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Friday, April 30, 2010

The fight for independence

Greetings!  I'm Scott Savoy, editor of writing services at  Today, I am pleased to introduce an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan and today Donna talks about the fight for independence as a blind person.
I wish you a great day and first weekend in May. 
The fight for independence
What does this really mean?  In my opinion; it means being able to do as much as I can on my own.  To access information on the Internet with no sighted assistance.  To be able to complete forms online without any assistance.  To be able to read information in alternate formats thus not having to depend on someone else to read it to me.
The right to make my own decisions without having someone else speak on my behalf; be it in the supermarket, in the pharmacy, in the shopping mall, or anywhere else.  My independence would also include not having anyone else speak on my behalf at such places as restaurants, at the bank, or at airports.  No one should be placed in a position to have to speak on my behalf and I should not be subjected to have to put up with clerks and attendants asking my sighted friend or family member something like "What would she like," or "Is she okay," or "Can she sign her credit card bill?"
There is a huge difference between someone wanting to be helpful and someone assuming that a blind person is not independent enough to speak or act for him/herself.  Blame it on society's attitudes or our unwillingness to speak up for ourselves; a bit of both maybe.  We as a community need to speak up and speak out.  We need to fight hard to maintain our independence and we need to do it in an affirmative yet positive way.  No need to snap at those who mean well or those who do not know any better.  We can become teachers of independence to the mainstream world.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Your best American cities

Hello there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan your virtual travel agent and I am here to help you get in the mood for a wonderful trip.
It's time to say goodbye to April and hello to May!  Time for us to get ready for our exciting journey.
We have some very interesting stops on the way today and I hope you enjoy it all.
Have fun folks!

Week of May 01 2010
Your best American cities
1. Gilbert Arizona
If you are seeking a family friendly city where you can raise your family in relative comfort and in green lush surroundings, then you have it all right here in Gilbert Arizona.
Gilbert, home of cowboys, sprawling cattle ranches, upscale shopping, and lush green golf courses, offers lots of art galleries and museums as well.
A city with good job growth and lots of various home styles to choose from; there are quiet residential neighborhoods with a wide range of home styles to choose from.
Modern condos, ranch style homes, and Spanish Casas.
2. Torrance California
If you are seeking a city where you can be you without having to pretend, then Torranceis it.
With a stretch of beautiful beach, tree lined streets, and sidewalks to please your passion for walking, Torrance offers sunny weather all year round.
With warm temps, a low humidity, and one of America's largest shopping malls to keep you busy, Torrance makes a very desirable home.
There tons of things for you to do and keep busy so that you will never be bored.
3. Lancaster Pennsylvania
Are you seeking a city with some real advantages?
A low cost of living, great educational facilities, and excellent job opportunities?
Well, Lancaster is the place for you.
A city with wonderful shopping; from the up-scale to the unique.  Organic and green products to the luxury items.
A mid sized city that is close to some of America's largest urban centers.
4. Tucson Arizona
Are you looking for a city that presents you with one of the most picturesque sceneries that you could ever imagine?
A city with majestic mountain ranges, green spaces, golf courses, and a ton of trails where you can bike and hike?
Skiing in the bountains, mountain climbing, and one of the best places to shop in the South West?
A Southern charm that you would find hard to top?
You can have it all plus so much more in beautiful Tucson.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan bidding you a happy travel time.
Visit me at if you would like to learn more.
Or send me an email at

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Digitized Content Democratizes Knowledge

