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Saturday, February 28, 2009

More instruction manuals needed in alternative formats

Good morning, we the team at are pleased to bring you an editorial written by our president Donna J. Jodhan.  An editorial that focuses on the importance of producing more manuals in alternate formats.
We wish you a great weekend.
More instruction manuals needed in alternative formats
It's really interesting and in many cases mind boggling when I come across companies that do not understand when I ask for manuals to be provided in alternative formats.  Maybe someone can help me out here.  The problem is this!  I go to a store that sells products for blind and visually impaired persons.  I purchase my product but before paying I ask the sales person at the store if the product comes with a manual either in Braille, on cassette or CD, or even on a diskette.  The sales person tells me that the manual is only available in printed format. 
I ask the sales person whether or not the manufacturer can provide me with the instruction in an alternate format and 99% of the time the sales person asks me if I can find someone to read it to me.  When I respond with an emphatic no, they phone the manufacturer to inquire if there is a manual in alternate format.  At this point the sequence of events becomes even more interesting.  The manufacturer says no, they do not have the instruction manual in alternate format, and I would just have to get by with a printed manual.  The same thing happens when I order from a store.
A few months ago I ordered a Sudoko game from Maxie Aids and when I attempted to obtain a Braille manual from the manufacturers, R. E. B. Magnetics, there reaction was that it was just too costly to put the manual into Braille and they were not planning to do anything about it.  Thankfully, Maxie Aids decided to come to my rescue and they are in the process of putting it on to cassette for me.  The same problem just occurred at Independent Living Aids where I recently purchased a multi language Webster dictionary.  I received my purchase with a printed instruction manual but without any manual in alternate format.  When I phoned Independent Living Aids last week to complain, their initial reaction was to ask me if I could find someone to read it to me but after persisting for a few minutes they agreed to try and help me out.
It is time for blind and visually impaired persons and even the print disabled to stand up and say no more.  No more of this nonsense!  If you are either not willing or able to provide instruction manuals in alternate formats then you should not be selling products for those of us who are print disabled.  It is an insult and extremely discourteous to do so.  If you can't do something properly then don't do it.  How would these companies react if they were to receive a product with an instruction manual in Braille or on cassette but no print manual?  They would probably be screaming fowl!  I am just a bit too tired of this nonsense and I hope that more of our readers feel the same.  Time for action!
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cellphone makers woo talkers with new gizmos

Hello there!  We your Accessibility team at have some breaking news for you today.  News, that is threatening to change the landscape of our mobile phone technology and what sellers are doing in order to attract more buyers during this recession time. 
To learn more, please read our esteemed article.
Have a terrific day.
Your Accessibility team.
Cellphone makers woo talkers with new gizmos
In the face of a global slowdown, wireless players hope new-and-improved
technology, updated software will boost sales
February 18, 2009
>From touch-screen cellphones to more powerful software, the wireless
industry is rushing forward with new technology to try to lock down market share, even
as sales of handsets tumble.
The annual fashion extravaganza of the wireless world is a toned-down affair
in Barcelona this week, with fewer attendees and fewer product launches than previous
Mobile World Congress trade shows. But big players from Google Inc. to Microsoft Corp.
and Nokia Corp. to Research In Motion Ltd. are still investing heavily to bring
richer, more powerful features to market.
"They are very conscious about the market this year. All of them, they are expecting
a market slowdown so there is no point to launching high-end devices and
[dropping them] after a quarter or two," said Francisco Jeronimo of the market
research firm IDC.
With product cycles still turning about every six months, every device maker knows
it has to offer something new just to keep pace with competitors.
"Nokia's rhetoric against RIM seems more heated than usual with new
messaging devices,"
said Mark Sue of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Global sales of mobile devices will likely plummet 20 per cent in the
current quarter from a year earlier, the analyst wrote in a report from the show. But the
downturn isn't cooling Nokia's efforts to compete. The world's largest maker of
cellphones has added predictive text messaging to its latest high-end "E" series
devices. RIM is already using a similar feature called SureType, which predicts words as
users type them, on several of its models, including the BlackBerry Pearl Flip.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is aiming to increase its market share by
adding touch-screen features to all of its new smart phones. The South Korean company is
offering an eight-megapixel camera that can also record high-definition video, and it
introduced a handset that can be charged with solar power. Sony Ericsson, meanwhile, is
boasting a 12.1-megapixel camera on its "Idou" smart phone due later this year.
Google's new open-source operating system for cellphones won the backing of
Vodafone Group PLC, the world's largest mobile carrier, which will soon begin selling
a phone from HTC Corp. that runs on the second incarnation of Google's Android
platform.  The device will launch this spring in several European countries. The first
version of Android was introduced last year, running on an HTC device sold
exclusively by Deutsche Telekom AG's T-Mobile.
Microsoft's launched its own updated operating system, Windows Mobile 6.5,
which the company says will manage multimedia more effectively than the current
version.  New features include large icons on the screen designed for fingers to
touch. Previous versions had smaller icons created for tapping with a stylus pen, said Tim
McDonough, a senior director at Microsoft.
Perhaps one of the most widely felt developments announced at the trade show
will turn out to be a commitment by at least 17 wireless phone companies and
handset makers to standardize battery chargers by 2012 for most of the
world's cellphones. The chargers would be interchangeable, making it
possible to power most brands with the same cord.

