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Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to protect confidentiality and privacy

Good weekend to you!
We at are delighted to bring you an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan.
We wish you an enjoyable weekend.
Your Sterling Creations team
 How to protect confidentiality and privacy
By Donna J. Jodhan
We are living in a world where the protection of confidentiality and privacy is becoming more and more important to everyone.  Each time we access the Internet our confidentiality and privacy become a part of the picture.
Each time we fill out an online form, our confidentiality and privacy become a concern.
Each time we enter our most personal information, our confidentiality and privacy need to be considered at the highest level.
Each time we enter such info as our date of birth, social security number, credit card number, and first and last name, we give away a large and vital piece of our confidentiality and privacy.
For someone who is sight impaired this becomes much more than the protection of confidentiality and privacy.  It becomes an issue of being able to enter one's most private information and complete forms without having to ask someone else for assistance.  There are still many websites out there that do not allow the sight impaired the right to enter information independently and it is becoming more and more of a concern to sight impaired Internet users.  Not just the sight impaired but anyone who is classified as being print disabled.  So, how do we address this problem?
To all web masters:
1. If you require the user to log in, then make sure that the log in process is accessible to all persons.
2. Make sure that everyone can easily access your forms and that it is easy to fill out fields within your forms.
3. Be sure to provide appropriate feedback messages to let the user know whether or not the form has been successfully completed and if it has not, provide sufficient information to tell the user why;  with appropriate instructions as what they need to do in order to successfully complete it.
In short, you need to design and develop websites that print disabled persons can access and use without having to depend on human intervention.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New era of 'chip' credit cards stirs security, liability issues

Greetings everyone!  We your Accessibility team at would like to share a very important article with you.  One that was published some time ago but we feel that it is important enough for it to be republished one more time.
Please take a few minutes to read about the ramifications of these new credit card chips.  Security you may say, but there are some definite concerns for credit card users.
Have a great day.
Your Accessibility team
New era of 'chip' credit cards stirs security, liability issues; Double use
of same PIN could pin losses on user
Ellen Roseman
The Toronto Star, Nov. 9, 2008
Credit card issuers in Canada are moving to a new system for fighting fraud.

Each credit card will have an embedded computer chip that can store and
process data more securely.
And when presenting your card for payment at a store, you will enter a
personal identification number, just as you do for debit cards.
The new cards will still have a magnetic stripe on the back to ensure they
are accepted in other countries.
The United States is not embracing the chip. But some European countries are
ahead of Canada in adopting it.
Now that the first chip cards are being sent out, I'm fielding lots of
questions on the new technology.
Question: I have trouble remembering too many PINs, so I switched the code
numbers for my CIBC Aerogold Infinite card to the one I use for my CIBC bank
card. If I am the victim of credit card fraud, will the bank say I'm liable?

Answer: Visa Canada insists nothing will change once chip cards are widely
"Zero liability does extend to PIN transactions," says Visa spokesperson Amy
"Cardholders must take reasonable precautions to protect their PIN. Visa-
issuing financial institutions will outline the steps in their respective
cardholder agreements."
Visa Canada has said it's not a problem to use the same PIN for both debit
and credit cards.
But according to some banks, doing so could put you at risk of being held
responsible for unauthorized use of credit cards, contrary to the zero
liability policy.
The problem: The issuers of Visa and MasterCard cards are free to write
agreements imposing conditions on PIN use that could make cardholders liable
in certain circumstances.
A voluntary code of practice for credit cards, similar to one that already
exists for debit cards, is in the works. It can't come soon enough.
Q: I received my new RBC Visa chip card 10 days ago. Much to my surprise and
horror, it was noted that "for your convenience, we have set the Personal
Identification Number on your new chip card to match the PIN you currently
use for your RBC client card."
I was deeply concerned that RBC felt it had the right to disclose my private
and personal PIN.
A: Setting the PIN on the new chip card to match the PIN on the client's
debit card was done for convenience, according to bank spokesperson Jackie
"No one within RBC knows or has access to these PINs. All PINs are
encrypted, " she said.
"We advised clients in the card mailing that it is a good practice to have
different PINs for different cards and to visit their branch to change the
Why are banks lifting the PINs from customers' debit cards if they don't
approve of the practice?
This is a mixed message that will only result in more confusion.
Q: Will I use a PIN when doing transactions on the phone or the Internet
with a credit card?
A: No, you won't. The chip and PIN technology is designed for face-to-face
encounters in retail settings.
Credit card orders by phone or online may involve your being asked for a
three-digit code printed on the signature strip. This code (called CVV2) is
designed for situations where the card is not present.
Some retailers, such as Air Canada and Best Buy Canada, have gone a step
further in adopting Verified by Visa.
This requires cardholders to get a special password they use only when
making purchases at specific companies' websites.
Ellen Roseman's column appears Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Email eroseman @

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Does your website need a magic act?

Hello there!  We your Research team at are delighted to share a very strategic article with you today.  One that comes from a very reliable source.  The folks at WebProNews.
This article addresses the need to beef up your website in order to attract more customers.
We hope you find it helpful.
Enjoy your day.
Your Research team.
Does Your
Website Need a Magic Act?
By Jerry Bader (c) 2008 

In preparation for an initial meeting with a new client, we were asked to preview their website to see if we could come-up with some ideas for re-branding the company, and invigorating product sales.
The client was suitably impressed with our thoughts but there was one problem, the product line that we stressed was not the focus of the company. The client explained that despite the fact most of their current website was devoted to a particular product line, it was not the product that differentiated them from the competition, nor was it the product that made them the most money. Once this was explained our entire focus shifted, and we were able to develop a website concept, and webmedia presentation that focused attention where it belonged.