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at
Today, I have a great article to share with you; all about the effects of digitized content on our knowledge base.
I hope you enjoy reading it and I wish you a great day.
How Digitized Content Democratizes Knowledge
Analysis: If more people read classics written by geniuses instead of trash written
by self-aggrandizing TV talking heads, how would that change the public discourse?
Mike Elgan
Computerworld, January 01, 2010
I used to own a copy of National Geographic magazine from 1911. It was packed with
black-and-white photographs of "natives" and village ethnic minorities in various
countries posing awkwardly in ceremonial costumes. The issue was part of a larger
collection that included most copies of National Geographic published in the 1960s,
'70s and '80s, and several dozen copies from the 1920s through the 1950s. It took
up two rows on my bookshelf.
I've moved several times since acquiring all of those magazines, which fit neatly
into nine very heavy boxes. Toting them from place to place added to the pain and
expense of moving.
Imagine my surprise this week when I learned that National Geographic is selling
digital versions of every copy of National Geographic published since 1888 on DVD for $70
 . No, there are no typos here. They'll sell you 120 years of brilliant photography, insight and commentary about our world for essentially the price of taking your family to see "Avatar." For $200, they'll even send you
the lot on a 160GB hard drive.
Meanwhile, the Library of Congress was good enough to scan some 60,000 historically valuable books
, many of which were too fragile even to let historians touch them. These documents were next to impossible to access, even by historians. Now, anyone in the world with an Internet connection can access all of them -- if, that is, they're not too busy
poring over the more than 10 million books Google has scanned and put online for free.
Speaking of free, that appears to be the magic price point for big eBook
 sales. Amazon announced this week that the majority of its record-breaking Kindle eBook sales over the holiday were, in fact, books the company was "selling" at the price of zero. Many of these were public domain books with expired copyrights. But surprisingly,
many were not.
Where is all this going?
If you follow the trend lines for book and magazine availability, pricing and the
costs of distribution and digital storage, we'll soon find ourselves living in a
world where literally millions of titles are available to just about everyone, just
about all the time. How will that change human culture? Here are the implications:
A magazine subscription will include all back-issues. What happens when you subscribe
to the electronic version of Esquire , and they toss in every issue of Esquire ever published? You can now include the magazine in your global searches for information. A magazine subscription suddenly becomes more valuable to readers. Business model
Intellectuals lose their monopoly access to some content. I started out in the newspaper business, and very quickly began writing opinion columns. We small-town newspaper editorialists used newspaper clippings in a self-constructed "morgue file" as our
primary resource. The big-time, national and syndicated columnists had pricey subscriptions to the Lexis/Nexis database, which is billed as the "world's largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, forms, legal, news, and business information." Well before journalists used the Internet for anything, deep-pocket columnists could conduct what were essentially Google-style searches to find all kinds of information, while we hacks in the hinterlands had to thumb through paper folders jammed with
newspaper articles.
A similar thing is happening with historians. There are thousands of amateur historians with insight, talent and knowledge, but without access to documents and other materials.
Thanks to the Internet, Google and now initiatives like the Library of Congress' historic book scanning project, the playing field has been leveled dramatically.
This same thing is also taking place with university courses. Just take a gander at this monstrous list
 of free online university lectures. The Internet has given us all a direct window into Ivy League classrooms.
More people will be reading classics. People are bargain-hunting cheapskates. Nearly every "classic" published before, say, World War II is available to you right now, instantly and free. As Amazon's holiday sales demonstrate, people gravitate to free
books. And classics tend to be far better and more valuable to readers than your everyday random free book. The rise in eBook reading, combined with the freeness of classic works, will restore the reading of classics.
You can read Common Sense by TV commentator Glenn Beck for $12, or you can read Common
Sense written by Thomas Paine for free. One book is worthless, and the other is a national treasure. But the pricing doesn't reflect that. If more people read classics written by geniuses instead of trash written by self-aggrandizing
TV talking heads, how would that change the public discourse?
School content will be free. They're always telling us that the solution to our public education system is that we're not throwing enough money at schools. Meanwhile, textbooks tend to be politicized, written-by-committee garbage that serve mainly to turn kids
off of reading and cost a small fortune.
On one hand, you have pricey, generic and unreadable textbooks. On the other, you have all of the knowledge known to man -- much of it incredibly engaging and exciting to readers -- for no cost. Hmmmm. Which to choose?
Of course, I'm over-simplifying the issue. But I think students, teachers and school budgets would all benefit from letting go of their obsessions with textbooks and forming obsessions with the new world of public domain works and Wiki-generated educational materials.
The poorest countries will share in the richness of human culture. Philanthropists have been trying to get computers in the hands of impoverished children for years. One of the challenges has been to provide them with the Internet access that would open the world of knowledge to them.
But while they're off working on that, why not pack those computers with low-cost content? The One Laptop Per Child project is working on a $75 touch tablet to be handed out to slum-dwelling kids around the world. What if every age-appropriate book on Earth was pre-loaded on the hard drive or flash drive? What if every child in Afghanistan were handed a tablet pre-loaded with every back issue of National Geographic magazine? How would that open their eyes to the world?
There's little doubt that the growing availability of books and periodical content -- at low or no cost -- will change the spread of knowledge. The combination of inexpensive storage, digital formats, mass-scanning projects and improved search capabilities will transform our world in ways we can't imagine.

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can You Be Successful Without a Website?

Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at
Today, I have an article to share with you that discusses the question of being successful without having to have a website.
I hope you find it of interest and I bid you a pleasant day.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
 Can You Be Successful Without a Website?
I don't think there's any question that you need a web presence to survive in today's business climate. But do you still need a traditional website, or has the web moved on in that regard?
Do you still need a website to be succesful online? Share your thoughts.
First off, let me be perfectly clear in that I'm not advising anybody not to have a website. That said, there are a lot of ways to have a web presence without actually having a site, and let's face it - maintaining a site (let alone a successful one) takes time, money, and resources.
According to data from Compete, Facebook has become a bigger traffic source than Google for some sites, and for many others, it is right up there with Google as a major traffic source. If it can drive the traffic, then that means the people are already at Facebook. You can be on Facebook without having your own website. Businesses can build a Facebook Page, complete with analytics provided by Facebook itself, and they can spend time making that page a good one. Here are some tips on how to do that. Facebook pages are perfectly capable of being found in search engines. In fact, they are often right on the first results page.
You know what else is often right on the first page? A set of local search results from Google Maps, courtesy of Google's Universal Search integration. Within those results (which are very often right at the top of the SERP) are links to individual businesses' "Place Pages". From here, users can find coupons, reviews, store hours, etc. There is a very good chance users will find this before they find your site anyway.
Google is actually going to great lengths to get people using these Place Pages. They are even sending out stickers with barcodes for stores to hang on their windows. When a user scans this barcode with their mobile phone, they will be taken to the business' Place Page. Social media profiles can also appear on these pages (although so can website links of course).
I probably don't have to tell you that the web is rapidly becoming more mobile. Smartphone usage and mobile broadband subscriptions continue to accelerate, and people are using a variety of devices, operating systems, browsers, and apps. Making sure you have a site that looks right across all of these is no easy task. This is not so much of a worry when it comes to Facebook pages, Google Place Pages, and other third-party entities.
In many cases, it seems that small business sites are becoming harder to find through organic search. If you look you can find them, but users want convenience, and they are probably not going to look too hard if they can find what they are looking for on the first search results page (or right within Facebook where they're already spending their time).
Social profiles show in up in search, and often early. The very nature of social media is viral. If one Facebook user becomes a fan of your Facebook page, that user's friends are going to see it. Then, maybe a couple of them also become fans. Then maybe a couple of their friends become fans, and that trend can continue on and on. The more people who become fans, and the more exposure that page gets, the more chance that page has of acquiring links, which of course can lead to better search engine rankings, not to mention a larger presence on Facebook itself, where a large percentage of Internet users are already spending a great deal of their time. Your reputation and following within the social networks themselves may do your profile well in the eyes of Google too.
If you sell things online, there are obviously many different options out there without having to sell from your own site. In fact, even Facebook and e-commerce are on the road to becoming more and more closely attached. People can buy/sell physical goods through Facebook.
A great deal of focus has been placed on Facebook in this article for the simple fact that it is the world's most popular social network. That could all change in time. But that doesn't mean the points would not sill apply to other services. Google is going to be placing a lot of emphasis on Google Buzz this year, and it's going to become integrated with more and more Google products. Currently, Google profiles are kind of the central place for a Buzz presence. Users can include any links they wish right into that profile (Facebook page, Twitter account, blog, eBay/Amazon listings, etc.)There's no telling how big Buzz can be, and there's always the possibility that something else will come along and take the world by storm. And that is one of the reasons...
Why it Still Pays to Have a Site
Can you be successful without a site? I think so. However, having a site gives you a more stable foundation, and still creates more opportunities than if you didn't have one. When you have a site, you have control. You don't have to adhere to the policy guidelines of any third-party platform. If Facebook decides to shut its Pages down (as Yahoo did with GeoCities, for example), you still have your own site that they can't touch. For that matter, having your own site certainly lends credibility to your brand.
Still, social networks continue to work on making data more freely able to flow among one another via a number of open standards like Activity Streams, AtomPub, OAuth, PubSubHubbub, Salmon and WebFinger. "The idea is that someday, any host on the web should be able to implement these open protocols and send messages back and forth in real time with users from any network, without any one company in the middle," says Google software engineer DeWitt Clinton. "The web contains the social graph, the protocols are standard web protocols, the messages can contain whatever crazy stuff people think to put in them. Google Buzz will be just another node (a very good node, I hope) among many peers. Users of any two systems should be able to send updates back and forth, federate comments, share photos, send @replies, etc., without needing Google in the middle and without using a Google-specific protocol or format."
Google itself, even has its own site dedicated to making user data for its various products exportable. That's just Google, but the web in general appears to be moving more in this direction.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a site, or even that you don't need one, but I think it's an interesting discussion. For now, I'm going to say having your own site is still in your best interest, but has a more social Internet with more portable data made a standalone site less critical? Is having a website going to be less important in the future? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the subject. Comment here.