 If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Power Of Popular Opinion

Hello there!  We your Research team at have a very interesting article to share with you this day.  One that talks about the power of popular opinion.  Ah, popular opinion!  
To learn more about this fascinating topic, please read on.
We wish you an enjoyable day.
Your Research team
    The Power Of Popular Opinion
By Brian Easter (c) 2008 

Why should I care about Social Media Optimization?
You should care about Social Media Optimization (SMO), because you care about your company's image. There's an old saying that goes something like, "A happy customer will tell one other person about his good experience. A disgruntled customer will tell ten people about his bad experience." Good or bad, that's powerful marketing. Social Media Optimization gives you the power to take an active role in managing your brand by interacting with your current and potential clients by discussing your products, their comments and concerns and continually promoting your brand.

Social Media Optimization Defined
In its most basic form, Social media optimization is any method used to raise your website's online visibility through meaningful communication. SMO opens a dialogue between you and your clients, using the power of popular opinion to fuel your marketing campaign. The open format strengthens your search engine optimization efforts by fostering a mutual connection with your clients through the myriad of online communities, also called social media sites. Current examples of SMO include:
Creating profiles in social media communities such as MySpace, Facebook, and VIRB.
Participating in and/or creating blogs.
Disseminating your blogs or articles using RSS feeds.
Creating and sharing content through community based sites like Flickr, YouTube, and more.
Not to incorporate unnecessary buzz words, but SMO is a very Web 2.0 approach to Search Engine Optimization. Of course, Web 2.0 merely refers to the perceived second generation of Web-based communities and hosted services - the social-networking sites, wikis and folksonomies, which facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. SMO allows you to become an active member of your online community, quite an important aspect of marketing your brand. Through participation, you establish yourself or your company as an industry leader and improve your online visibility.
As you can imagine, Social Media Optimization is most effective when the viral nature of the technique and its communities are utilized in a positive manner. Creating legitimate content, building relationships and instilling trust in your community is the very backbone of SMO. You may initiate the process, but effective SMO will take on a life all its own. A true forum is bred through the act of continual communication between your company and your online audience.
Of course, not everyone plays by the rules. In every aspect of life, you will find those who would cheat the system to receive short term gains. Like most schemes, the underbelly of SMO may seem attractive to anyone looking for a quick fix, but don't make that mistake. Just as it's true with SEO, erroneous SMO will backfire. Using questionable techniques will very likely yield the exact opposite results you were hoping to see.

SMO Etiquette
Legitimate SMO techniques are centered on sharing information and exposing your community to your interests. As such, you want to focus on promoting proper SMO etiquette. The MySpace super fríend, the guy or gal who adds anyone and everyone, would be a good example of improper Social Media Optimization. The whole concept behind Social Media is to create a community with similar interests for meaningful discussion and let the power of popular opinion grow your online visibility. Of course, you may belong to several different communities and you may even have some of the same friends in those different communities. That's perfectly fine. The idea is to remain active in your communities by adding friends and contributing relevant content. Adding friends in bulk, for no reason, is no way to optimize.
Communal sites like MySpace and Facebook, or even YouTube and Flickr to some extent, are indeed popularity contests. However, simply trying to catalog massive amounts of unrelated, uninterested "friends" is totally counterproductive. Let the high school kids worry about who's got the most friends. For the purpose of SMO, you should concern yourself with quality, not quantity.
Using unsavory SMO techniques is the Web 2.0 equivalent to spam. Unfortunately, we're all far too familiar with spam. Unsolicited bulk messaging and link heavy advertisements instead of useful comments are two of the more prevalent methods of Social Media spamming. However, Social Media spamming is even more atrocious than email spam, because the offending text is visible to everyone on the site. It doesn't hide in your inbox, so it can really dilute the appeal of the site. Your kindergarten teacher was on the right track. If you don't have something relevant to say, don't say anything at all.
Is SMO right for my firm?
There are many different types of Social Media sites currently available. To put it in perspective, think about all the different interests you have in life. Now, consider the possibility that there's at least one Social Media site for each of your interests. Of course, you're not the only person on the Internet, so it's a safe bet there are literally millíons of sites dedicated to countless interests around the globe. Believe it or not, there's a group out there looking for your company, product or service. You just have to make it available. Therefore, understanding how to submit to and maintain your content on each community is absolutely crucial when developing a successful SMO strategy.
A few examples of the different Social Media genres include:
• News - These sites allow users to submit news articles. Once an article is published, users can submit their comments and vote to promote the story and/or author.
Examples include: Digg, Propeller, Newsvine
• Media - These sites allow users to upload and share a variety of different media files. The overwhelming majority of these sites are dedicated mainly to photo and video files.
Examples include: YouTube, Flickr
• Wiki - These sites allow users to add and edit informational articles as determined by the individual users.
Examples include: Wikipedia, WikiHow, Million Dollar Wiki
• Networking - These sites allow users to create profiles and network with others according to similar traits, tastes, and interests.
Examples include: MySpace, Facebook, Virb
• Bookmarking - These sites allow users to compile public bookmark collections of sites they find interesting, informative, or helpful. The more a site is bookmarked, the higher the ranking.
Examples include: Stumble Upon, Technorat,
When executed properly, Social Media Optimization can be quite a beneficial marketing tool. However, SMO may simply not be the right fít for your organization. Some questions you might like to consider before launching your SMO campaign are:
Most SMO sites share very specific information. Would your products benefit from this type of content specific market?
The audience for most Social Media sites is more of a young, tech savvy group. Would your company, product or service appeal to their fickle nature?
Does your web site contain a blog, or similar media outlet, you can regularly update with relevant content?
Given the fact that community based sites focus on individual profiles and commentary, are you comfortable with developing unique profiles across multiple sites?
In summary
Social Media Optimization has become a successful marketing tool for one simple reason. It works. The gap between old media and new has gotten smaller and smaller with the majority of the prominent television and print media outlets finally embracing the Internet by launching sites of their own. The different Social Media sites, like MySpace and Facebook, have exploded with profiles for everything from 8th graders discussing their favorite bands to full scale ad campaigns for Blockbuster movies.
If done correctly, SMO can expose your brand to markets you didn't think possible. Whether it's used alone to drive a campaign or in conjunction with your current interactive marketing strategy, Social Media Optimization offers you a significant advantage.

