Jobs and careers identified
Today, I have the top three headlines of the week that helps to give you a clearer picture of the landscape as it pertains to jobs and careers identified for aging baby boomers, seniors, and retirees.
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If so, will this mean a reprieve for those planning to retire soon?
Please read on!
Will The Economy Recover In 2009?
By Henry Blodget
Henry I recall Dick Cheney remaking about the baby-boomers retiring as the mother of all wealth transfers to ever occur. I see this as a positive in that a retiree provides a younger person a job which will significantly add to the economy. But if the older folks can't retire (loss of savings due to real estate and stocks) and there are no new jobs for the younger entrants into the job market we have a morass that is going to take awhile to work through. ...
The Business Insider: Economy -
How badly has the heartland of Ontario been affected by this present recession?
Please read on.
Rotting in Toronto Greater Fool The Troubled Future of Real Estate
By Garth Turner
It's incredible since we are in the worst recession since the 1930s, the industrial base of southern Ontario has been hollowed out, that 47000 more people lost full-time jobs last month and governments are plunging the country into debt at the ..... Maybe, just maybe, what they have been working towards all these years isn't a big fat lie fed to them by their baby-boomer elders. Wake up wake up stop working overtime just to pay off your outrageous dreams of grandeur! ...
Greater Fool - The Troubled Future... -
Or, will they be better prepared to face hard times if they do indeed occur in their time?
Please read on.
"Pension Tensions" « Money Jungle Safari
By Shelton Hull
What this means, exactly, for the next wave of retirees (and remember, the Baby Boomers have reached retirement age) is a matter under discussion right now, at the highest levels. Jacksonville currently lags behind other major .... Peyton plans to cut another 100 city jobs, while departments will be asked to "trim" five percent off their operating budgets, while freezing all pay increases and experimenting with furloughs for some employees, which amounts to a pay cut. ...
Money Jungle Safari -
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