The experience drove home the fact that many websites confuse potential customers by inadvertently leading audiences down the wrong path, hindering profitable sales rather than promoting them.
Pick A Card, Any Card
Most companies sell a variety of products or services, but they are not all created equal, some are more important, and more profitable than others. At the heart of any website design project is the underlying goal of attracting attention, and directing that attention to the product, service, or concept that is being marketed. In that regard, an effective website sales presentation is a lot like a magic act.
The PsyBlog, Understand Your Mind, recently published an article entitled, "Psychology of Magic: 3 Critical Techniques," in which they reported that the Association for Scientific Study of Consciousness held a conference called "The Magic of Consciousness Symposium" where cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists heard an enlightening series of well-known magicians explain the psychology and techniques behind magic acts.
What cognitive scientists have come to realize is that after hundreds of years of experimentation before live audiences, magicians have mastered a series of highly effective cognitive techniques that need to be studied, a realization that should not elude any serious marketing manager, since the essence of any effective sales presentation is cognitive learning, defined by as "the process of being aware, knowing, thinking, learning and judging."
Psychological Mind-bending Techniques
In simple terms, magicians use a series of psychological mind-bending techniques, to convince audiences to believe in something that is simply not possible; so imagine how powerful and persuasive a sales presentation could be by using these same techniques to deliver a presentation where the product or service actually performs as advertised.

We are not talking about cheating people, or misrepresenting products, but rather teaching people the benefits of an offering by focusing attention, sharpening awareness, and altering perception, the three main ingredients in any convincing magic act, and any effective sales presentation.
Focusing Attention, Sharpening Awareness, Altering Perception
The problem of attention is three-fold: people are impatient due to lifestyle demands, socialization, and neural hardwiring. Business pressure and modern life-styles put a premium on the amount of time people will invest in learning what you have to say.
Web audiences have been raised on quick-cut music videos, action movies and video games, and as a result are socialized at an early age to make snap-decisions on minimum input.
At the same time our brains employ a hardwired, leap-of-logic, pattern recognition survival mechanism that induces quick decisions on what is important and what is seemingly irrelevant.
With an audience predisposed to hair-trigger decision-making, the ability to attract, hold, and direct attention is vital to effective Web presentation, a skill-set refined by magicians over years of practice.
One of the three techniques mentioned in the article "Psychology of Magic: 3 Critical Techniques" is 'psychological misdirection, a technique illustrated in an illusion called the 'vanishing ball trick,' performed by Dr. Gustav Kuhn of York University.
The 'Vanishing Ball Trick'
A ball is tossed into the air and caught with one hand while the magician follows the flight of the ball with his eyes. The movement is repeated several times establishing the trajectory of the ball, then on the final toss the magician doesn't let go of the ball but repeats the same arm motion and eye movement, following the imagined flight of the non existent ball. What the brain registers is the ball disappearing in mid flight.
Evidently there is a tenth of a second delay between what the eye physically sees and what the brain registers. This could be a fatal human flaw if what is in front of us is a hungry tiger rather than a magician. That tenth of a second lag could mean the difference between life and death.
As a consequence the brain has developed a sophisticated pattern recognition process that fills in the blanks. We recognize a series of events and leap to the conclusion that something is going to happen. In this case that something is the flight of a ball, a cognitive pattern established by the magicians repetitive arm and eye movements.
Sales Presentations Are Exercises In Teaching New Behaviors
A sales presentation is nothing more than an effort to teach an audience a new learned behavior - buying the product, service or concept being presented. This can only be achieved if a presentation focuses viewer attention on a single concept, and repeats that concept so that it becomes a recognized pattern.
A sale's audience like a magician's audience must be sold on the presentation. Each audience starts off being both cynical and resistant, but a good magician like a good salesman will repeat the presentation several times, each time varying it slightly in order to overcome each potential objection, what magicians call 'closing the doors' and what advertisers call a marketing campaign.
The ad nauseam repetition of television commercials is nothing more than an attempt to teach the viewing audience a new set of behaviors, so that they will recognize the pattern and respond in the right circumstances - we are all network television's version of Pavlov's dogs.
Entertaining Clients is Serious Business
The best commercials are the ones that are based on a thematic series (the Mac commercials are a great example), with each spot over-coming a single objection, ultimately teaching the audience a new learned purchasing behavior. Your website is your communication channel, capable of delivering programming content that alters behavior, and forms new purchasing patterns.
The trick is to keep your audience interested long enough to establish the new intended pattern of behavior. Business owners have to get past the notion that entertaining presentations are somehow non-functional. Entertaining clients is serious business.
Website presentations must attract, focus, and hold viewer attention by delivering an entertaining series of performances that establish patterns of behavior by clever repetition that overcome objections using verbal and visual repetition.
The psychological principles employed by magicians are very similar to the ones used in effective sales presentations. The Internet is capable of delivering the kind of compelling video and audio webmedia that changes audience behavior and purchasing patterns. Business must get rid of the digital flip charts and start communicating effective, meaningful presentations that deliver magical results.

About The Author
Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit, and Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Internet Marketing Tips - Product Translation

Internet Marketing Tips - Product Translation


This is one area where so many companies that do business internationally fail to pay sufficient attention and often time it is one of the reasons why so many of them fail to attract consumers.  In addition, by the time they realize what is happening, it is a bit too late.


The one important thing that companies doing business internationally need to keep in mind is this:  Almost every consumer would prefer to receive a purchased product in their language.  When you produce a product in English and then try selling it in Europe for example, it tends not to do as well if you do not take the time to have it translated into the language of the country where you are selling it.  This is a very huge problem for Internet marketers especially so when it comes to translation from English to another language.


I would like to close by giving you a reference to investigate.

Internet Marketing Tips - Product Translation

By admin

One of the biggest things that most Internet marketers overlook is product translation from one language, usually English, to another language or languages. It is normal for most people, especially those who live in the United States, ...