About The Author
Brian Easter is the CEO of NeboWeb. As CEO, Easter has led NeboWeb to explosive growth, attracting Fortune 500 clients and driving strategic partnerships which have fueled NeboWeb's expansion.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Call centers need to provide proper language services

Top of the day to you out there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan, president of

Today, my attention turns towards those controversial call centers in India.



Call centers need to provide proper language services


One thing that still has me baffled is this:  Why is it that when you phone a call center for help, most companies do not provide you with staff that are able to converse fluently or adequately in your requested language?  Take for example:

So many companies have relocated their call centers to India in order to save costs but they seem to have forgotten one major factor.  Most of the call takers in India do not really understand English well enough to provide acceptable service.  It is difficult to understand and decipher their accents and in turn they are unable to understand the English language well enough in order to provide quality service.  These two factors often lead to frustration on both sides of the phone and on both sides of the world and it is why so many companies are constantly running into problems with their customers.


On the one hand companies are saving money but on the other they are greatly neglecting the needs of their customers.  So which is more important?  Cutting costs but at the same time losing customers who are very dissatisfied with their phone service?  I think that maybe, just maybe, many companies have either failed to take into consideration that they should be employing call takers who are able to converse fluently in English or they believe that they can get away with this type of shoddy service.  I think that when I phone a company's customer service line, I am entitled to receive service in my requested language from reps who can converse with me in my chosen language, who can understand my request and who have enough knowledge to provide me with a solution in my chosen language.


It is an absolute insult to provide one's customer with sub par service when for example they request service in English but they receive service from a rep who is unable to converse in English, speak properly in English, and understand a request made in English.  I hope that companies take note and do something about this growing problem sooner than later.  Maybe it is time for them to re-examine the work force possibilities right here in North America.



If you require translation services then please visit, a subsidiary of

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Most Reliable, Certain, Steady, Trustworthy and Loyal Investment being Exposed

Hello there!  We the Business team at would like to start the week by sharing an article with you that talks about a very reliable investment that you may want to check out.
Our source is impeccable and we hope you find this article useful.
We wish you a great day.
Your Business team
The Most Reliable, Certain, Steady, Trustworthy and Loyal Investment being Exposed

so you want to Retire... or you're already Retired?
So what happens to your portfolio if the Market continues to tank for the next couple years?
Read on My Friends to find out how you can Collect Safely WITHOUT Buying Stocks, or Options...
Dear Gryphon Financial Reader,
Before I continue further, let's get something out in the open. This newsletter does not guarantee or make any claim that you will be "doubling your money" or that you will make "triple digit gains" overnight.

But here's the good news. I am able to show you a way of investing your hard earned money where it can mature SECURELY and STEADILY... no matter what the market does... Whether it goes Up or Down for months or years! IT DOESN'T MATTER!!