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About the Author:
Chris Crum has been a part of the WebProNews team and the iEntry Network of B2B Publications since 2003. Follow WebProNews on Facebook or Twitter. Twitter: @CCrum237 

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Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Modern languages or -- "What's French for entrepreneur?"

Modern languages or -- "What's French for entrepreneur?"
By Donna J. Jodhan
There used to be a time when English was considered to be the most modern of languages mainly because of its popular usability but this has been changing over the last few years.  There are other languages that are now being considered as modern languages and this includes French, Chinese, and even Spanish. 
The use of English as a communication language has been slowly eroding on the Internet but nevertheless, it is still the leading modern language.  French is slowly creeping up there and anyone who is interested in reaching as many foreign language consumers as they can, that is, those whose first language is not English, should start to pay particular attention to these patterns of language use.  For make no mistake about this, the use of the English language is slowly on the decline and the use of other languages is on the rise.  It would be very interesting to see how much longer English could and would be able to remain as King.  I have an excellent reference for you to check out below and I invite you now to read on.

Modern languages or -- "What's French for entrepreneur?"
Times Online (blog)
... that in 2000 51% of web traffic was in English; now it is just 29% (and it is not just the growth of Chinese -- whose share has increased by just 5%). ...
Read more at:

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have big headlines to share with you; all about how you can re-invent yourself plus more.  Please read on.
Week of April 24
Jobs and careers identified
Is it possible to re-invent one's self in a recession?
If so, how does one go about doing this?
Please read on.
Career Change: Reinventing Yourself in a Recession is Possible
CBS (blog)
That said, the most active career reinventers right now are Baby Boomers. They may have had one career for 30 years, but they are looking for new and ...
Read more at:
How important is it to coin and sell your own personal brand?
If important, how does one go about doing this?
Please read on.
Selling Your Personal Brand Is Vital In A Job Search
Philadelphia Bulletin
Job candidates are plentiful — recent college grads, Baby Boomers who were scheduled to retire but now cannot, the unemployed and even the currently ...
Read more at:
Are boomers seeking second jobs to help them get by?
If so, where are they looking?
Please read on.
fiber optic cable: Future trends in the labor market - to make ...
By Sha Shay
Sharon White, who retired as a financial analyst with The Boeing Company in a recent specialInterest in the baby boomers of the second job. She enrolled teachers Encorps procedures, and other middle-aged retirees in search of new challenges , ... individuals think they can, and a single employer throughout their careers. Now this trust is broken. a person is fired, people lose their jobs, so it is not for people, four, five cause in their lives are not uncommon. " ...
fiber optic cable - 

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blind kids and technology

Greetings!  I'm Christian Robicheau, assistant editor of writing services at
It's a nice weekend shaping up and today I am pleased to introduce an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan. 
This weekend, Donna discusses the subject of blind kids and technology.
I wish you a great weekend.
Blind kids and technology
As technology continues to travel the tracks on its merry way, we find that more and more, blind kids are struggling to keep up when it comes to being able to enjoy the excitement and fun of modern technology.  With more and more toy manufacturers coming out with nifty ways for kids to learn to read, write, do math, and spell, blind and sight impaired kids need to be given ways to enjoy all of this as well.  Each time I hear those commercials on TV of kids having fun with various learning games, I ask myself how much of this is or can be available to blind and sight impaired kids.
True it is that some major strides have been made in making mainstream games, learning and otherwise, more available and accessible to blind and sight impaired kids but we need for more to be done.  Blind and sight impaired kids need to be able to access more mainstream technology.  They need to have greater access to mainstream learning games plus more.  In short, they need to have equal access to whatever game or learning tool is out there for the mainstream kid.
I am sure that as time goes on, more and more toys and games manufacturers will develop products that are more accessible.  Products that will benefit all kids.  Products that will help all kids.  This may not be a dream on my part; it may much closer to becoming a reality than many would think.  Maybe it's time for us to start lobbying these companies to move in this direction.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Your best American cities

Hello there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and today I am here to give you all a very big boost!  Seems as if my virtual travel agency is really taking off and I am always only too happy to bring a smile to someone's face. 
It's time for us to board our jet plane and get comfortable.
Time to buckle up, sit back, and enjoy our trip for this week.
Have fun folks and here's hoping to meet you in one of these cities!