Steve Wagenheim Home Business Blog – 



If you require translation services then please visit, a subsidiary of

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)

Monday, January 26, 2009

How to use the recession

Good morning!  We your Business team at would like to share an article with you.  One that you may want to pay particular attention to in light of our present economic crisis.
Our economic woes are not going to go away any time soon so we might as well get used to it.  The following article has some very interesting insights as to how you can use this present economic crisis to your advantage.
Courtesy of Gryphon Financial.
We wish you a great day.
Your Business team
How to Use the RECESSION
to turn $1 into $80
Did you know that it is a lie that recessions are bad news for stocks?
Did you know, that when the shares get smaller, the best companies grab more of it? And investors are rewarded for their aggression with higher stock prices.
Guess what? It is happening RIGHT NOW!
I'm Marcus Thorne and I am telling you today the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about recession and how you can cash in RIGHT NOW.
Use the bad times to turn $10 into $80.
Listen, no one else is telling you this kind of thing, listen carefully.
LIE #1: Recessions Create Bear Markets
There has been 11 past recessions; the S&P has posted an approximate average of 12% annual return. That is more than the market has returned in times of profitable expansion.
Why, you ask?
Because markets are moved by investor psychology and mentality, and economies are moved by hard core fact and fundamentals. So a bear market can happen in the best of economic times- case in point 1997's bear market.
Bear markets often rally by 30% or even more simply because investors expectations are altered uphill after all hope has been given up.
Isn't that the situation today?
LIE #2: Small Stocks Get Bashed By Recessions
Remember when the tech bubble burst? Qualcomm crashed and burned. The $100 stock quickly became a $12 nightmare.
Qualcomm was still small enough to regroup. It rethought its business plan, left hardware and built an academic asset portfolio. Now it allows others to drape synthetics around their suggestions.

Qualcomm is worth $30 today.
There are many "Qualcomms" in today's market. I'll tell you about a few in a minute. But what you need to know is if you had invested that $10 in this "broken" tech stock is worth $80 right now. WHY? Because bad times forced Qualcomm to change their game plan.
LIE #3: The Big Guys Ride the Recession Storm Best
Listen the big Stocks can scale back, close divisions, merge, and fasten their sails for a long bumpy ride.
Change a business plan? Almost unheard of - no?
Beside those few giants that are too huge to fall are all the others, too large to thrive. Let's not forget about the dreaded credit they need to fund pensions, pay bonuses, pay the rent, cover obligations and appease unions. Currently, you would have to pay out 6%, 13%, even 21% to fund big, complicated long-term obligations.
No one and I mean no one can survive, never mind flourish paying 21% interest rates on new loans!
Now do you see why BIG STOCKS may be a recession trap?
LIE #4: Everyone Does Much Worse During a Recession
Consumer spending changes, absolutely. Walmart thrives, Tiffany dies.
But did you consider consumers spend more on isolation. They may spend more upgrading their work skills, they spend more on so-called discounted clothing, and they spend more on low-priced entertainment.
For example, straight from Emerging Growth:
Strayer Education
Urban Outfitters
LIE #5: Hibernation Is The Rule Of Thumb For Recession
So you are ducking and covering, going into hibernation for the long haul? Probably the worst thing you could possibly do. If you sit around and wait until the next train comes into the station, it just might leave without you.
Things will absolutely get better - but they won't get better for you.
In the past 11 recessions the S&P has increased over 32% in the 1 year that followed the low, however most investors miss out on the profits because they wait to jump in when the risk gets higher.
Consider this... The 32% S&P gain was dwarfed by the growth of littler stocks. Check out the profits made early after the last recovery:
WIRELESS TELECOMM                    1704% PROFIT
LA GEAR                                             819%   PROFIT
ROSS COSMETICS                             503%   PROFIT
THREE FIVE SYSTEMS                       656%   PROFIT
SCI-MED LIFE                                     781%   PROFIT
Did you hear the big myth that the United States has lost its way and have now allowed greed and envy take over their conscience? So we are deep troubled and for this we must be punished, we must pay! Oh Please...
During the tech bust of 2002 headlines read "The Path To Disillusionment" and there were stocks like Jo-Ann Stores that tripled, and Sierra Health soared over 140% and Pinnacle Entertainment nearly doubled...we would know because Gryphon Financial and The Wharton Insider investors had those positions.
Listen up guys....the U.S. is still a major player in innovation. And for every mistake we make like an AIG, there are 20 more game changing, capitalist, innovating successes, here's a few like...
Jos. A. Banks
Fuel Systems
And you'll find so many more on GYRPHON FINANCIAL and The WHARTON INSIDER'S buy lists, access here.
Here's Your New Beginning: START HERE
Here's Your First Buy
Want proof to what I am saying is true? Fuel Systems - the sales are up over 60%, earnings went from low to highs of over $18 Million. The forecast - sunny and bright and the stock flew up 45% in hours! Watch the panic this week and I am not just talking about Fuel Sytems.
Modify or Perish
Obama is mandating - the effects are already being seen - the main concerns have changed
25% Renewable electricity resources by 2025
Energy efficiency improvements by 50%
Major profit taxes on Gas Companies
NO funding on gas and oil exploration
Suntech jumped 69%, Sunpower 51% and Canadian Solar 59% just in anticipation of Obama.
But let us not forget, as big as Solar energy is the priority changed to energy storage technology...
Or formally known as batteries.
It's a-once-in-a- Lifetime Thing
So you see my friends, a $20 Billion business is going to dive into being a $100 Billion business. Think about it. This IPO for a battery company called A123 Systems has a arrangement going with Mercedes Benz to get them "electric."
Check this out... Solar is valued at about 6 times sales right now, rechargeables right now are valued at $.25 times sales!
This is an incredible time to buy and an incredible opportunity that Gryphon Financial and The Wharton Insider has uncovered...This is a fast five finger discount in this neighborhood.
DON'T WAIT, you only have a FEW DAYS to cover this position!
Start here.
Do you know why I am telling you about this tremendous offer? Not because it will hand you 25%, 55% or even 100% profit but because Gryphon Financial and The Wharton Insider are the biggest bargain hunters on Wall Street. We're the guys that are hated the most, because we're the guys that know the most and make the most.
With companies like this, you name your tickets to the trip of a lifetime, college funds for the kids, that boat you've been dreaming about - sky's the limit!
Recession's Earliest Champion
This is it guys. We're on the brink of new times. There was an Old Market, an Old Economic Structure, and Old Government and Old Priorities that are all going away.
In a matter of weeks, years of one prototype are being canned and will be replaced by the new. Gryphon is committed to ensuring their investors settle in and profit in these new times.
That's why I want you to stock up on all that we have to offer here at Gryphon Financial in conjunction with The Wharton Insider, by taking on our recommendations early.
There is only one place you will find the right opportunities at the right time...
Join us today and start making money from our can't miss opportunities.
Profit today from this recession.
The 4 reports that are SURE to
Beat the Recession Heat
Listen everything is changing quickly. Everything is changing fundamentally. Wall Street, Washington and Main Street are in the middle of a crazy destructive time. Nothing will ever be what it was ever again. So, What happens next?
Bonds are the safest way on the planet to invest right now and for many years to come. Expose yourself to the most reliable and certain investment possibility out there. We call it Bond Fundamentals from our own Bond Authority. A $29.99 value included here for FREE.
For investors who know that China and the other emerging markets are where it's at right now and for the next 15 years, this must read 6 Strongest Buy opportunities in China is bursting with recommendations and must know market information. A $188.00 value included here for FREE.
The miraculous prescription for the top dividend stock investments to help you bail out of any recession. Included are over 10 stock dividend recommendations to get you over the hurdle of 2008 and into a winning 2009. A $99.00 value included here for FREE.
Wharton's most talked about and sought after book in 2008 sets you up for 2009 and 2010. Having the right approach and tools are key to your financial success. Find out the secret plays from some of Gryphon Financials top "10" traders. This e-book is bursting with recommendations, and must needed information to help you build your portfolio for the next 2 years. A $300.00 value included here for FREE.
Get all 4 Reports for $150.00 - that's a savings of $466.99
Yes, you heard me right, 3 reports and 1 e-book that regulary costs over $600.00 is being offered to you for this one time - TODAY ONLY - for $150.00.
For today only I am offering you this for only $150.00. Only a few investors will be able to take advantage of this spectacular limited time offer. Hurry before you miss this one. Begin here.
So I hope that you see, I am consuming all the risk for you. If you choose not to take on this offer that is jammed packed with over 40 recommendations and new era information to keep your portfolio safe, don't blame me for your 2009 losses --- I tried.
This is a never before offered, once-in-a-lifetime deal.
You don't have much time to prepare for the new era coming your way. Don't put this off! It could cost you a lot more than $150.00.
Let's get started 2009 is right around the corner!
Jeanne Grecco
Jeanne Grecco, Editor
Gryphon Financial and The Wharton Insider
America's #1 Financial Newsletter 10 years in a row!
P.S. THIS OFFER IS FOR TODAY AND TODAY ONLY! Recession is a great time to make money in emerging markets, bonds, dividends and small stocks. START NOW.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.



