doesn't cook meat well anymore. I need a new grill to cook meat with, one that makes it easier to cook meat than this old one. I'll buy a new grill, take it home, grill some meat. Meat grilling problem solved. Women want to know if the grill is easy to clean, if the buttons still work when summer rolls around again, if it looks good in the yard, if you can steam vegetables in it.

5. Men like coupons because it narrows the choices and provides clear-cut incentive to buy one particular thing they can go in, buy, and get out with. (Think: There is animal. Animal is dead. Now go home, show female, eat animal.)
6. Women prefer sales for exactly the opposite reasons. Sales present many options with many different benefits to many different people other than the woman shopping and the right product is its own reward. They form relationships with the products and then decide which relationship works out best. (Think: There are lots of different berries, nuts, herbs. Some are poisonous. Some make the baby sick. Some go bad quickly. Some are at the top of the mountain and are dangerous to get. Some cost a goat. But this one is good for everybody, is safe to eat and gather, doesn't cost a goat, and will last through winter.)
What types of promotions have worked best for you? Comment.
7. When it comes to photos, women focus on faces and pay special attention to pictures of couples entwined. Men, as in real life, focus on, well, other parts and don't give any special attention to couples. Depending on hormone levels, though, women may also focus on, well, other parts.
8. Here's something men and women generally agree on: the color blue. In one survey, 42 percent of people (35 percent of women, 57 percent of men) listed blue as their favorite color. Women's other favorite color was purple, which actually factored significantly on men's least favorite color list, right up there with brown and orange, the least favorite colors of everyone. In a fascinating twist, people seem to like more blue and less green as they get older. Green seems to be a young person's color.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Choosing the right translator for your overseas campaign | Dynamic ...

Top of the day to you out there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and today I would like to chat a bit about how to go about choosing the right translator; very important if you want to keep your consumers and expand your revenue.

        Choosing the right translator for your overseas campaign | Dynamic ...
We are living in a world where it is o so important to produce information accurately, appropriately, and in a language that can be easily understood by the targeted audience and when it comes to translation it is even more important to be able to do so.  In addition, it is extremely important to be able to choose the right type of translator; one who is able to produce translations using the language that is written and spoken by the people of the country in question. 
What do I really mean by this?  Here is an example for you to consider.  If you were aiming your overseas campaign to consumers of France, then it would be in your best interest to employ the services of a native translator from France instead of one from Quebec Canada.  Or, if you were producing a translation meant for consumers of South America, it would be most appropriate for you to employ a translator whose native language is South American Spanish instead of Castilian Spanish which is spoken in Spain.
All of this translates in to choosing the right type of translator for your overseas campaign and I can assure you that based on first hand experience, it is extremely easy to fall into one of the most common pitfalls when it comes to overseas campaigns.  So many international companies make this fatal error and before they know it, they find themselves at the bottom of the heap looking up into the face of failure.  They use translators incorrectly and their method of translating and checking are not thorough enough.  What do they need to do in order to combat these types of pitfalls?  They can start by using translators that speak the native language of the targeted country and then use checkers and proofreaders to ensure that quality of work is maintained.   
I am going to close by giving you a reference to check out. 
        Choosing the right translator for your overseas campaign | Dynamic ...
        By Tea Dietterich
        Checkers check the translated text against the English original, and proofreaders check the text without comparing with the original. If you need your company documentation in a foreign language, you will need a translator. If you need someone on site ... Check the dialect your target market speaks. South American Spanish or Madrid Spanish? North African or Gulf Arabic? Do you want English for non-English mother tongue readers? Be specific. Speak your reader's language. ...
        Dynamic Business - 
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  advocating accessibility for all) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Well, I'd like to thank everyone for their wonderful positive feedback to our new feature and this week I have headlines that are helping to shape our landscape.
Please read on.

