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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Seniors and the disabled easy targets

Seniors and the disabled easy targets
By Donna J. Jodhan
As we move into the busy holiday season, we need to keep in mind that this is the time when those hackers and pirates make themselves more known.  Not for their good will, but rather for the havoc that they tend to cause and in most cases get away with.  It is at this time of the year when they seem to focus in more on our seniors as well as the disabled so it would do us good to keep this in mind.
Most hackers and pirates seem to believe that seniors and disabled persons are the ones who are easiest to con and for the most part they are correct.  However, there is something that we as a disabled community can do in order to change this for good.  The biggest weapon that we have in our arsenal is awareness.  Yes, awareness and as long as we keep our wits about us, be on the lookout for fast talking sales persons, bogus phone calls with callers promising something that does not sound true or logical, and companies offering exorbitant prizes plus more, we should be fine.
Here are some tips for you to keep in mind as you go about your hectic holiday shopping:
Never give out your personal information to strangers or unknown callers.
Never divulge your banking information to strangers or unknown callers.
Keep your credit card and your social insurance card extra safe.  Put them in a place that only you or someone that you absolutely trust, knows of.
Be extra cautious when you go to do your online shopping.
Before you accept any type of prize, take the time to check out the details of your winning.
This is going to be my final blog for the year and I would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and the very best for 2009.  Feliz Navidad and Joyeux Noèl.
Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cell phones, in case of emergency

Hello there!  We the accessibility team at are absolutely delighted today!  Why you ask?  It's all because we are happy to spread the good news about the achievements of our president Donna J Jodhan.  Yes, Our Donna was presented with a United Nations Unsung Heroes award on December 03 2008.  Donna received her award for continuing work on advocacy including her present charter challenge against the Canadian government for inaccessible websites.  Great going Donna and hopefully there is much more to come!
Today we are pleased to share an article with you that bears relevance to `the importance of cell phones in case of an emergency.
We wish you a terrific day and compliments of the holiday season.
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noèl, and Feliz Navidad!
Your accessibility team.
Apparently this is a standard procedure all paramedics follow at the scene
of an accident when they come across your cell phone.
ICE - 'In Case of Emergency'
We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but
nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our
closest family or friends.
If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people
attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes,
there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case
of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign
The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact
during emergency situations. As cell mobile) phones are carried by the
majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact
person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name
'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the
scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they
didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a
good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an
emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to
quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have
stored as 'ICE.'
For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great
idea that will make a difference!
Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile
phones today!
Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody
will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's
mind at rest. ICE will speak for you when you are not able to.  
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


What is Internet marketing?

Hello there!  We the research team at are delighted to bring you an article that could help you to gett better idea of what Internet marketing is all about.  This article is written by a very renowned author and we hope it helps but before we do so!
We extend our most heartiest congrats to our president Donna J Jodhan.  On December 03 Donna was presented with the Unsung Heroes award to mark the United Nations celebration of the International day for the disabled. A fitting award for a very deserving lady!
We wish you a great day and the very best for the holiday season!
Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noèl, and Feliz Navidad!
Your research team. 
What is Internet Marketing?
By Daniel Scyphers (c) 2008 

Internet marketing is still a complete mystery to a large majority of Internet users. For many users, internet marketing is seen as some foreign area of the web, populated with silly get-rich-quick schemes and unsavory characters ready to rip off the innocent and uninformed consumer at the click of a mouse.
In reality, Internet marketing is populated mainly with hard working professionals promoting and selling high quality brand products by many of the world's Top 500 companies.