Week of April 24 2010
Your best American cities
1. Wichita Kansas
If you are seeking a sunny city with lots of job possibilities and opportunities then look no further than Wichita Kansas.
A city with more sunny days than good old Miami.
A city with great health care facilities, excellent educational institutions, and a city with a cost of living that is significantly below the national average.
Wichita is one of the most livable cities in which to live and one of the healthiest as well.
2. Bakersfield California
If you are seeking a sunny city with breath taking views of mountains, forests, and canyons, then you have it all in beautiful Bakersfield California.
A city that offers a cost of living that is below the national average. 
A city with wonderful night life, great restaurants, and posh clubs and restaurants.
A city that has no skyscrapers to block your view of nothing but rolling greenery.
You can live in the suburbs, or in the foothills.
3. Eugene Oregon
In a world where healthy eating and healthy living are two of the most important things these days, Eugene Oregon is the answer.
A city that offers miles and miles of trails to bike and hike and rivers to kayak and raft.
A city that offers its kids some of the healthiest meal plans; extending it in to the summer to ensure healthy eating all year round.
If you want to live longer, then consider the city of Eugene Oregon.
4. Akron Ohio
If you are seeking a city with history and a gusto for industry, then Akron is it.
A city that has long been a home to several tire manufacturers, has grown into one that has healthy high-tech and finance industries. 
Akron also offers oodles of opportunities in manufacturing and medicine.
If you are seeking a city with opportunity and potential, then why not Akron?

I'm Donna J. Jodhan bidding you a happy travel time.
Visit me at if you would like to learn more.
Or send me an email at

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Giving Electronic Commands With Body Language

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at
Boy do I ever have a great article to share with you this week; the evolution of technology on the march and I hope you find it of interest.
Have a great day.
Giving Electronic Commands With Body Language
By ASHLEE VANCE NYT January 12, 2010
LAS VEGAS - The technology industry is going retro - moving away from remote
controls, mice and joysticks to something that arrives without batteries,
wires or a user manual.
It's called a hand.
In the coming months, the likes of Microsoft, Hitachi and major PC makers
will begin selling devices that will allow people to flip channels on the TV
or move documents on a computer monitor with simple hand gestures. The
technology, one of the most significant changes to human-device interfaces
since the mouse appeared next to computers in the early 1980s, was being
shown in private sessions during the immense Consumer Electronics Show here
last week. Past attempts at similar technology have proved clunky and
In contrast, the latest crop of gesture-powered devices arrives with a
refreshing surprise: they actually work.
"Everything is finally moving in the right direction," said Vincent John
Vincent, the co-founder of GestureTek, a company that makes software for
gesture devices.
Manipulating the screen with the flick of the wrist will remind many people
of the 2002 film "Minority Report" in which Tom Cruise moves images and
documents around on futuristic computer screens with a few sweeping
gestures. The real-life technology will call for similar flair and some
subtlety. Stand in front of a TV armed with a gesture technology camera, and
you can turn on the set with a soft punch into the air. Flipping through
channels requires a twist of the hand, and raising the volume occurs with an
upward pat. If there is a photo on the screen, you can enlarge it by holding
your hands in the air and spreading them apart and shrink it by bringing
your hands back together as you would do with your fingers on a cellphone
touch screen.
The gesture revolution will go mainstream later this year when Microsoft
releases a new video game system known at this time as Project Natal. The
gaming system is Microsoft's attempt to one-up Nintendo's Wii.
Where the Wii requires hypersensitive hand-held controllers to translate
body motions into on-screen action, Microsoft's Natal will require nothing
more than the human body. Microsoft has demonstrated games like dodge ball
where people can jump, hurl balls at opponents and dart out of the way of
incoming balls using natural motions.
Other games have people contorting to fit through different shapes and
performing skateboard tricks.
Just as Microsoft's gaming system hits the market, so should TVs from
Hitachi in Japan that will let people turn on their screens, scan through
channels and change the volume on their sets with simple hand motions.
Laptops and other computers should also arrive later this year with built-in
cameras that can pick up similar gestures. Such technology could make
today's touch-screen tools obsolete as people use gestures to control, for
instance, the playback or fast-forward of a DVD.
To bring these gesture functions to life, device makers needed to conquer
what amounts to one of computer science's grand challenges.
Electronics had to see the world around them in fine detail through tiny
digital cameras. Such a task meant giving a TV, for example, a way to
identify people sitting on a couch and to recognize a certain hand wave as a
command and not a scratching of the nose.
Little things like the sun, room lights and people's annoying habit of doing
the unexpected stood as just some of the obstacles companies had to
GestureTek, with offices in Silicon Valley and Ottawa, has spent a
quarter-century trying to perfect its technology and has enjoyed some
success. It helps TV weather people, museums and hotels create huge
interactive displays.
This past work, however, has relied on limited, standard cameras that
perceive the world in two dimensions. The major breakthrough with the latest
gesture technology comes through the use of cameras that see the world in
three dimensions, adding that crucial layer of depth perception that helps a
computer or TV recognize when someone tilts their hand forward or nods their
Canesta, based in Sunnyvale, Calif., has spent 11 years developing chips to
power these types of 3-D cameras. In the early days, its products were much
larger than an entire desktop computer. Today, the chip takes up less space
than a fingernail. "We always had this grand vision of being able to control
electronics devices from a distance,"
said Cyrus Bamji, the chief technology officer at Canesta.
Competition in the gesture field has turned fierce as a result of the sudden
interest in the technology. In particular, Canesta and PrimeSense, a Tel
Aviv start-up, have fought to supply the 3-D chips in Microsoft's Natal
gaming system.
At last week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, executives and
engineers from Canesta and GestureTek were encamped in suites at the Hilton
near the main conference show floor as they shuttled executives from Asian
electronics makers in and out of their rooms for secretive meetings.
Similarly, PrimeSense held invitation-only sessions at its tiny, walled-off
booth and forbade any photos or videos of its products.
In one demonstration, a camera using the PrimeSense chip could distinguish
among multiple people sitting on a couch and even tell the difference
between a person's jacket, shirt and under-shirt. And with such technology
it's impossible, try as you might, to lose your remote control.