Jobs and careers identified
Would you like to know what retirees are doing to deal with the present faltering economy?
Are they working harder or choosing to cut their losses and run for the hills?
Please read on.
In faltering economy, more retirees have to work
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park,NJ,USA
With the massive Baby Boomer generation reaching retirement age, ... a Holmdel-based Web site for retirees searching for jobs, said traffic is up 30 percent ...
Read more at:
Is the job search getting any easier for our seniors who are considering retirement?
How are you being affected?
Please read on.
Colorado Springs Business Journal » Blog Archive » Recession has ...
By Becky Hurley
"Ironically, this is the worst possible time for the 40 percent of seniors now considering delaying retirement to be searching for jobs. It's unfortunate that the hopes and dreams of these retirees are being put on hold." ... The baby boomers don't necessarily want to go from full-time retirement to not working at all," she said. "We've seen an increase in the number of older workers who want to work part-time. If an employer can be flexible in scheduling, many employees ...
Colorado Springs Business Journal - 
Is Las Vegas still a good place for aging baby boomers and even those who are younger to seek their fortunes?
Has Las Vegas gone bust like so many other places?
Please read on.
Fund My Mutual Fund: WSJ: As Boom Times Sour in Las Vegas, Upward ...
By TraderMark
Much in the way jobs on Detroit's assembly lines allowed poor Southern blacks a route out of poverty two generations ago, Las Vegas provided a shot at the middle class for workers fleeing dying industrial centers, or for immigrants arriving .... Too many ravaged balance sheets in the prime earning groups of ages 35-55, too many baby boomers who have lost to the "smart guys in NYC" via multiple "prosperity" investment schemes in tech stocks or real estate in just 1 decade. ...
Fund My Mutual Fund - 

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is in home care services a viable alternative for disabled seniors?

Good morning!  We the team at are pleased to bring you an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan.
We wish you a great weekend.
Your Sterling Creations team
Is in home care services a viable alternative for disabled seniors?
By Donna J. Jodhan
It should not come as a surprise to learn that in home care services is on the rise.  With an economy that is continuing to struggle, many seniors and children of seniors are finding themselves in a difficult position of having to make the decision to use in home care services as opposed to the much more expensive alternative of living in seniors homes.  Up until last year, many retirees and seniors were choosing the more luxurious alternative to relocate to those all inclusive homes for seniors and retirees but due to unhealthy circumstances, this is rapidly changing. 
Shocker or shaker?  No, no shocker or no shaker given all of the present economic conditions of today.
For those seniors who need to make the decision for themselves, the facts are as follows:  Much of their savings have been wiped out by the brutality of an unforgiving stock market and they are not able to afford the lifestyle of the more luxurious retirement homes.  As a result, they need to look for more affordable alternatives such as in home care services.  For those already living in retirement homes, they now have to make the painful decision to seek more affordable living and less comfortable lodgings.  For the children who will have to make the decision on behalf of their parents, the challenge will be to make the best decision for their elderly parents given the economic situation.  For those seniors who are also disabled, the decision would be doubly difficult for all stakeholders.
For the mainstream senior and their families, it will all come down to affordability but for disabled seniors a lot more facts will govern how they will live the rest of their lives.  To start with, the majority of disabled seniors in North America lives in poverty and at the present time over 70% of disabled persons in Canada live below the poverty line.  So, living in retirement homes may just be a dream for them but what about in home care services?  Would or could the families of disabled seniors be able to afford this rapidly rising alternative?  If over 70% of disabled Canadians presently live below the poverty line, then it only stands to reason that they will never be able to afford anything for their golden years.  So where does this leave them?  If they live below the poverty line during their working years then how would they manage to give their own children a good start in life and consequently how would these children be able to take care of their disabled elderly parents?
It seems like a very hopeless picture at the present time and Canada is not alone when it comes to this dilemma.  The big question of the day is whether or not global governments are planning to do anything about this sad situation.  If I were a betting person, I would say no simply because of past records when it comes to how global governments have and continue to treat their disabled citizens. However, miracles do occur from time to time and it never hurts to dream.  For some unexplained reason Canada continues to ignore the needs of its disabled population when it comes to recognizing the blatant statistic of a 70% rate of disabled persons living below the poverty line.  Sad but true and for a country like Canada it is shameful and this country does not begin its charity at home before stepping out on to the global stage.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Scientists unveil chocolate-fuelled race car