Allow me to introduce you to a new investment newsletter service that is proven to be more valuable in this market than any other out there.
Our latest recommendations from this service have prized 12% and 17% over the last five weeks... while stocks have gotten demolished!
And you should also know that these recommendations did NOT require playing stocks short or buying them at all... it also didn't entail buying currencies,..options...commodities... or government bonds either!
Hope you're not worried, because this is just as easy as buying Stocks or Options I assure you.
This venture offers shelter and great profits. What could be better right now? This method can give you your peace of mind can sit back and relax knowing your money is safe...without having to worry about what the markets are doing...How's that sound?
One of the Safest Ways to Invest Right Now
This is the best alternative to stocks and the market that will enable your portfolio's growth, adding to it double-digit profits, year after year...without risk, without dealing with a dormant bear market.
The plan, well it's called the, "Corporate PAYBACK System". It is the only way for you to gain 10% - 50% (or maybe even more!) in a brief time period. I can't think of a better time for you to move your money into a safer and more consistent venture then right now!
Allow me to explain ...
The Most Reliable, Certain, Steady, Trustworthy and Loyal Investment being Exposed
Just mull over a small amount of the various advantages of this approach:
Obtain Compensation Even during a Catastrophe - Market lunges... terrorist attack... pathetic financial news... reduced earnings... you still get compensated!
Returns AND Security - Receive profit s that surpass the stock market, with limited danger and practically no instability
Broaden your Horizons - Effortlessly extend your assets across numerous and diverse segments of the financial system
Predictable and Consistent Earnings - Your profits are mandatory by law and distributed to you on an exact day. A relief to know how much and when you are getting paid!
Bare Minimum Investment - With just $5,000 to $10,000 you will be able to out of harm's way using this system 
PASSIVE Income=Capital Gains - Earn reactive income, while  producing generous capital gains
Escape From the Most Treacherous Market Of Our Lifetime
My mind just can't recall a more challenging and problematical market than the one we are encountering on a daily basis. Anyone can profit from a bull market, No? But this is extremely difficult to deal with. Our markets fluctuate so uncontrollably it is almost impossible to avoid the exploitation, the emotional swings, the innuendoes and the government one is safe!
So...with all that said I am absolutely elated to be introducing you to system you can use that will afford you the same or better profits that stocks do, but without all the volatility and the risk!
Retirement... Are You Ready? This may be your last window of Opportunity to secure your FUTURE
If you're like me, within a decade of retiring - or you're retired already - do you think you can risk being a victim of today's market? The system I am speaking about can get you those market returns you so desire...but you won't have to keep running to your computer every time the market plummets. You will be able to rest easy every more market more having to ponder over when to sell or if you should buy at all. Investing the "Corporate Payback System" way won't leave you cringing on a daily basis.
One of the Safest Ways to Invest Right Now
So, do you want to know about "Corporate Payback System"...?
Short term-Investment Grade Corporate Bonds
You may have to consider the downward market swing and get heavily invested in corporate bonds for the sake of your savings, for the sake of your future.  
Listen to what some others have to say...
"High- quality bonds pay off even for the most cautious investor"
"With many investors terrified of the stock market and afraid to touch anything but U.S. Treasuries, investment advisers are trying to steer clients into bonds that are paying higher interest, while still being light on risk: the safest municipal bonds and high-quality corporate bonds... Shorter-term bonds can be even more attractive." Gail MarksJarvis,
Don't Forget About Corporate Bonds
By MICHAEL KAHN "With their intense popularity, Treasuries lack a proper payoff. But investment-grade, company-issued bonds are starting to look attractive again."
"Money also found its way into highly rated corporate bonds, with the iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund ...up 1.0%, or 87 cents, at $88.47"    Javier Espinoza and Lisa LaMotta,
"BONDS are not Boring nor are they slow in growth! Most wealthy people...I'm talking about Multi-Millionaires and Billionaires know better.  If they are carefully picked, BONDS yield high income, large profits and protect your capital.
AIG...LEHMAN...Bear Stearns... Shareholders Wiped Out... Bondholders Still Get Paid!
Your Very Own Personal Bond Professional...
At Your Assistance!
In the last couple years, the readers of Gryphon Financial have asked me time and time again, when we would  have a service and newsletter that catered to Bond trading, something that recommended safe, high profit, low risk Bonds.
Being as the market is these days, I knew there is no time like the present. Although these things take time, I mean finding the right person for the job. Bonds are an area of expertise, I needed a skilled "authority" to distribute this guidance to our faithful readers. Well without further ado allow me to introduce you to Gryphon's newest guru...
David Sparks. Who we kindly refer to as "Sparky"
David Sparks a familiar name I am sure you know, worked with one of our largest competitors, who I dare not name, where he was the Chief Editor and Bond Trader for the last 5 years. David's specialty has been in Investment Speaking. With a retirement aged clientele, David's specialty quickly became centered around conservative investments and bonds. He is an accomplished risk management professional and is more than ideal for the task at hand.
Here's what you need to know...
There are several ways companies raise money for their operations, expansions or improvements. They 1. Go through their existing return, 2. By releasing new stock, or 3. By borrowing money through bonds.
David will be recommending "INVESTMENT GRADE" Bonds. These bonds are issued by companies who have the best of credit and are the safest bets. These bonds are some of the best investments in the world when it comes to low risk and high gain. When you begin to invest in Bonds you will be joining some very influential groups. Groups like major financial institutions, pension funds and insurance companies.
So...How Will You Make Money...
All Bonds are issued at a value of $1000.00. With time of course, there are numerous aspects in the market that may cause a Bond to trade for less than its value. This being called a "discount" allots the trader to be paid the discount amount to be paid out at its maturity. David's forte is recommending Bonds that are trading at a discount. This is how you will be able to secure profitable gains, plus interest. THIS IS TOTAL EARNINGS!
Watch how it works...
An Example of a Company that is Legally Obligated
to pay You 40%...
David is presently recommending a Bond from a very well know, and reputable company. The Bond cost today is $795 and it does not mature until January 2010. The interest due on this bond is a rate of 7.75%, which is due in January and again in June of 2009, and again in January of 2010.So, you would receive three payments of $116.25 in interest and the face value of $1000 in January of 2010, which corresponds to a profit of $205.
BOND COST = $795