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at  Today, I have a very informative article for you. 
How would you like to learn more about i-bin?  Some very useful info for me to be passing along to you.
I invite you now to read on and I wish you a great day.
If you've found yourself wishing that your flash drive had a recycle bin so that your portable apps and documents had the same safety net that you're desktop files do, I-Bin brings recycle bin functionality to your flash drive.
I-Bin is a small, stand-alone portable application. Place it on your flash drive and run it and create the I-Bin folder that will be your portable recycle bin. If you have a large flash drive with a lot of files, I suggest running it for the first time when you're not going anywhere. I-Bin indexes the entire drive to build a list of files it should protect and send to the recycle bin.
Once I-Bin has finished the initial drive index, it's packed with some other cool features. It comes with a well written manual, but if you skip reading it at least note that in order to delete a file from the flash drive while I-Bin is running you'll need to hit WIN+DEL, not just the delete key. I-Bin intercepts the standard delete if it is performed on a file it has indexed. All files you delete with I-Bin end up in X:\iBin\ where X is the letter of your flash drive. In the Custom Options menu of I-Bin you can specify what happens on deletion, how files are restored, how big the recycle bin should be, and if I-Bin should auto-clean the recycle bin.
Click this link to download I-Bin, FREE from the First Toy Lab website
I have the user guide and program if you have problems getting it.
I can send it you via an attachment off list.
If you have any questions about the tips posted in Dan's Tech tips, please contact Dan at the following email address:
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Second Language Acquisition ? Language

Second Language Acquisition – Language
By Donna J. Jodhan
Don't under estimate the benefits of second language acquisition and what do I mean by this?  Very simple.  Just learning a second language but I have some tips to pass on.
1. Get your kids involved in learning a new language as early as you can.  The earlier the better as they have a much better chance to adapt into the language being learned.
2. Learning a second language makes you much more marketable.
3. If you want to learn a second language in order to become more marketable, then take the time to research which language would best help you to achieve your objectives.
4.  Take the time to learn your language proficiently, efficiently, and professionally if you intend to use in the business world.
5. Absolutely nothing wrong in learning a second language just for fun.
I have a very interesting reference for you to check out.  Please see below.
Second Language Acquisition - Language
By admin
Their results showed that Chinese-English bilinguals who had been exposed to English after puberty, learned vocabulary to a higher competence level than syntactic aspects of language. They do, however, report that the judgment accuracies in .... Naiman, N., Frohlich, M., and Stern, H. "The Good Language Learner: A Report." Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (1975). Bachelor of: English Language Translation and Linguistic Searcher at King Abdulaziz University. ...
Article Directory –
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (access and accessibility) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at and today I have very important headlines to share with you. 
In part, all about maximizing your job satisfaction.  So please read on.
Week of April 17
Jobs and  careers identified
How much can we hope to have a smooth transition of knowledge from the baby boomers to the younger generation?
Possible you think?
Please read on.
Andrea Kay: Your job satisfaction is your own responsibility
Just as key -- and frustrating, as the pilot pointed out -- is the transfer of knowledge from baby boomers to younger counterparts. ...
Read more at:
How is the continuing trend towards the shipping out of jobs from the United States to Asian countries going to affect our economy?
How much will our younger workers be affected?
Please read on.
Beanieville Inc.: Economic Black Hole: 20 Reasons Why The U.S. ...
By Beanieville
Millions of jobs have already been shipped out of the United States, and Princeton University economist Alan S. Blinder estimates that 22% to 29% of all current U.S. jobs will be offshorable within two decades. ... Once again, with millions of Baby Boomers now at retirement age there is simply going to be no way to pay all of these retirees what they are owed. #15) So will the U.S. government come to the rescue? The U.S. has allowed the total federal debt to balloon by ...
Beanieville Inc. - 
Can retiring boomers benefit from green jobs?
If so, how so?
Please read on.
Green Jobs for Retirees |
Green jobs for retirees are a hot topic in the midst of an economic crunch with most of the baby-boomer population either in or heading toward retirement. ... These jobs and careers are available across the country, and are listed on ...
 Read more at:

If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

For the blind entrepreneur

Greetings!  I'm Scott Savoy, managing editor at
Today, I am delighted to introduce an editorial by Donna J. Jodhan, our president and this week Donna has some interesting thoughts for the blind entrepreneur for after all, this is how she started her business. 
I wish you a great day and weekend.
For the blind entrepreneur
By Donna J. Jodhan
At the best of times, the path for any mainstream entrepreneur is extremely challenging and bumpy but for the blind entrepreneur, it could be even more so.  This does not mean that a blind person should not become an entrepreneur if this is their desire.  I started off as an entrepreneur and I am blind and after over 15 years in the field, I would like to pass on a few tips if I may.
First, a blind person needs to recognize that there are additional challenges to becoming an entrepreneur.
Second, they need to identify the right combination of technology and skills that they would need in order to succeed.
Third, they need to realize that they would always have to depend on some degree of sighted assistance in order to have things run smoothly.
Fourth, they should be extremely careful when choosing which associates they surround themselves with.
We live in a big bad world and believe it or not, there are very unsavoury persons out there who would not hesitate to take advantage of someone with a vision impairment.  Trust is extremely important when it comes to building good relationships and it does not matter whether you are a mainstream person or a person with a disability.  As a matter of fact, disabled persons are probably the most targeted victims by hackers, schemers, and cyber pirates. 
So, what are my words of wisdom for today?
In the case of a blind person aspiring to become an entrepreneur?
Take the extra minutes to do your research.  Listen to your intuition.  Pay attention to the cues being emitted by those around you.  Whenever you are ready to start negotiations with an unknown person, take along a pair of very trusted eyes to help you paint a more complete picture.  Never sign something without first having trusted sighted assistance look it over.  Never conduct negotiations in your home.
Never conduct financial business with someone that you are uncertain about.  Most of these tips can also be applied to the mainstream person.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Your best American cities