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at
If you're seeking to read a very light hearted article today, then I have one for you.  One that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Please read on.
I wish you a great day.
Scientists unveil chocolate-fuelled race car
Associated Press, May 6, 2009
LONDON - Scientists unveiled yesterday what they hope will be one of the
world's Fastest biofuel vehicles, powered by waste from chocolate factories and made
partly From plant fibres.
Its makers hope the racer will go 235 km/h and give manufacturers ideas
about how to build more ecologically friendly vehicles.
The car runs on vegetable oils and chocolate waste that has been turned into
biofuel. The steering wheel is made out of plant-based fibres derived from carrots
and other root vegetables, and the seat is built of flax fibre and soybean oil foam.
The body is also made of plant fibres.
Scientists at the University of Warwick say their car is the fastest to run
on biofuels and also be made from biodegradable materials. It has been built to Formula
3 specifications about the car's size, weight and performance.
Their claims cannot be independently verified.
They hope it can reach speeds of over 235 km/h when it is tested on a
racetrack in a few weeks time. They have driven it at nearly 100 km/h and are now making
final adjustments to the engine before driving it at top speed.
James Meredith, Warwick's project manager, said their model shows that it is
possible to build a fast, efficient, environmentally friendly car.
The car, named the "WorldFirst Formula 3 racing car," will go on display at
several races, including the European Grand Prix and Britain's Goodwood Festival of

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Should Companies Restrict Employees Use of Facebook, Twitter?

Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at
Today I have a question for you to ponder.  Should employers restrict access to Facebook and Twitter by employees?  Could this be a deal breaker in the workplace?
Well, please read on.
I wish you a great day.
Should Companies Restrict Employees Use of Facebook, Twitter?
Chris Crum | Staff Writer
Gannett Restricting Employees from Social Network Use?
Update: The original title of this article was "USA Today Publisher Restricting Employees from Using Social Networks?" USA Today called WebProNews requesting a change because it made it look like USA Today itself was discouraging social media use, which is apparently not the case.
"I can't speak for the posting on Gannett Blog, but I can say that we at USA TODAY have been working extensively on our social networking efforts," says USA Today Communications Manager Alexandra Nicholson. "USA TODAY was the first national newspaper to offer reader comments, and we continue to expand our community tools by allowing readers to communicate with each other directly, add 'friends' through and through social networking tools like Facebook Connect. Additionally USA TODAY has recently launched a series of moderated communities targeted specifically to our readers, this includes a recent MMA community launch.

Alexandra says that USA Today sees social networking as "a growing effort" on their part and one that they're "taking on enthusiastically."
Incidentally, Alexandra found our article while doing routine "Twitter surveillance."

»» Are you or other employees you know spending
too much time on social networks while on the job? ««
Give Us the Inside Scoop Here
Original Article: The controversy never ends when it comes to newspapers and online news. It's amazing how many debates there really are within this industry.
You've got the bloggers vs journalists debate, the fair use debate, and the should social media be used as a source debate to name a few. That last one is apparently even an internal debate within some news organizations.
Valleywag is pointing to a post from a blog (unofficial) about Gannett, publisher of USA Today. The post shares a memo from an editor with the company that is restricting access by employees to social networks. This example is not really about the legitimacy of social networks as credible sources. It's more about social media in the workplace. The memo says:
"It has come to my attention that some staff members are spending a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites during work hours. Also, some staff members apparently are spending work time on Fantasy baseball research and other personal recreation activities.
This is not appropriate. It is not part of the job. Occasionally it will be necessary for staff members to visit these sites for work purposes, but please reserve social networking and recreational pursuits for your private time."
Is the editor wrong? Probably not entirely. Unless employees are using fantasy baseball research for actual stories, there is probably some misuse going on. But is restricting access to social networks the way to go?
News breaks on Twitter all the time. How would a writer get to it without spending some time on Twitter (or using some kind of Twitter app)? Then there is the fact that social networks are a way to contact potential leads and sources. They're often easier to get through to people than by phone or email.
"As one reporter put it, 'Facebook is a modern day Rolodex,'" says VW's Ryan Tate. "Exactly, and if those infernal tele-phones had never been given out like candy to individual reporters, maybe newspapers would be in better shape today!"
USA Today does have a Twitter account, but seems to be primarily following other USAToday/Gannett accounts. on the other hand has not been updated once, but is being held on to by some guy named Mike Pratt who loves the outdoors: View Image

»» So where do you stand on this debate? Do social networks have a place in the newsroom, or do the negatives outweigh the positives? How about in other workplace environments? ««
Tell us what you think.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Medical Translation Blog: How to assemble an effective ...