Sure beats losing money in the stock market!
I'm Proud to Present to You
The Bond Authority
The opportunities in high yielding, high quality bonds is astonishing! Under any circumstance corporate Bonds are one the most striking investments you could own in your portfolio.
This is why Gryphon Financial has joined forces with David Sparks, so you can enjoy the profits, get the information you need, give you commentary and advice and above all recommendations for profitable, high quality Bonds. 

GRYPHON is taking action to protect your hard earned money plain and simple!
THE BOND AUTHORITY will show you how to get the high profits, long term results  without any of the Stock Market Risk or Volatility.
Listen... you need to consider some more benefits:
NO JUNK! Only Investment Grade Bonds! - For the turbulent times we are seeing right now, loaning money to companies that are a credit risk won't happen with THE BOND AUTHORITY. You will only receive information and recommendations for the best and strongest companies out there!
 Various and Diverse - A wide variety of bonds in your portfolio will minimize further risk. THE BOND AUTHORITY will advise you of many different companies, in many diverse areas In time you will have anywhere from 15-30 different Bonds in your portfolio
High Fees are Avoided -  We're talking about anywhere from1% to about 5%.
Broker commissions are ONLY about a $1 - Brokers only charge you about a $1.00 per bond, cheaper than buying stocks, right? All your broker needs is the name, the coupon, a maturity date and a CUSIP number (9 digit # attached to all traded securities). SIMPLE AND EASY!
The Holding Periods Will Help You Beat Inflation - The Bond Authority will choose Bonds with short holding periods, let's say (12-24 months) that way you can still invest the principal monthly and keep up with the market.
Buy It and Forget! -  The norm is buy a bond, collect your interest and principle at maturity. No constant worry, because you'll know the precise amount you are collecting and when you are getting paid.
YOU can Be paid Interest Every Month - If you structure your portfolio you can receive interest and maturity payments each month. You will then be able to have a source of income to reinvest or spend as you wish.
Here's What THE BOND AUTHORITY Members Will be Receiving:
Bond Fundamentals a 28 Page SPECIAL REPORT (retail value $200)  - The nitty-gritty of Bonds. A members only report that will show you step by step the basics and important elements of investing in Bonds. David will also show you how, when, what and why. A must read for Bond investing.
New Suggestions - David will be sending you 2-3 Bond recommendations every month, specifying the exact details, including payout dates and amounts you will be receiving. So...For the next entire year you will be getting anywhere from 24-36 Bond positions that will enable your portfolio's growth and it give it new life with diversification.
Bi-Weekly Observations to bring you up to date - Every other week, David will send out his newsletter THE BOND AUTHORITY MANAGER highlighting Bond and market commentary, updates on your portfolio and continuing Bond Education helping you become a savvy Bond investor.
How Much Are You Willing To Pay For A Bullet-Proof Vest?
Isn't it an understatement by saying you are getting shot at right now in the market? I can't impress upon you enough how imperative it is to be able to protect your hard earned money in today's economy. You worked hard, right? This is more than a couple bad weeks in the market. You need to protect your assets by adding and supplementing with Bonds. They will rescue you from taking another hit you just can't afford, or quite honestly may put you in the financial hospital!
THE BOND AUTHORITY will show you how you can remain safe during turbulent times. You will be able to take significant profits off the table without stock market risk, volatility or emotional stress. You will be able to make money, and lots of it, when everyone else is losing theirs.
Here's a FACT you probably didn't know... The Dow Corporate Bond has not lost, not even 5% since 1956! AMAZING RIGHT?
THE BOND AUTHORITY retails at $1200.00 per year, and when we go public my friends, that is what we will be charging, but for our loyal subscribers of Gryphon Financial we will discount the full retail price so you won't have to pay anything even close to that!
ONLY $599.00 A YEAR!!!
A RISK-FREE Guarantee that will Gain Profits for you for a Lifetime
The only risk for you is NOT taking me up on this offer. This is a tremendous opportunity, which I know you will be thrilled about. Dive in, save yourself from losing more money, take advantage of knowing you're protected with THE BOND AUTHORITY! OR lose more of your time, money and sanity trading Stocks- IT"S UP TO YOU!!!
NOW is the Time to Secure Your Portfolio
Don't Forget you will receive:
Free Bond Fundamentals, a 28 Page SPECIAL REPORT (retail value $200)  - The nitty-gritty of Bonds. A members only report that will show you step by step the basics and important elements of investing in Bonds. David will also show you how, when, what and why. A must read for Bond investing.
So, you can call us at 1-800-828-9921 or 1-718-370-2883 with questions, concerns and your credit card or check by phone information- OR you can sign on quickly and easily right from this page.
GRAB HOLD of this money preserver you've been looking for - you just might be able to swim your way through a sea of bad investments ...all the way to the safety of secure Bonds.
In hopes that you are taking advantage of this significant discount I am offering you, not only do I want to thank you in advance, but your portfolio, your family and your future thanks you too. Join today-because the prices are going up.
Here's to you and your success,