Saturday, January 24, 2009

The most seasoned job hunters

The most seasoned job hunters
Can you guess who they are?  No, not single parents, nor retirees, nor seniors!  No, not college students, nor housewives!  You got it!  The most seasoned job hunters are special needs persons and within this large group blind and visually impaired persons are definitely the most seasoned job hunters of them all!
The argument can be easily made that the other groups that I have mentioned have all had and continue to have their job hunting woes but when it comes to the blind and visually impaired?  Well, that's another story.  Good times, bad times, the blind and visually impaired remain the most seasoned job hunters of them all.  It does not really matter.  With a global figure of about 80% of unemployment, or under employment among blind and visually impaired persons, what can one expect!  This daunting statistic continues to plague our community in a very big way and no one seems to be able to tackle it in a proactive way.
Blind and visually impaired persons continue to knock on doors, send out resumes, and push hard to be noticed in the workplace but with this present economic crisis I am afraid that we will continue to keep our reputations as the most seasoned job hunters.  Maybe we ought to do is to consider writing a book on how to job hunt in both good and bad times.  The thing is this:  We can take heart that not being able to become successful job hunters is not our fault.  You can probably come up with some very good reasons as to why.
I'm Donna J Jodhan your access and accessibility consultant wishing
you a terrific day.
To reach me please send an email to and I would also be delighted to send you a copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chipping away at credit card security; New plastic may shift unauthorized-transaction liabilities to the holder