Worldwide there are now over a billion Internet users, representing one large global consumer base or marketplace. The total amount of goods sold online has been steadily increasing each year as the Internet gains in both popularity and familiarity. Studies have shown people shop online because of lower prices, a wider selection of products, easier comparison shopping, and many just prefer not having to travel to stores to make a purchase.
Still Internet marketing has gotten a raw deal.
If you mention to any group of professionals that you're an Internet Marketer and that you work full time on the Internet... you will receive some very skeptical looks and more than one arched eyebrow of disbelief.
Regardless of this lingering skepticism, Internet marketing has become a viable alternative for many disgruntled professionals dissatisfied with their working hours or conditions. It has become a viable alternative for many people from all walks of life. From the college student to the bored housewife to the retired doctor... all are enjoying a part time or full time income from the comfort of their homes.
And since the Internet is now practically available to everyone, anywhere in the world - Internet marketing is a level playing field. There are many forms of Internet marketing. There are many online business models you can follow. There are countless ways to earn a good honest income from the Internet. Which path you take will be largely determined by research, work habits, and the time you are willing to put forth.
Here's a quick rundown of the most popular forms of Internet Marketing:
1. The Brick and Mortar Store Online. Most major companies and retail stores have created online versions of their brick and mortar businesses. Even if consumers don't buy online, many use these sites for gathering product information before buying in the real world. A factor many savvy businesses are exploiting in their overall marketing strategies.

2. Online Services. Many service industries have moved online, everything from travel to banking to dating! Again, the Internet can be a profitable extension for any service company.
3. Internet Gurus... Internet marketing has a whole history of pioneers who have forged the methods and techniques of marketing online - opt-in lists, mini-sites, article marketing, pay-per-click advertising, joint ventures... a brief history populated with such names as John Reese, Marlon Sanders, Ralph Wilson, Yanik Silver, Corey Rudl, Ken Evoy and countless others.
A whole new industry has grown around 'How-to' market online, info products, workshops and web seminars - teaching people how to market on the Internet. A marketer creating his own product can prove very productive - as seen by John Reese's 2004 launch of Traffic Secrets, which earned over a million dollars in one day. (Without a penny of paid advertising!)
4. Online Advertising and Pay-Per-Click advertising such as those offered by Google Adwords and others, presents another viable marketing route. Keywords (the exact words typed into a search engine) fuel a large portion of the web's activity. Keyword marketing has become a major driving force behind most of the economic transactions on the web. This is a very lucrative sector for those Internet marketers who know exactly what they're doing.
Then there is the whole section of SEO experts and consultants who command high prices for positioning companies or products in the top positions on the major search engines. Acquiring organic Top 10 search results will greatly determine the profitability of your online product or company.
5. Affiliate Marketing. One of the least understood, yet one of the most profitable forms of Internet marketing is affíliate marketing. An online marketer can join any affíliate program and promote its products or services on the Internet. You market the products, find customers for the company and receive a commission for each sale you make from your marketing efforts. These commissions can run anywhere from 2% to over 75%. One affíliate click can earn you anywhere from a few cents to several hundred dollars.
Major third party affíliate programs or companies such as Commission Junction, Clickbank, LinkShare, Amazon, Shareasale... act as a brokerage or go-between, representing thousands of Top Brand companies such as Sony, Apple, Dell... to online affíliate marketers. Marketers can join a program such as Commission Junction or LinkShare and be able to promote and market hundred of top quality products or services online. They can consolidate their affíliate marketing through these third party programs.
Perhaps the most common business model for the majority of online marketers is the last example, or a combination of advertising and affíliate sales. Many work-from-home professionals have adopted this business model. They have created a site or sites on the topic that interests them and of which they have or have gained some expert knowledge.
Once these sites become established and gather a large amount of targeted web traffíc each day, making a nice income can only be a matter of putting the Google Adsense code on their pages and placing a few appropriate affíliate links on their sites.
The more traffíc these marketers deliver to their sites, the more income they earn. The more unique content they create, the more income they earn. The more web sites they design, the more income they earn.
What many people outside of the web marketing field fail to realize is that the Internet is a 24/7/365 business. The Internet is always on and working for you. It is automatically producing income for you 24 hours of the day - while you're sleeping, while you're enjoying a nice meal with friends, or even while you're on vacatíon.
Internet marketing can provide you with a lifestyle that is totally liberating - you can live and work anywhere in the world. You can be the boss, set your hours and work from the comfort of your home. Plus your whole online Internet business can be automated so it basically runs itself.
Internet marketing is totally flexible. You can adjust your workload to suit your work habits. Internet marketing is scalable, once you have learned how to make your first dollar; it is only a simple matter of repeating and scaling up what you did to earn that dollar. Computers and the Internet make it just as easy to handle a thousand sales as it is to handle one sale.
As Internet marketing becomes better known, it will gradually earn more and more respect. It will become a well recognized profession that many will aspire to and follow as a life long career. Mainly because Internet marketing will give you the freedom rarely seen in any other profession.
It offers you mobility, a high standard of living, and a working environment that can't be beat. It gives you the freedom to follow your interests and hobbies; all the while turning those interests into viable revenue streams that supports the lifestyle of your choosing.
When it is all said and done, earning a living just doesn't get any better than this.