Jeanne Grecco, Publisher
Gryphon Financial
October 2008
P.S.-  HELP A FRIEND! Forward this offer to a friend and help someone else get themselves Bailed out of their own mess. It's the humane thing to do. Click Here to Forward to a Friend
P.S.S.- This offer ends on January 1, 2009 and the price will go up to  $1200.00!
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
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Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Are call centers in India a barrier to employment?

Good happy weekend to you out there! 
We the team at Sterling Creations are delighted to bring you an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan. 
We wish you a great weekend.
Your Sterling Creations team
Are call centers in India a barrier to employment?
This is the big question of the day.  On the one hand I can understand why so many companies have chosen to relocate their call centers to India; mainly to reduce their costs.  However, and this is the big topic of the day, how this strategy on the part of companies continues to affect employment for persons with special needs.
According to the majority of business experts, the relocation of call centers to India continues to reap havoc among the following types of persons:
Retirees seeking to supplement their incomes.
Single parents who find it more flexible to work call center hours.
Students that seek income to help pay for their tuition.
Persons with disabilities who are faced with employment barriers.
In a recent survey carried out in the United States, it was revealed that the majority of persons with disabilities surveyed felt that call center jobs were more suited to them, that they had a better chance of finding employment with call centers, and that the barriers to employment were much lower.  There are many who would argue against these results but these were the thoughts of those who felt most affected.
My final thought on this topic is this:  Unemployment among persons with disabilities is one of the highest in North America at the present time and companies need to realize that there is a very untapped labor force out there just waiting to be discovered.  Yes, the persons with disabilities labor force. 
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Sterling Creations Winter 2008 newsletter

The Sterling Creations Winter 2008 newsletter


                   Hello and welcome to the Sterling Creations Winter 2008 newsletter, which is produced quarterly.  We hope that you enjoy it and encourage you to pass it along to those who may be interested in the types of services that we offer.  We welcome your feedback and invite you to give us your comments for it is only through you and with you that we can improve our services. 


Table of contents

1 Message from the president

2 The year in review

3 Sterling services

4 Our partners

5 Contact info



Message from the president

Hello there!  My name is Donna J Jodhan, and I am the president of Sterling Creations.  Sterling Creations is delighted to bring you their latest newsletter and we invite you to read more about some of the exciting and interesting things that we have been doing for the past year.  2008 has been extremely rewarding and exciting for us, as we have managed to expand our business as well as our partnerships despite the continuing uncertainty in our economy. 


2009 is already shaping up to be very interesting for our company and we are looking forward to it with great anticipation.  We are expecting great things for all of our teams as they strive to continue their work in their respective disciplines.  We hope that you enjoy this winter and we wish you good health, good luck, and good sailing for 2009.


On behalf of the Sterling Creations team I thank you for your continuing support and feedback because with it we can only get better and without it our hopes will only dwindle.

Best wishes for 2009.

Donna J. Jodhan, president.



The year in review

We would like to start our year in review by saluting our president Donna J. Jodhan for the award that she received on December 03 2008.  Donna was one of six recipients to have received the Unsung Heroes award from the City of Toronto.  This award was a part of the United Nations celebration of the day of the disabled, which is celebrated each year on December 03.  Donna was nominated by the Alliance for the equality of Blind Canadians for her work on her ongoing charter challenge in which she is suing the Canadian government over their inaccessible websites. 


This charter challenge is one of the first of its kind in Canadian history and Donna is being supported by a highly motivated and esteemed team that includes David Baker and his group of lawyers, Jutta Treviranus of the University of Toronto, and the Alliance for the Equality of Blind Canadians.  The Bakerlaw team of lawyers are well known for their string of continuing successes in representing the rights of special needs Canadians while Jutta is one of the most highly respected experts in the accessibility arena both at home and internationally.  Please visit to learn more about the award ceremony that was held on December 03 2008.


Donna launched her charter challenge in late 2006 when the Bakerlaw team submitted a letter of demand to the Honourable John Baird asking for the Canadian government to make their websites accessible to blind and visually impaired Canadians and when Mr. Baird refused the team filed court papers.  This was done in July 2007 and when the Canadian Government's attempt to have the proceedings thrown out of court was struck down, the two sides attempted to settle out of court but this too failed.  At the present time, cross examination of witnesses by both sides is proceeding at a swift pace and this case will probably head to open court barring any unforeseen events.  Stay tuned! 


Donna has been invited to deliver the keynote speech at the 2009 annual general meeting of the Alliance for the Equality of Blind Canadians, which will be held from May 01/03 in Vancouver British Colombia.  A very exciting time for our president who has asked us to thank the AEBcfor their gracious invitation; in particular John Rae and Denise Sanders. 