Hello there!  We the accessibility team at would like you to give some thought to how secure is your credit card.  How secure is your info on your card?  Great concern for all of these days and this article delivers some very important info.
Please take a few minutes to read.
Have a great day
Your Accessibility team
    Chipping away at credit card security; New plastic may shift
unauthorized-transaction liabilities to the holder
 Ellen Roseman
The Toronto Star , Nov. 2, 2008
If you ask Stephen Harding about his new chip-enabled CIBC Aerogold Infinite
Visa card, he has mixed reviews.
Many retailers don't know about the change in technology, he says.
He was in a restaurant that had no remote wireless terminals to bring to his
table. He had to stand behind the bar, trying to make his card work at a
hard- wired terminal.
"The transaction failed and I used my MasterCard instead," he says.
Harding is not alone. Some consumers are struggling to use the new credit
cards, which are just starting to arrive in the mail, with the new payment
This major change will affect millions of cardholders over the next few
years. It's designed to combat fraud, a problem that financial institutions
keep under wraps.
Soon, you'll have an embedded computer chip in your card that is virtually
impossible to duplicate. The chip works with a personal identification
number used to verify the transaction.
After a one-year pilot program in Kitchener and Waterloo, 88 per cent of
consumers surveyed said the new chip cards were as easy to use as older
cards with a magnetic stripe.
Meanwhile, 75 per cent of front-line merchants said processing chip card
transactions was as easy as processing magnetic stripe transactions.
Glitches and goofs can be expected in a transition. But there's a bigger
issue, arising from the use of PIN verification.
Will cardholders still have a guarantee of zero liability for unauthorized
Or will financial institutions treat credit card fraud as they treat debit
card fraud, applying harsh penalties to those considered to have abused
their PINs?
In recent months, major banks have sent new terms and conditions to credit
cardholders. They seem to be reneging on the zero liability guarantee.
If you don't safeguard your personal identification number and someone makes
a PIN-based transaction on your Visa account, you will be "liable for those
transactions and interest, fees and losses incurred," says CIBC Visa.
However, if there was nothing you "reasonably could have done to prevent the
PIN's use," you are not responsible for those transactions.
TD Visa says you're responsible for the full amount of all unauthorized
activity that occurs "if your PIN, password or card may have become known to
an unauthorized person."
TD says you must treat your cards and passwords safely, which includes
ensuring that each PIN is unique. If all the plastic cards in your wallet
need different numbers, you may find it hard to manage without breaking the
Chances are you will write down your PINs on a piece of paper. Or you will
use easily remembered PINs, such as birthdays, telephone numbers or
"These coping strategies may render the customer liable for all losses due
to unauthorized transactions," says Doug Melville, deputy ombudsman at the
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI).
"This is especially challenging for an aging population or those with memory
deficits to cope with."
Melville foresees a dramatic increase in the number of complaints about not
being compensated for credit card fraud.
Financial institutions will say customers failed to take care of their PINs
without having to prove negligence. That's how it works with the current
voluntary code of practice for debit cards.
Debit card issuers can decide not to reimburse you for fraud by showing that
"on the balance of probabilities," you contributed to the unauthorized use
of the card.
Next Sunday, we'll continue exploring this potential change in credit card
Ellen Roseman's column appears Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. You can reach
her by writing Business c/o Toronto Star, 1 Yonge St., Toronto
M5E 1E6; by phone at               
by fax at 416-865-3630; or at
eroseman @ by email.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Does Google have a golden rule?

Good morning!  We the research team at wish you a very pleasant day and today, we would like to pique your interest with a very insightful article.
Taken from a very well-known source, this article centers attention on Google.  Please read on.
We wish you all the joys of this day.
Your research team
Does Google
Have A Golden Rule?
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008 

As a full-time webmaster and site owner, figuring out just what Google wants has been the most challenging aspect of running an online business. For many webmasters Google is the eight ton elephant in the room and you only have two options: upset the elephant and get trampled or quickly find out what it likes to consume and try to feed it.
In order to keep Google fed, webmasters have to jump through more than one set of hoops. When it comes to getting top rankings in Google's Index or SERPs, there are 200 of these hoops or ranking factors. And if you want to play in Google's ballpark, you have to try and master the majority of them.

For years, frustrated webmasters have been guessing and searching for these ranking factors. Asking what does Google want? How does Google rank pages and keywords? How does Google want you to build your site?
Ten years ago it wouldn't have mattered what Google thought of your site for it wasn't even in the picture, but now when it comes to online search, Google is king of the hill. And as we all know, kings get whatever they want.
Besides, any webmaster worth his salt, knows Google is what counts when it comes to organic traffic - you can achieve #1 spots for a keyword in all three top search engines (Yahoo and MSN being the other two light-weight contenders) but Google will simply deliver the most traffic to your site.
Google doesn't as yet have a monopoly on web search, but it's getting close to 70% of U.S. traffic and in some countries it's up over 90%. But it's not only the search numbers which makes Google king - it is the prestige and power of the Google brand name. Google has truly permeated into popular culture and the public psyche like no other brand name in history.
Google brings respect and trust into the equation. Web users respect and trust Google to give them a quality answer to their question. That's why it was rather ironic, that for years webmasters have been asking Google about their ranking system, their algorithm, their practices... for years Google remained for the most part silent. This was mainly to keep at bay, those who would like to "game" the system in order to get high rankings within Google.
Until now that is, maybe it's just me but doesn't it appear that Google is suddenly opening up about its whole ranking procedures and what they expect from webmasters. Maybe the answers have always been there, we just couldn't find them. However, a more likely scenario is that someone high up within Google made the decision to be more transparent when it comes to webmasters and how much they would tell them.

In recent Webmaster live chats, Googlers Matt Cutts, Maile Ohye, among others... have been honestly answering questions about what Google requires webmasters to do regarding their sites. These are Q&A sessions dealing with the "burning questions" webmasters have had for years concerning Google and what Google wants. Do a search in Google for "Google Webmaster Help | Google Groups" if you want to find these sessions.
Since I run several modest sites on webmaster tools and Internet marketing I am approached by more than a few people who want me to help them build their online site or business. One of the major issues that always comes up somewhere in the process (usually phrased in different ways) is this question:
What does Google want? What does Google expect of my site? How do I get ranked high in Google?
Mainly because my chief goal is to help these webmasters understand Google better in order to build a profitable site; I have struggled and puzzled over this question for years.
What is Google's Golden Rule?
Many experts believe it is related to relevancy - the key to getting high rankings is how relevant your content is to the question being asked? Maybe so, but in order to explain it to a would-be webmaster, I had to find the words that would most appropriately sum up Google's prime directive?
After you go through all the SEO checkmarks, take into account the quality and uniqueness of your content, factor in the credibility and authority of your site and backlinks, and factor in the relevancy issue... this was the simple Google Golden Rule I came up with:
"Always think of your visitor first when creating any content for your site."
This may or may not be what Google is expecting but all indications are pointing in the direction of the "visitor's experience" and how good you or your content make that experience? Google is serving up a product, it wants the user of their product to be happy with the results. If they're happy, Google is happy. And if everyone's happy then the kingdom grows.
Still anything as simple and as complicated as getting top rankings in Google can't be boiled down to a single catch phrase. You must do your homework and a good starting point would be to thoroughly read Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Studying and listening to the latest Google webmaster chats may also prove beneficial and helpful.
However, there are still those 200 hoops you have to jump through and you must be extremely careful of how you build your site if you're trying to please Google. Listen when the king speaks. Observe his rules. Be on your guard, and it helps to become just a little paranoid. And always, always remember, an elephant never forgets.