Top of the day to you out there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and today I would like to talk a bit about how medical documents are assembled in other languages.  In short, the importance of medical translations.
        Medical Translation Blog: How to assemble an effective ...
One of the most important types of translations to be considered is medical translation.  I cannot stress how important it is to have medical information translated accurately and precisely.  One tiny error in the translation of a patient's record for example could change so much and even cause such situations as misdiagnosis and this could lead to incorrect treatments.  When it comes to the translation of medical information, it is imperative that it be done with the highest of professionalism and quality.
So many translators make the fatal error of going into medical translation without the adequate training.  Before one becomes a medical translator, it is very important for them to take courses not only in translation, but also one or two courses in medical terminology if such a course does indeed exist.  I do believe that more and more colleges are starting to offer medical translation programs an this can only help to improve quality in this field.  There are three types of medical translations that a medical translator would have to work with if they choose to enter this field:
Translation of a patient's medical records, translation of research and journalistic information, and translation of information pertaining to products and services.
This is a very growing field and the experts are predicting that prospects for careers here are practically limitless.  As our population continues to grow older, both governments and organizations as well as companies will be in great need of professional medical translators.  Global governments will need to depend on medical translators to help them deal with multi lingual health systems.  Companies will need medical translators to help them translate the labels and instructions on their products.  Organizations will need to depend on medical translators to help them get the message out.  Researchers and journalists will also need medical translators to help them translate their information.
I am going to close by giving you a reference to check out.
        Medical Translation Blog: How to assemble an effective ...
        By ForeignExchange Translations
        Effective localization kits for medical translations Most people would agree that the successful communication of project expectations and deliverables significantly impacts the final quality of a localized product. ... Or is this a technical manual that must accurately reflect the English text?) Specific localization instructions that, depending on the component type, may include information such as: - which terms to translate or leave in the source language; ...
        Medical Translation Blog - 
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  advocating accessibility for all) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Want to know what's going on with our aging baby boomers and retirees?  The types of jobs and careers that are attracting them these days?  Then please read our headlines below.
I wish you a great day.
Jobs and careers identified
How are jobs and careers being reclassified for aging baby boomers and retirees?
Is this going to be a huge boom or bust for advertisers?
Read on.
        As the Globe turns - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
        Revenues have slid in key advertising niches: jobs and careers, ... benefits by up to 50 per cent for future retirees, and the ability to reclassify jobs. ...
Read more at:      
Would you like to learn more about Germany's powerful group of seniors?
Would you like to know how they got there?
Read on.
Germany's Increasingly Powerful Seniors
Spiegel Online - Berlin,Germany
Last week German retirees got the biggest boost in their pensions in more than a ... And their influence will only grow especially when the baby boomers ...
       Read more at:
Would you like to learn more about the growing number of nursing jobs becoming available?
Would you like to learn why?
Read on.
Nursing jobs and nursing job tips | Maxim Nurses
Job Search Tips :Nursing Tops List of Best Jobs for Retirees. Posted on Thursday, June 04, 2009. With life expectancy pushing ever-closer to 80 and many Americans living healthy lives into their 90s, more Americans are working longer. ... With nurses in short supply and the nation's most populous generation – aging Baby Boomers – expected to swell over the next several decades, nursing and healthcare will remain strong employment choices into the future. ...
Maxim Nurses » Career Center - 

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If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

A tribute to my mentor

Good morning!  Our president Donna J. Jodhan has asked us to post this for her. 
Donna does not really like to show her emotions but we thought that in honour of someone who touched her life in so many ways, we would print her tribute to her mentor and friend, the late Maurice Connor.
Here now is her tribute.
The Sterling Creations team 

A tribute to my mentor, friend, and adviser.

How he touched my life.

The day I heard that you had passed on was the day that I lost a small piece of my heart and the moment I realized that you were no longer with us was the one when I discovered that one of the most important persons in my life was gone forever.


It has been said that as a general rule of thumb, there are at least five persons that one would meet during the course of their life that would have a lasting impact on them and for me the late Maurice Connor was one of these.  I first met MR. Conn as a child when I attended the School for the Blind and from then until now I was privileged and honoured to have known him.  As a student, he was always there for me; coaching, mentoring, encouraging, and sometimes pushing hard for me to keep on fighting the good fight.  As an adult, he continued to mentor me and was never tired of listening to me tell him all about my ventures and adventures.  He was one of the best listeners that I have ever known.