Hello there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and it's time for us to pick up our boarding passes!  
Time for us to climb aboard and buckle up!  Time for us to start dreaming a bit!
Are you ready?  Ready for this week's excursion?
Okay then, let's go!
Week of April 17 2010
Your best American cities
1. Tacoma Washington
Welcome to a city that has something for everyone.
Job opportunities for both blue and white collar workers.  A great quality of life and one of the most livable cities in America.
A city that offers one of the best high-speed Internet connections in the United States.
Lots of lush green parks with hiking and biking trails, modern condos, roomy suburban homes, and sprawling urbanization. 
A city with natural beauty.
2. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
A city of opportunity and destiny!  Why?
Because it possesses some of the finest educational facilities in the country. 
A great health care system, and booming finance, education, health care, and tourist sectors.
This city has many neighborhoods and home styles to choose from.
From suburbs with tree lined streets to modern skyscrapers with very attractive condos. 
From turn of the century homes to ones that are most affordable.
Pittsburgh's cost of living is below the national average.
So for you students, young professionals, and young families, why not Pittsburgh?
3. Cincinnati Ohio
Looking for a city with a bit of character?
One where cost of living is below the national average, rents and housing are affordable, and health care facilities are top notch?
A city on the march; one of the most livable in America?
Well, the city of Cincinnati awaits. 
A city that is rich in culture, history, and industry.
4. Fresno California
Now!  here is a city with something very unique.  A city that offers you the opportunity to enjoy both big city life as well as nature's wonders.
Fresno is filled with lots of beautiful parkland; hiking, biking, and horseback riding are among its many activities.
Beautiful trails to discover and lots of architecture and history.
Fresno's down town mall is a wonder in itself; restaurants, top class shopping, and fountains to marvel at.
If you are seeking a city that is fresh, green, and close to everything beautiful, then Fresno is it.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan bidding you a happy travel time.
Visit me at if you would like to learn more.
Or send me an email at

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Diabetes could cost economy billions; Report sounds alarm

Greetings!  I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at  Today, I have an article to share with you that focuses some important attention on the challenges being faced by diabetics and those treating diabetes. 
I invite you now to read on.
Make it a great day.
Diabetes could cost economy billions; Report sounds alarm over rising rates
among Canadians
Meagan Fitzpatrick
Edmonton Journal , Dec. 7, 2009
The rising rates of diabetes in Canada could cost the economy as much as $17
billion by the year 2020, according to a new report that calls on the
federal government to do more to ease the economic burden.
The Canadian Diabetes Association's report, An Economic Tsunami; The Cost of
Diabetes in Canada, warns that more than 20 people are diagnosed with the
disease every hour of every day, and that number is expected to continue to
rise over the coming years.
"Many of us will be affected, and the numbers show that by 2020 one in 10
Canadians will have diabetes," said Ellen Malcolmson, president and CEO of
the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Using data from the Canadian National Diabetes Surveillance System and the
Economic Burden of Illness report, a mathematical model was developed to
determine the prevalence of diabetes now and in the future, and the
associated economic costs. Malcolmson said it's an important tool to provide
accurate Canadian
statistics instead of extrapolating from U.S. data.
It is estimated that 2.5 million Canadians have diabetes, and that in the
next decade, 3.7 million more Canadians will be diagnosed with it.
The report also notes that an estimated 700,000 people have diabetes and
don't know it.
Rising obesity rates, an aging population and changes in the ethnic mix of
new immigrants are all believed to be driving the increasing rates of
diabetes. Almost 80 per cent of new Canadians are from populations that are
at a higher risk for diabetes, including people of South Asian, Asian,
African and Hispanic
The economic burden of diabetes is calculated to be about $12.2 billion next
year, and the cost is expected to rise by another $4.7 billion by 2020. The
direct financial burden on the health-care system includes the cost of
hospitalizations, visits to general physicians and specialists, and
medication. Indirect costs were calculated to include the loss of economic
output due to illness, long-term disability or premature death.
"The cost is so significant when you think about it from a health-system
perspective," said Malcolmson.
The price tag for hospitalizations and visits to doctors is expected to rise
the fastest over the next 10 years and will "severely tax" the health-care
system, the report said.
The model shows that visits to general physicians will rise to more than 14
million by 2020, visits to specialists to 9.1 million and the number of
amputations performed every year is expected to go up to 630,000 by 2020.
The Canadian Diabetes Association is calling on the federal government to
renew the Canadian Diabetes Strategy and the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative,
which expire in 2010. Aboriginal Canadians are three to five times more
likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than non-aboriginal Canadians.
The national strategy was renewed in the 2005 budget and $90 million spread
over five years was committed to it and$190 million was directed to the
aboriginal diabetes initiative.
"It's important to us that the strategies are renewed and enhanced," said
Her association is also looking for the federal government to increase the
tax credits and deductions that are allowed for medical expenses, and the
provinces will also be asked to help, she said.
People with diabetes often have to pay for medications and supplies, such as
glucose testing strips, out of their own pocket, and some who  can't afford
the expenses then don't manage their disease well, which leads to problems
later, said Malcolmson.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wikipedia on staying relevant to a diverse world

Greetings!  I'm Mark Micheau, manager of research and translation services at  Today, I have a very interesting article to share with you;  All about the relevance of Wikipedia.  I invite you now to read on and I wish you a great day.
Wikipedia on staying relevant to a diverse world