About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: . If you liked the SEO tips above, why not try the Free 7 Day Traffic course.
2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to attract non-English speaking customers to your business

Top of the day to you!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan, president of

Today, I would like to focus on how you can attract many more non-English speaking clients to your business.



How to attract non English-speaking customers to your business


Today, I have a very practical and logical formula when it comes to offering you some words of wisdom on how to attract more non English-speaking consumers to your business.  Believe it or not, you can gain many new consumers if you are able to offer service in their first language and nothing is better than someone being able to phone a company and receive service in their first language.  It can sure go a long way to helping you to procure new and loyal customers.


First, your website:  If you are offering services and products to consumers of different languages, then you should take the time to develop your website in alternate languages.  Make sure that your website is appropriately and correctly translated using the correct terms and words of the given region, city, or country.  Example, use South American Spanish when providing a website to South American consumers and Parisian French when dealing with consumers from France.


Second, your customer phone service:  Make sure that if you plan to offer your customer phone service in certain languages that you are indeed able to do so.  If you offer your service in Spanish for example, make sure that your call takers can converse smoothly in Spanish.  Similarly, if you offer service in English, please make sure that your call takers are fully able to understand and converse in fluent English.  Nothing could be worse if a company says that it offers service in a certain language but when the consumer phones they find themselves speaking to someone whose mother tongue is not the language that they are attempting to converse in.  In other words:  If a consumer phones up and requests service in Spanish but instead of being serviced by a Spanish-speaking customer rep, they find themselves having to converse with someone whose second language is Spanish.  Not very good.  The ideal situation would be for a company to provide bilingual or multi lingual reps who can converse fluently in the requested language.


Finally, make sure that when you send out emails, faxes, and letters in a requested language, they are appropriately and correctly written in the requested language.  All points for you to ponder.



If you require translation services then please visit, a subsidiary of

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)

Monday, January 19, 2009

What is everyone doing?

Hello there!  We the business team at are delighted to share a very relevant article with you to start the week.
This is taken from a very reliable source and gives the reader a very realistic and dated picture.
We wish you a great day.
Your Business team
What is everyone doing?
Market Trends November 2008
Following the trend is a proven way to beat the market and grow your stock portfolio. Learn to invest using basic technical analysis that provides the tools to identify and follow the trends of the market using the S&P 500.
It is best to begin with the big picture in mind and then work our way down to weekly and then daily views of the charts. You will notice that the chart and the value of the indicators change as we move from a monthly to a weekly and then a daily chart. This is a normal part of the technical analysis.
Let's start with the long term view of the S&P 500. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a good indicator of the cyclical bull and bear markets. In addition, the 78-week Exponential Moving Average (EMA) acts as support in a bull market and resistance in a bear market.
In January, we fell into a bear market as the RSI dropped below 50. The index fell through the rising trend line and the 78-week exponential moving average and MACD crossed below zero. This is consistent with the fundamentals of a weakening economy, and a recession. It is best to remain nimble during times like this.
In the turmoil of September and October, the S&P 500 fell through the support levels, which were indicators of further weakness. Now the index testing the 800 area, the low reached in 2002 and 2003.
The MACD is trending down, though it is at a low point where it normally turns up. The Slow Stochastic is trying to turn up through 20, an early buy signal.
The 78-week exponential moving average and the bear market down trend remain as key resistance for the bear market.

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According to CBS Market Watch, "This is not just an R&D lab experiment... You can play this one with confidence." TARGET  the retail giant made a big move with this new comer. Last Christmas they became their first big customer. They began using their 100% biodegradable materials for their greeting card line. Could this be the next big thing? Their materials are far more versatile, flexible, have greater strength, it's cost effective to produce-compared to its competitors. The material will reduce chemicals in waste streams by 80%, it gives off 66% less greenhouse gases. The material  will help clean our oceans, preserve our forests, clear our skies, and keep our land greener. There is no need for oil in its production, except for transport, and it promises to bring prices of appliances, technical gadgets, toys and cars down, not to mention toilet seats and Tupperware! I believe this raw material may be the NEXT BIG THING! MAYBE THE COMPANY TOO! The company has gone public about a year and a half ago, and they have acquired other technologies since, including MONSANTO and have ties with Archer Daniels Midland who are actually producing bioplastics.
Metabolix (MBLX) founded with MIT Technology in 1993, their main product line is called MIREL and it is made from polymers generated by  genetically engineered microbes and plants.
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"Green Plastics are outstanding growth potential industries-especially when oil and plastics lead so high financially and environmentally."


The weekly S&P 500 shows more closely the transition from a bull to a bear market. So far, the descending trend line and the 50-week moving average are the primary resistance for this bear market.
In late September and October support at 1230 and 1170 failed, indicating further weakness was ahead. The index is now creating new three-year lows where it could be forming a new support level at 850.
RSI below 50 indicates a downtrend. MACD is at a low point and is poised to turn up. When it rises through the 9-week moving average, we will have a buy sign. Slow Stochastic rose through 20 and then fell back. It once again is trying to rise through 20, which is an early buy sign.
Long term the trend is still down, but we are likely to see consolidation at this level and possibly a rally up to resistance at the 1200 area.

    He's 14 for 15 with an average gain of 85.5%

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Dear Investor,
"He's got to be NUTS."
Sitting, starring out the window aside my desk on Wall Street with a blank gaze, I tried to catch up with my own thoughts.
"Why would he - at the same time - advise long and short pays on cement?"
"He knows I think he's crazy. He's probably happy that I think that."
Want to know something about those "insane" trades? They were gigantic winners- each and every one!
75% when he went short on cement
56% when he went long on cement
82% by recommending short on energy
94% by recommending a long play on energy
I guess he's not so NUTS after all...
He's gotta be the best damn trader on Wall Street today. And his last 12 closed positions have all been winners.
To add to what I just mentioned, he cashed in on 142%, 400%, 110%, 102%... and an embarrassing 16%, which I'll go into in a second.
Even though he appears to be "off his rocker" most days, this guy makes profitable gains from this volatile market...look to good to be true? But when he next requested this "out of left field" suggestion to me, I've got to tell you it's almost too crazy to entertain...
Check this out...