As a music teacher, he was tough but at the same time, gentle and encouraging.  Each time I returned to Trinidad from abroad, I made it my priority to call and visit him and sometimes he would visit my home and have a meal with my mom and me.  I loved his unique sense of humor, his ability to analyze quickly and offer words of wisdom, but most of all, I appreciated his closeness to God.  Our friendship was one that stretched across the seas; from Canada to Trinidad and way beyond.


I always looked forward to receiving his early morning emails.  He never complained about anything.  Instead, he wanted to know how I was doing and his words of encouragement were always welcomed.  MR. Conn had an insatiable appetite to learn.  Whenever he did not hear from me he would send an email inquiring about my well being and each time I came to Trinidad we would speak regularly on the phone.  The exchange of Christmas Day and New Years Day calls were traditions between us.  How much I treasured our chats, his rich laughter, and his quiet words of wisdom.


In 1972, MR. Conn was part of a very successful team that helped to ensure my success at the O level examinations.  He was so proud of this accomplishment and never tired of telling me how happy he was to have been part of the effort.  He would never know how very grateful I was to have had him as my coach and mentor then.


When I lost my vision five years ago, it was MR. Conn who helped me to cope.  He would often write me saying:  "Put your hand in the hand of the lord and walk with him."  When I lost my brother Robert 2 years ago, it was MR. Conn again who helped me to cope.  He came to Robert's funeral and He would never know how much I appreciated him being there.  He told me that it was God's will that Robert was taken and that I had to trust in the good Lord.


This soft, gentle and peace loving man was unique.  His music will live on for many moons.  His dedication and commitment to the causes of blind Trinidadians will never be forgotten.  MR. Conn was one of the most selfless persons that I know.  He was extremely modest despite his many achievements and he never sought anything in return for his tireless efforts.


Rest in Peace MR. Conn.  Your Soul is free now and I am sure that on a very quiet night, I will be able to hear you playing your lilting music and I may be even lucky enough to hear you say "D.J!  How goes it?"  Now you will be able to see the bright yellow sun, the fragrant flowers, the swaying trees, and the rolling blue sea.  I will never forget you and I will always do my best to live up to your expectations.  I promise to keep on fighting the good fight.


Thank you for having allowed me to be part of your life and for having come into mine.

D.J (for this is what he always called me).


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bad economy and inaccessible websites keep company

Good weekend to you out there!  We the team at are delighted to bring you a very insightful editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan.
Here now is her editorial of the week.
We wish you a great weekend.
Bad economy and inaccessible websites keep company 
By Donna J. Jodhan
You got it!  These two often live in each other's shadows and this is neither a shocker nor a shaker!  A bad economy is often the reason and/or excuse that most companies in Canada give for not being able to design and develop accessible websites but wait!  It does not have to be a bad economy and so many companies still seem to come up with a reason for not being able to design and develop accessible websites.
This seems to be a global problem but especially at this time when everyone is looking to slash costs everywhere.  I can fully understand when a company tells me that there are more important things to deal with other than making their websites accessible.  Things such as:  Trying to save jobs, cutting overhead and variable costs, and staying alive to fight another day.  In light of this picture, we should be prepared to temper our hopes and expectations for the immediate future.  We should not expect much from companies in Canada when it comes to making websites more accessible and indeed we should not expect companies in other countries to be any different.
The picture may, and I use the word may very cautiously change when the economy starts to turn around but do not hold your breath for that to happen.  Some Canadian companies have tried very hard to make their websites more accessible but it has been a tooth pulling process and on the whole the majority of Canadian companies are either not willing to go the accessible website root or do not care enough to make it happen.  The thing is this:  There is no real legislation in Canada at the present time that forces companies to make their websites accessible.  There is a lot of talk but very little action and when our esteemed government does not even set the example; well, I'll leave you to finish drawing the picture.
I have a few words of wisdom to offer to anyone who cares to read or listen.  Accessible websites should be viewed as a way to attract a wider circle of consumers.  Not just persons with disabilities, but those who use older and slower technology and Internet connections, those who are financially unable to purchase faster and newer technology, those who are technically shy, those who did not grow up in the age of the Internet, and those whose first language is not English.  Look at it in this way:  Yes the economy is bad and yes there are many who will not be able to purchase faster and newer technology at this time; but if companies had taken the time when times were good to make their websites accessible then they would have been better able to accommodate many more consumers in these bad economic times. 
What most companies and even our government fail to understand is this:  Accessible websites can act as a duo weapon to generate more revenue and reduce costs all at the same time.  How, do you ask?  Well:  More revenue can be generated by attracting many more types of consumers.  Not just your mainstream technically savvy type of consumer, but others that I mentioned above.  How can costs be reduced?  Well, internal costs; less time needed for internal support that would include training, maintenance, and documentation.  External costs such as customer service.   
So, what I am trying to say is:  True it is that a bad economy will not help to foster accessible websites but in good times there is no reason why governments and companies can't make their websites accessible.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rising temperatures increase risk of severe headache, ER visits suggest