In September 2008 Donna became involved with researchers at the University of Toronto to engage in a very exciting venture that has great potential.  Donna has been working with researchers at the University of Toronto on a project that explores how community engagement can be used to help screen reader users in evaluating the credibility of information they seek online as part of everyday life.  All of this hard work has paid off and we are delighted to share some wonderful news with you!


In March 2009 Donna will be traveling with Sambhavi Chandrashekar, a PHD student from the University of Toronto, to attend the CSUN conference.  Donna and Sam will be co-presenting a paper on the "FRAMEWORK TO SUPPORT ONLINE CREDIBILITY EVALUATION BY WEB USERS WITH VISION LOSS."  We look forward to reporting the outcome of this presentation in our next newsletter.


Our president also managed to add one more prize to her bulging bag last year.  In an article-writing competition sponsored by T-Base Communications of Ottawa,  Donna J. Jodhan was victorious through the submission of her article entitled "Making important decisions with outdated information."  In her article, Donna discussed the serious problem that Canadians presently face when making financial decisions that involve such things as investments, retirement and pension plans, plus other types of day-to-day decisions. 


Donna received the highest possible score on the three

pre-determined criteria as follows:

Writing Style and Tone.  Clarity and Thoroughness.  General Organization.

The panel of judges included editors from some of Canada's top newspapers.  We salute Donna on her victory.


Our accessibility team continued to make inroads into the accessibility arena and one of its highlights for 2008 was the project that it worked on to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Louis Braille.  This team designed and developed a website for the CNIB as part of the commemorative celebrations.  The accessibility team worked closely with Barbara Marjeram and Don Taylor of the CNIB to complete the project.  Visit to see the work of our accessibility team.

Congrats to the accessibility team!


Not to be outdone:  Our writing team continued to work with clients in England and Australia to write, proofread, and edit fiction novels and children's books.  In addition, it continued to support the business team at to produce blogs.  The writing and research teams also became heavily involved in supporting our president to produce blogs and editorials at,,, and 


At we introduced a blog in November 2008 and this blog produces editorials by our president as well as publishes relevant articles from various sources including WebProNews, Gryphon Financial, and various top newspapers from around the world.  Our president writes editorials of interest for those who work with foreign languages as well as for special needs business consultants.


The Sterling Creations translation team at also managed to score some very exciting successes for 2008.  This very creative and highly diversified team managed to attract clients from as far away places as Spain, and gained some very important business right here in Toronto.  The translation team worked mainly with clients to translate to and from Chinese to English and Spanish to English.  We are anticipating some very bright prospects for our translation team for 2009.


In 2008 we formed some very exciting partnerships.  First with Geof Collis to produce editorials at and  Geof is a highly respected web designer and developer of accessible websites.  He recently launched to compliment his very successful website.  His weekly electronic newsletter presently boasts a subscription list of over 1200 subscribers. 


Geof Collis is a very hardworking entrepreneur who is not content to sit back and let things happen.  He makes them happen and has additional big plans for 2009.  Sterling Creations is delighted to be associated with Geof Collis.


In the summer of 2008 Sterling Creations was given an opportunity to produce blogs for Vashaun Jones at  Vashaun is another up and coming entrepreneur who is doing very well for himself in the United States.  He works closely with the National Federation for the Blind and was recently elected president of one of the NFB's chapters.  Sterling Creations looks forward to a long and fruitful association with Vashaun Jones and hopes that this partnership will help to create further opportunities in the United States.


The following is a list of websites where you can read blogs and editorials written by Donna J. Jodhan:

A weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns

A weekly blog for language professionals

A monthly editorial on business issues and concerns 

Weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada

Editorials:  An International perspective on issues of accessibility and disability

A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility 


We look forward to continued success for 2009 and will be seeking to expand opportunities to produce blogs, editorials, and product reviews for those who are interested to share their knowledge and information.  Despite the present economic downturn,  Sterling Creations is committed to soldiering on in the spirit of helping others to become successful.



Sterling services


Meet our accessibility team!  Made up of a hard working group of very dedicated professionals.  

This team offers compliance and evaluation services.  They can help you to test and evaluate your websites for W3C compliance.  They are experienced at what they do and some of their tasks include:

Accessible website design and development.

Accessible website testing and evaluation.

Accessible content development.

Creation of user testing, technical support, high level, and detailed evaluation documents.

Managing of user testing teams.

User and technical support.

Hardware and software evaluations of access technology.

Presentations, seminars, and workshops.


Meet our research services team!  Our newest edition.

This team can help you to research info on all kinds of topics.  From simple subjects to the more complicated ones.  This team can do it.

At the present time the research team is heavily involved in helping clients to research info for some very complicated Human Rights cases and in addition, they are assisting several authors to find ways to market their books.

They also offer their research services to home businesses, small businesses, and to individuals.

Some of their tasks include:

Researching of requested info.

Producing well-written documents containing the requested info.