In the daily S&P 500 chart below a horizontal channel is forming with support at 850 and resistance at 1,000. This is a good sign that the market is forming a base from which it can rally.
However, it can also fall further.
RSI is below 50 indicating a downtrend, though it is close to breaking up through 50. The MACD rose up through the 9-day moving average, a buy sign. The Slow Stochastic signaled a buy when it moved up through 20 once again. The indicators are giving a buy sign, indicating a rally is most likely.
Look for a break through the 1,000 level as a sign the market will go higher. If that happens it would indicate a year end rally is underway that often takes place in November and even December. We could also see a pull back from the 1,000 level before making a push up through this resistance level. If this happens, use the dip in price as a buying opportunity.
Should we get a move up, look for resistance at the lower descending trend line and the 50 simple moving average. If the rally pushes through this level, the 200 simple and exponential moving averages will provide significant resistance. The upper descending trend line will also provide strong resistance.
In bear markets, it is best to be nimble and/or use risk protection such as trailing stops, protective put options and even covered call options. On a sign the market is reaching unable to penetrate resistance, you might consider using the short and ultra short ETFs.
Given this perspective, it is important to have your portfolio positioned for a short-term rally and a long-term bear market. This means investors should assess their long positions to see if they are ready for a multi week to multi month rally. Then once the rally is over, they need to be ready to short the market, as we will likely see a test of the recent lows.
When the market falls during a bear market, you should either be in cash or be short. The short and ultra short ETFs are good ways to short the market without having to depend on selecting specific stocks.
While it is tempting to buy when the market falls, it is a better strategy to be sure the market has formed a base. Most likely the prices of many companies will be even lower. Just keep in mind, Warren Buffett's first rule of investing is to not loose money. Patience is key, when markets are moving down.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Depression more common among diabetes patients

Hello there!  We your accessibility team at would like to share an article that shines the light on those afflicted with diabetes.  We hope you find it of value.
Have a pleasant day.
YOur accessibility team.
Depression more common among diabetes patients; Poor mental state worsens
complications of disease
Iris Winston 
Ottawa Citizen , Nov. 25, 2008
Diabetes and depression often go hand in hand.
Mary Baker was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1998 and, while managing
her condition and its complications, she has also had to cope with periods
of depression.
"I am depressed," says the 77-year-old Almonte, Ont. resident, "and I get
more depressed when my diabetes is out of whack. But I don't know if that is
because of the diabetes or because of my personal circumstances."
"It's something of a chicken-and-egg issue of which comes first," says Jeff
Johnson, Canada research chair at the University of Alberta School of Public
Health, who has studied the connection between diabetes and depression for a
number of years.
"We have found depression to be about twice as common in people with
diabetes and people with diabetes are at increased risk of depression,
particularly after accumulating long-term complications."
The results of a study by Mr. Johnson and fellow researchers published in
the journal Diabetes Care notes that people newly diagnosed with type 2
diabetes are 30 per cent more likely to have had a previous history of
depression than those without diabetes.
"Depression is often overlooked in people with chronic medical conditions,"
Mr. Johnson says.
"We have found that depression, because of its effects on people's
lifestyles -- they become sedentary and have poor dietary habits --
increases their risk of developing diabetes.
"Also, having diabetes and needing long-term medication can lead to
depression. It can go in either direction."
Dr. Barry Simon, psychiatric consultant at the Leadership Sinai Centre for
Diabetes at the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, says depression puts a
strain on the whole body.
"Diabetes is worsened by sleep disorders and by a lot of things that are
stress-related. Certainly, a person who has type 2 diabetes is much more
prone to depression and anxiety."
Treating depression should go hand in hand with balancing glucose levels and
seeking aggressive reduction of cholesterol levels in diabetes treatment,
says Dr. Simon.
"You want to bring down cholesterol and bring down blood pressure and I
would add that you want to bring down the depression.
"You want to improve the mood of people with diabetes, because there is some
indication that when someone with type 2 diabetes is depressed, their
chances of having a heart attack goes up one or twofold. It's another risk
"Both conditions -- diabetes and depression -- put people at an increased
risk of bad outcomes," says Mr. Johnson. "Together they are a double
His research, which included 32,000 case studies of patients in
Saskatchewan, found that people who have the combination of type 2 diabetes
and minor depression have a 67 per cent greater risk of dying, while people
with both diabetes and major depression have a 130 per cent greater chance
of dying, compared to those who have type 2 diabetes alone.
Possible reasons for the higher fatality rates include changes in lifestyle
and side effects of some of the medications used to treat depression, says
Mr. Johnson.

- - - Diabetes Facts
- More than 250 million people around the world have diabetes.
- Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults, and the
leading cause of kidney failure and of non-traumatic amputations.
- Individuals with diabetes also have two to four times more heart disease,
including heart attacks and strokes. It is estimated that heart disease
occurs 10 to 12 years earlier in someone with diabetes than in non-diabetic
- Diabetes can be associated with a number of mood disorders, including
depression and anxiety.
- To prevent complications, it is important to target appropriate glucose,
blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Source: Dr. Vincent Woo of the Canadian Diabetes Association

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Upgrading your company's website

Hello there!  We the research team at are delighted to present you with a very inspiring article today.  One that has been taken from a most reliable source. 
We hope that you can use it to get ahead of the competition.
Enjoy your day.
Your research team.
Upgrading Your Company Website
By Jerry Bader (c) 2008 

Dealing with website development issues can be an overwhelming task. There are many things your marketing team must consider, in fact, there are so many things to bear in mind that many of the most important ones never get dealt with, or are buried under competing interests.
To avoid project paralysis you should focus on certain key areas of concern from which all other issues flow. Whether upgrading your existing website or developing a new webmedia initiative from scratch, consider these four vital questions that need to be answered:
1. What content should be included?
2. How should content be delivered?
3. How is your website going to be marketed?
4. What will visitors remember?

