My favorite colors
When I was a kid, I had to have a yellow cup, a yellow plate, and a yellow saucer and a yellow bowl. I loved and cherished my yellow Sunday dress, the one that I wore to church. I adored my yellow jersey, and my yellow bathing suit. Mom and dad had to always buy me something yellow; the yellow beach ball, the yellow water wings, and everything else yellow. I even loved the yellow balloon which was something special for me as I had a fear of balloons and when we got our dog and named her Yella, that was the best thing for me since sliced bread.
Yellow continued to dominate my life as I blew past my teen years into adulthood and I continued to buy yellow sweaters and jackets, yellow coats, yellow pants, and yellow dishes and even cutlery with yellow handles. Part of my living room is even dominated by yellow.
Now that I am left with precious little sight and no longer able to see color, I think of yellow whenever I need a boost or whenever I need to drive away unhappy thoughts or moments. I have grown to love purple, red, and blue; all distant seconds to my precious yellow. Yellow! The color of my life! The sunshine of my soul! The light of my darkness!
I'm Donna J. Jodhan your friendly accessibility advocate wishing you a terrific day and urging you to go out there and share my blogs with the rest of the world.
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