This team can carry out Internet, phone, and library research on your behalf.


Meet our writing team!  Known as the one stop writing shop.

This team is probably the busiest of our groups.  Working with authors, students, and marketing personnel from companies of all sizes.

Some of their tasks include:

Proofreading and editing. 

Copy writing.


The writing team can help you to enhance and expand your articles, blogs, newsletters, online magazines, and web content.

To see samples of their work you can visit and there you'll find daily blogs produced by this team. 


Meet our translation team!  Made up of translators and language coaches.

This team works in English, French, Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin.  They are heavily involved in the translation of storybooks for kids into several languages.

Their language coaches are also heavily involved in helping business professionals and new Canadians to become more proficient at writing and speaking English.

Our dynamic team of translators and language coaches can help you to improve and translate your articles, blogs, emails, faxes, newsletters, and online magazines.  In addition, they offer services to help you improve your phone conversation.

Some of their tasks include:


Language coaching.


Proofreading and editing.


To learn more about our accessibility, research, and writing services, please visit and while there, check out our free monthly online magazine.  You can go directly to this magazine by visiting  This magazine is filled with articles of interest to the special needs population; there is also a section on helpful tips, and an editorial written by Donna J Jodhan.  The helpful tips section contains tips on a wide range of topics.  From the kitchen to your diet, and from your computer to tidbits on disabling diseases and even some tips on the workplace.  You can even submit your comments to this magazine by emailing us at

To learn more about our translation team, please visit and while there, check out their weekly blog on the free useful info page.  This page contains some very helpful news for translators and language professionals and in addition, there is an editorial on various types of opportunities for language professionals.


Our new sister website!  If you would like to make some lighthearted contributions at absolutely no cost, then please send your contributions to  Visit our new sister at and there you will find a lot of interesting information, books to read, plus more.



Our Partners


We would now like to introduce you to our partners and invite you to check them out.


About MIAD

With over 15 years of business experience, MIAD Information Systems Ltd. is a full-line supplier of IT Hardware/Software and Service and Support for the GTA.  MIAD provides custom and name brand servers, laptops, notebooks and workstations, as well as warranty and non-warranty repairs service for major laptop/notebook brands such as IBM, Lenovo, HP, Compaq, and Dell.  MIAD has formed strategic partnerships with major IT manufacturers to deliver integrated business solutions that enable our customers to compete and grow in these demanding economic times.  We specialize in Customizable IT Solutions for Small/Medium businesses and custom tailor our solutions to the individual needs of your organization. Recognized across Canada for our Service Excellence by our customers and our Service Partners, IBM/Lenovo, HP, Apple and others. At MIAD we understand information technology and its use in solving problems. MIAD is more than just a company that fills orders; we specialize in developing creative, cost-effective solutions for our Clients, large and small. The commitment to quality and performance is proven by the successful partnerships we have formed with significant companies and institutions in the Canadian Educational, Health and Corporate sectors.


About Texthelp Systems' Browsealoud

 Texthelp Systems' Browsealoud is the preferred solution for speech enabling website content and increasing access for individuals with literacy difficulties. This award winning web accessibility solution, reads aloud all website content including Alt Tags, embedded PDF and Microsoft Word documents, and secure pages.  Reading text aloud combined with dual color highlighting makes it easier for users to read the web, interact online, or even learn to read.  Browsealoud is a subscription based service with a free download for your website visitors. It's easy to implement and even easier to use, and is the only truly accessible text to speech solution for both website owners and visitors. 


See for yourself how Browsealoud works on these Browsealoud enabled sites:  

 City of Ottawa –

·                                 Province of Ontario –

·                       !ut/p/.cm/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/7_0_252/_s.7_0_A/7_0_252/_l/en?docid=STEL01_100996

·                                 Yukon Workers' Compensation Health & Safety Board –


·                                 Cambrian College –

·                        dex.php

·                                 Niagara College –



·                                 About

·                                 President Geof Collis

·                                 "Bad Eyes Design and Consulting builds industry leading, accessible

·                                 websites using today's best practices and in accordance with the W3C

·                                 standards and provides

·                                   accessibility audits. Visit them on the web at



·                                 About

·                                 President Vashaun Jones

·                                 Are you in search for that perfect job?

·                                 Do you have a software application that you need training on or a computer operating system that you want to advance in?

·                                 If the answer to either of these questions is yes then we are the company to assist you. We are LLC, specializing in online training for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.

·                                 If you work during the day or are in school and need a flexible time to train then we are here to help. We employ a staff of over 50 access technology specialist all over the globe, so we are able to provide training on your schedule and best of all it's all done from the comfort of your own home.

·                                 If you need to learn Microsoft Office, Terminal in Mac or a flavor of Linux then we are only a click away.

·                                 For any readers of this newsletter LLC is offering a 20% discount if you use the coupon code "advancement".

·                                 For more information and other fun stuff like our blog, mailing list or podcast, check us out on the web at or send an e-mail to



Contact info

To contact us by email:  Please send your email to

To contact us by phone:  Please give us a call at (416) 491-7711