What Content Should Be Included?
Content is a function of purpose. Unfortunately many websites don't have a clearly thought-out realistic purpose; and orders alone, is not an adequate website objective. Obviously every company needs sales, that's a given, but sales are a result of all the marketing elements you put in place, and the degree to which your presentation distinguishes you from your competition.
There is a prevailing view that traffic translates into sales; this viewpoint may be valid for websites whose economic model is commodity or advertising-based, but businesses that don't compete on price alone, or are more than an excuse to deliver advertising, must be structured around a purpose that is more meaningful, and far more compelling than 'give me an order or don't bother me.'
An over-emphasis on search engine friendly site design ignores the fact that when someone does a search for what you do, they'll not only find you, they'll also find many of your competitors as well. And even if you appear first in the search, nothing will stop potential clients from clicking on any of the other organic or advertised listings, or even the numerous Adword links on the side of the page.
The biggest website design problem companies have is not the amount of traffic generated from search engines, but rather how visitors react to your content. Are visitors engaged, enlightened, and entertained so that they stay on your site long enough to get your marketing message, and is that message compelling enough for them to remember it?
There are many misconceptions about advertising content, one of the biggest is that people hate it, but the truth is, what people hate is bad ad content; qualified clients actually look forward to good advertising because it presents a relevant problem, and provides a believable solution, in a distinctive memorable presentation.
If your content doesn't engage your audience with a persuasive, memorable presentation then you'll never achieve whatever website marketing goals you've set.

How Should Content Be Delivered?
We know the vast majority of people don't like to read text on a computer screen, so they scan for relevant information concentrating on bulleted points, captions, and headlines, but does that truncated information really get your message across? Website text is really designed for search engine spiders, which is fine, but how about paying a little attention to people and how they absorb and remember information?
We also know people are impatient and are ready to abandon your website with the click of mouse, often in mid sentence before they ever get to the point you are trying to make. Your clients are sophisticated media consumers raised on video games and television, and are used to making quick decisions on limited information; this kind of leap-of-logic protocol demands a clever focused presentation.
Your audience will be gone in seconds no matter how convincing you think your content is, if it is not presented in a media-savvy manner that holds viewer attention, otherwise your website is nothing more than a glorified Yellow Page ad.
Audio and video has the potential to deliver information in a form and format that attracts and holds viewer interest while it makes a memorable impression. But even audio and video will fail if it is badly conceived, poorly written, and amateurishly performed.
How Is Your Website Going To Be Marketed?
Everyone is concerned with traffic and how to drive it to their websites. Search engine optimization is only one marketing technique, and it's one that ignores the impact of content on your audience in favor of attracting the attention of search engine robots. By all means, build search engine friendly elements into your site but don't ignore people-friendly elements as well.
Having text-based articles on your site is an excellent way to provide search friendly information, but presenting that same information as a professionally produced audio option, or a lively video presentation is certainly more memorable.
An entertaining webmedia presentation makes a lasting impression that viewers are more likely to recommend to colleagues, thereby increasing your traffic and reputation. Word-of-mouth is the best way to generate qualified traffic, and the best way to generate interest in your site is to make your site's presentation a rewarding experience.
What Will Visitors Remember?
In a brick-and-mortar environment, visitors are more likely to make a decision to purchase on the spot, simply to avoid driving halfway across town to save a few dollars, but on the Web jumping from New York to California is as easy as the click of a mouse. People are just more likely to shop-around because it's so easy.
Of course what people think they want is the lowest príce, but providing the lowest príce only attracts the least profitable buyers and ignores the biggest obstacle website businesses need to overcome, and that's credibility. Who are you, and can you be trusted? And after visiting ten different websites all selling the same thing, can they even remember who you are?
Your presentation has to be memorable and establish credibility so that when all the searching and browsing is finished, your site is the one they remember and go back to; your site must be the one visitors can trust to deliver what's promised.
How to Hire A Web Video Firm
The ability to produce an effective video or audio presentation requires more than the possession of some cool hardware and software. Owning an expensive camera doesn't make you a producer, and even the technical ability to edit doesn't qualify you as a commercial marketing expert. When the time comes to hire someone to add video and/or audio to your website what should you be looking for? Below are eight things you should consider when hiring someone to create webmedia.
1. Can the webmedia provider deliver a turnkey solution from concept to implementation, or do you have to act as a producer yourself hiring different people with different skills complicating the project and creating both technical and conceptual implementation problems?
2. Can the webmedia provider produce everything from scripts to custom music in-house, or do they have to farm-out some of the work increasing costs?
3. Does the webmedia provider understand how to use verbal and visual performance to create a convincing, memorable presentation, or do they substitute expensive production techniques for cost-effective psychological persuasion?
4. Does the webmedia provider just shoot video, or do they have the ability to analyze your offering and purpose, and focus it into a consistent, meaningful, branded presentation?
5. Does the webmedia provider have the ability to think strategically as well as tactically? Can they implement and repurpose your investment into your existing website, create a targeted mini campaign site, and provide alternative versions ready for ad implementation?
6. Does the webmedia provider have the ability to create lasting campaigns that can be rolled out and built upon, or are they just interested in making a quick buck from a one-off effort? Are they willing and able to be your ongoing webmedia marketing advisor?
7. Does the webmedia provider have the ability to turn advertising into content, and content into an experience, or can they only produce nondescript infomercials?
8. Does the webmedia provider understand business, marketing, branding, and what can and can't be achieved so that you have appropriate achievable expectations?
Commercial presentation production requires a multitude of skills and talents. Big companies solve the problem by hiring advertising agencies that drive the cost of production beyond what most businesses can afford. By understanding what's needed to create an effective webmedia presentation, you can look for a firm that possesses all the necessary talents in-house; an approach that keeps costs down, while producing an exciting Web video campaign that achieves corporate marketing objectives.

About The Author
Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video. Visit, and Contact at or telephone (905) 764-1246.
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