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
 How Many Editors Does it Take to Stay Accurate?
We recently reported on the notion that Wikipedia losing editors could lead to a decline in accuracy. Sue Gardner, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia, tells WebProNews growth in editing has slowed, but the number of editors is just flat, and not declining.
Do you think Wikipedia is usually accurate or do you frequently encounter issues? Discuss here
The Wikimedia Foundation raised $3 million in just ten days right in the middle of the recession. This is one reason why Gardner was named the Ultimate Game Changer for media by the Huffington Post. That publication says Gardner changed the game by "taking the people's online encyclopedia to the next level." Gardner answered a few questions for us, and the following is the product of that Q&A.
WebProNews: Can you tell us a little about how the Wikimedia Foundation was able to raise $3 million in just ten days, to cover its operating budget for 2009?
Sue Gardner: Sure. The Wikimedia Foundation's been running an annual fundraising campaign since 2005 and every year, donations have increased. Last year, Jimmy [Wales - co-founder of Wikipedia] wrote a really lovely letter asking for people to help us, which we published on December 23. We immediately had a huge spike in donations, with more than 50,000 coming in over the next eight days -- pushing us past our goal for the year, and enabling us to end the campaign early.
It was fantastic, and really exceeded our expectations. Last winter the global economic outlook was really bad - Lehman Brothers had declared bankruptcy, AIG was getting bailed out, and housing prices were collapsing. For us to push past our goal in that really difficult and uncertain economy was thrilling.
WPN: How has this compared to previous years? Do you expect a similar situation in 2010?
SG: Every year, the number of people donating to the Wikimedia Foundation has increased, and the total dollar amount has increased too. In 2005-06, we brought in about 1.5 million dollars. In 2006-07, we brought in about 2.7 million. In 2007-08, we brought in 5.1 million, and last year we brought in 7.4 million. This year, we plan to raise a total of 10.6 million. We think that's realistic.
WPN: A recent Wall Street Journal article pointed out that the number of editors for Wikipedia is dropping drastically. What do you attribute this to?
SG: Well first, and importantly, the data don't actually show that the number of editors is dropping dramatically. What the data show are that the growth of editing on Wikipedia, which had been increasing exponentially, has slowed. Wikipedia's readership continues to grow, the number of articles continues to grow, and the growth in number of active editors started to slow down several years ago. The number of active editors, which we define as people who make five or more edits in a given month, is now pretty flat: it is neither growing nor shrinking. So, upshot: I think quite a bit of the media coverage has been overly alarmist.
Having said that, it is true that the number of active editors is flat, and that concerns me. Nobody knows what number of active editors is necessary for Wikipedia to stay current and well-maintained. We do know that the easy work is now more-or-less complete: there are good, rich articles on most obvious topics like Barack Obama and the human brain and the House of Commons and COBOL. So it may be that a smaller number of editors is all that is required for the work that remains to us now, which is more related to polishing and updating and improving existing articles, rather than generating lots of new ones. We don't know. Nobody knows, because nothing like Wikipedia has ever existed before.
Was this article interesting?    
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About the Author:
Chris Crum has been a part of the WebProNews team and the iEntry Network of B2B Publications since 2003. Twitter: @CCrum237

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When English Becomes a Barrier to Care

When English Becomes a Barrier to Care
By Donna J. Jodhan
Who would have thought that this particular circumstance would somehow raise its head in our midst and at one of America's most prestigious medical centers?  Yes, at MD Anderson where many patients do not speak English as a first language.  On the one hand it is nice to know that many people travel far and wide to seek the help of the staff at MD Anderson, but on the other hand there needs to be some attention paid to being able to deal more efficiently with the non-English-speaking patient population and not just at MD Anderson but at other centers across the country as well.
About four years ago, I visited MD Anderson under sad circumstances; to be at my brother's bedside as he fought to defy cancer and I was extremely pleased and happy to see how the staff handled those of their patients whose first language was not English.  It was the first time that I was able to witness so many different languages being spoken by both staff and patient alike and I marveled at the way in which everything went so smoothly language wise.  However, and based on the reference that I have provided below, it can easily be said that speaking English could become a barrier to the provision of medical services.  Please see my reference below; it gives a really great in depth picture.
When English Becomes a Barrier to Care
WQAD - Moline,IL,USA
About 60 percent of MD Anderson's non-English business is Spanish; another 28 percent is Arabic. Turkish, Vietnamese and Mandarin Chinese round out the top ...
Read more at:,0,4264805.story
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants),0,4264805.story
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at  Today, I have some very interesting headlines for you; all about how the skills of baby boomers are in great demand.  I invite you now to read on.
Week of April 10
Jobs and careers identified
Are there enough skilled workers to replace those being taken away by baby boomers?
If so, where will they be coming from?
Please read on.
Skilled workers needed to replace baby boomers
Product Design & Development
But many are not working because of the lagging economy or commuting to jobs on the East and West coasts, he said. "If we could get a big industrial project ...
Read more at:
Can we stop the shipping of jobs out of the United States?
If so, how can it be done?
Please read on.
Economic Black Hole: 20 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy Is Dying And ...
By randyedye
Millions of jobs have already been shipped out of the United States, and Princeton University economist Alan S. Blinder estimates that 22% to 29% of all current U.S. jobs will be offshorable within two decades. ... Once again, with millions of Baby Boomers now at retirement age there is simply going to be no way to pay all of these retirees what they are owed. #15) So will the U.S. government come to the rescue? The U.S. has allowed the total federal debt to balloon by ...
Randy's Right - 
Is the technology industry in America being affected by our aging baby boomers?
If so, how so?
Please read on.
Jobs Baby Boomers | e-Lincoln
The aging workforce - how the baby boomer workforce in America affects thetechnology industry ... Careers For Baby Boomers - Job Center ...
 Read more at:

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and week.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
You can view more of my blogs and editorials at the following websites:
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues of diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The problem with inaccessible products

