The most seasoned job hunters
Can you guess who they are? No, not single parents, nor retirees, nor seniors! No, not college students, nor housewives! You got it! The most seasoned job hunters are special needs persons and within this large group blind and visually impaired persons are definitely the most seasoned job hunters of them all!
The argument can be easily made that the other groups that I have mentioned have all had and continue to have their job hunting woes but when it comes to the blind and visually impaired? Well, that's another story. Good times, bad times, the blind and visually impaired remain the most seasoned job hunters of them all. It does not really matter. With a global figure of about 80% of unemployment, or under employment among blind and visually impaired persons, what can one expect! This daunting statistic continues to plague our community in a very big way and no one seems to be able to tackle it in a proactive way.
Blind and visually impaired persons continue to knock on doors, send out resumes, and push hard to be noticed in the workplace but with this present economic crisis I am afraid that we will continue to keep our reputations as the most seasoned job hunters. Maybe we ought to do is to consider writing a book on how to job hunt in both good and bad times. The thing is this: We can take heart that not being able to become successful job hunters is not our fault. You can probably come up with some very good reasons as to why.
you a terrific day.
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October 27, 2020 at 4:13 AM
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