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of accessibility and transcription services at
Today, I would like to share a very interesting article with you.  One that focuses on some of the ramifications of rising temperatures.  This article may very well answer some of your own questions about those driving headaches.
Please read on.
I wish you a great day.
Rising temperatures increase risk of severe headache, ER visits suggest

March 9, 2009 
Higher temperatures not only prompt people to seek shade, but the rising
mercury might also bring on headaches, a large-scale study suggests.
In a study to be published in Tuesday's issue of the journal Neurology,
researchers looked at 7,054 people who went to emergency rooms in Boston
over six years and were diagnosed with headaches.
Scientists compared temperature levels, barometric pressure, humidity and
other weather or air pollution factors during one to three days leading up
to the hospital visit.
'As lovely as the weather can be . I'm in my bed, holding my head in agony.'
Headache sufferer Lauren Hancock of Calgary
The risk of headache went up by about 7.5 per cent for every five-degree
Celsius increase in temperature, reported Dr. Kenneth Mukamal of the Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard medical school in Boston and his
"Air temperature and pressure have been widely cited as a possible trigger
for headaches, particularly migraines, but the potential connection hasn't
been well documented," said Mukamal, an internist.
The study found that changes in barometric pressure had much less of an
The study was designed to compare weather and air pollution conditions right
before an emergency visit, with those same factors measured earlier and
later the same month.
Air pollution levels such as fine particulate matter and sulphur dioxide had
no effect on the risk of headache in this study, although previous research
suggest they might be a stroke trigger.
Avoiding weather-related headaches
While the magnitude of increased risk is modest and may not be important in
caring for individual patients compared with other potential migraine and
headache triggers, the public health impact could be large since everyone who lives
in a given geographic area is exposed, the researchers said.
The findings suggest that something is happening in the autonomic nervous
system that regulates internal organs, Mukamal said.
It's difficult to apply the results of the study, since most people with
migraines never go to emergency, the researchers acknowledged.
Lauren Hancock, 25, lives in chinook country, where Calgary's winter
temperatures can shoot up dramatically.
"As lovely as the weather can be when you're in the middle of December and
people are jogging in their shorts and t-shirts, I'm in my bed, holding my
head in agony," Hancock said.
Limit medication use
Mukamal recommended that people with headaches sit down with their doctors
to identify triggers that lead to headache symptoms since doctors might be
able to prescribe medications to help avert the onset of weather-related
Hancock said she's not sure how much help it would be knowing when the
migraines are coming, because she only takes her medication when the pain is
Some people take prophylactic medications for months at a time to prevent
attacks. But other kinds of migraine medications should not be taken too
frequently, said Dr. Werner Becker, a professor in the department of clinical
neurosciences at the University of Calgary.
"If patients take their medication more than 10 days a month they become at
risk for getting more and more migraines," Becker said.
Dr. John Bart is a family physician in Toronto who has studied the link
between weather and all sorts of medical ailments. He also runs a website
called Mediclim that warns people when weather changes might bring on their
Bart said he believes a combination of weather factors is involved, and the
subject needs more study.
About 18 per cent of women and six per cent of men in the U.S. say they have
migraines, particularly young and middle-aged adults, the team noted. The
annual cost attributed to migraines is estimated at $17 billion US.
The study was supported by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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