Greetings!  I'm Christian Robicheau, assistant editor at
Today, I am delighted to present you with an editorial by our president Donna j. Jodhan.  Today, Donna has a comment about inaccessible products being sold. 
I wish you a great day and weekend.
The problem with inaccessible products
As I see it, there are two important things that make a product inaccessible.
1. When the product does not have audio cues.
2. When there are no accompanying manuals in alternate formats.
A product may have audio cues but if the cues are not enough to make it possible for a blind person to use it independently, then it is not accessible.  This example can be used in the case of several hand held language dictionaries that are only half way accessible.  That is, only part of the command is spoken or only certain menus are audible.  In other words, there is no audible sound when keys are pressed and an audible response is only heard after the enter button is pressed.  This is what I call halfway accessible.
If a product is accompanied by a manual that is not in alternate format, then it is not accessible.  Or, if a product is accompanied by an incomplete manual or a manual that does not cover the entire set up of the product, then it is deemed to be inaccessible.  To make things less confusing, here is the picture.
For a product to be completely accessible, a blind or disabled person must be able to both use it and set it up or install it independently.  No sighted assistance unless the product is difficult to maneuver.  There also needs to be accompanying manuals in alternate formats; Braille, large print, CDs with no PDF formats or files in PDF format, and other types of audio formats. 
I have seen strides toward making products more accessible but we need more manufacturers to join the trend towards making products more accessible.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability (under the editorials section, an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Your best American cities

Hello there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and it's time for me to get you ready for a nice long journey.  We're going city hopping and you're going to find out about some of the best cities in America to visit.
Buckle up now and get ready for take off!

Week of April 10 2010
Your best American cities
1. Montgomery Alabama
Montgomery overflows with southern charm, culture, and greenery.
A city rich in lush parks, green gardens, and clean streets, this is a city with cultural sophistication as well as with a small town atmosphere.
Montgomery is one of the major tourist centers in the South.  It offers lots of entertainment, festivals, and sporting events.
A city that should definitely be put on your list of cities to visit in the very near future.
2. Los Angeles California
If you honestly believe that you can make it to Los Angeles at least for a visit, then why not?
Come and enjoy the excitement.  Lots of entertainment, fashion, and places to go and places to see.
Majestic homes, majestic mountains, and neighborhoods with homes of all styles.
From Victorian to modern, and sprawling to compact; Los Angeles has it all.
A city that never sleeps!
3. Toledo Ohio
If you are seeking a really wholesome city with a great community spirit then Toledo is it.
Nicely located between Detroit and Cleveland, this city has many great things to offer.
Great real estate, friendly neighborhoods, a booming industry, and loads of opportunities for job seekers.
Toledo is safe, healthy, and going places.
A great city to raise a family.
4. Norwalk Connecticut
Looking for a city with a wee bit of difference?
A city with beautiful hiking and biking trails?
Lush green parks and golf courses, lots of museums, and an excellent IMAX theater?
Well, that city is Norwalk Connecticut.
If you enjoy oysters, going to the farmer's market, and visiting aquariums, then Norwalk is for you.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan bidding you a happy travel time.
Visit me at if you would like to learn more.
Or send me an email at

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?

Greetings! I'm Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility
services at
Today, I have a health article to share with you and I hope you find it
interesting. It is definitely newsworthy.
I wish you a great day.

Do you want anti-cancer drug in junk food?

Lesley Ciarula Taylor
Toronto Star, Dec. 22, 2009More on HealthZone

Ottawa is asking Canadians if they think a cancer-fighting enzyme should be
added to junk food.
Putting the enzyme asparaginase in baked and fried food is a "high priority"
for Health Canada, the government said Tuesday in calling for comments.

Canada is following the lead of Singapore, the Netherlands, Australia, New
Zealand, Switzerland, Denmark, Mexico and Russia.

Companies such as McCain's and Frito Lay are urging Ottawa to approve the
food additive and any other substance that cuts down on the levels in
processed food, junk food, bread and cereal of a probable carcinogen.

A joint study by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the World
Health Organization approved adding the enzyme asparaginase to potato chips,
fries and packaged cookies in 2005.
A Swedish study in 2002 had set off alarms among consumers and the food
industry worldwide when it discovered high levels of what was considered a
carcinogen, acrylamide, formed in some food after high-temperature frying or

Denmark moved first to include it, followed by the U.S. and, in May 2008,
Australia and New Zealand. China gave the additive regulatory approval in

Canada started the long process of changing government regulations to allow
the food additive nearly a year ago, when the government asked the opinions
of food industry groups including the Baking Association of Canada, McCain
Foods and Frito Lay Canada.

Asparaginase got a thumbs-up from all of them, Health Canada said, and they
asked the government to "treat the approval of all tools with the potential
of reducing acrylamide formation in food as a high priority," the government
says on its website.
The enzyme reduces the levels of L-asparagine, a precursor of acrylamide,
which forms in starchy food that is baked or fried at temperatures above 120
bread, crackers, cookies, French fries and potato chips are examples.

Danish tests, cited by Food Standards Australia New Zealand, said the
formation of acrylamide dropped by 36 to 75 per cent in bread and by 86 to
92 per
cent in fritters, doughnuts, Dutch honey cake and crackers.

The European Food and Drink Federation, a food industry lobby, has been
offering asparaginase information pamphlets for several years, with the
latest updates
in February 2009, incorporating U.S. food industry standards.
"Use of asparaginase is effective in biscuits, cereals, crisp bread, and is
today applied to commercial products (e.g. gingerbread, crispbread, short
biscuits, RTE cereals, certain cereal-based snacks) with potential also in
other biscuit and cereal product types," the pamphlets say.

Anti-food additive organizations have argued other means can also neutralize
the damage of the carcinogen.

Kit Granby, a senior scientist at the National Food Institute, Technical
University of Denmark, has reported on studies that found the herb rosemary
also effective in reducing acrylamide content in food by up to 60 per cent.

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