About The Author
Daniel Scyphers, has been working with internet marketing for six years now, and is steadily making a good income each month with the Independent Profit Center System.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Asian languages on the West coast Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese

Top of the day to you!  I'm Donna J Jodhan.

Today I would like to shine the spotlight on our West coast, right here in the good old United States of America.



Asian languages on the West coast Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese


I'd like to give you some important pointers today with regard to which languages you should be looking at when it comes to providing translation services right here in America, specifically for the West Coast.  The first thing for you to know is that the translation industry is very much alive and well in America.  The second thing for you to know is that on the West Coast, the translation industry is booming and ticking along at a very fast clip. 


As things stand today, the West Coast has become home to literally millions of immigrants from Asia and will continue to be so for many foreseeable years to come.  Immigrants from Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam continue to make the West Coast of America their home and in addition, they continue to establish important business links between the West Coast and their original homelands.  The picture looks something like this:

We have millions of persons migrating from Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam to our West Coast.  They come bearing a lot of experience, skills, and funds to set up themselves in their new home.  They are determined to become good Americans but at the same time they are also determined to retain links to their countries of birth.  They need translation services in order to obtain their objectives.  So, they need translation and foreign language services and many translation agencies on the West Coast are primarily providing translation services in the languages mentioned above.


This picture could be used by many Americans to their advantage as follows:  Why not learn one of these languages as your second language and in so doing you can use your skills to enter professions such as translation, transcription, foreign language interpretation, foreign language teaching, and as foreign language writers, proofreaders, and editors.  You see, there are practically hundreds of thousands of opportunities beckoning.  I know that the economy is very volatile at the present time but please keep this in mind.  We need global trade and immigration to continue in order to support our economies and these two variables will always be needed in order to stabilize and help expand our global economy. 


I would like to close by giving you a reference to investigate.

        Asian Languages — by GOIHATA SL

        By admin

        The Asian languages, particularly Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese, represent a significant part of the translation industry in the United States, especially on the West Coast. Some agencies specialize in only Asian languages ...

        Free Articles - 



If you require translation services then please visit

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)

GOVERNMENT STATISTICSInflationary Recession Remains Intact and Intensifies

Hello there!  We the business team at would like to start our blog by saluting our president Donna J Jodhan on receiving her most recent award.  Donna was awarded an Unsung Heroes award on December 03 2008 on the United Nations international day of the disabled.  We are all so very proud to have Donna as our leader.
Today we would like to publish an article that is closely related to the present economic crisis.  We hope that this article serves to enlighten the picture for you.
We wish you a pleasant day, and joyous holiday season.  Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noèl, and Feliz Navidad!
Your business team.
GOVERNMENT STATISTICSInflationary Recession Remains Intact and Intensifies
Federal Debt Jumps $1.25 Trillion Year/Year, $650 Billion in Six Weeks
Inflation Holds Despite Oil Sell-Off
3rd-Quarter Real Retail Sales Plunge
Annualized 10.1%, 4.2% Year/Year
3rd-Quarter Industrial Production Down
for Second Consecutive Quarter, Year/Year
 In response to reader requests, this Special Update provides a preliminary but brief assessment of the impact from the financial system solvency crisis and ongoing turmoil in the global financial markets on the outlook for the continuing inflationary recession and my prediction of a hyperinflationary great depression. These comments are provided in advance of more detailed analysis in the next full SGS Newsletter, targeted for publication over the weekend of October 25th. In general, the economic and inflation outlooks — other than intensified — are little changed.
- Best wishes to all, John Williams  
 Fed/Treasury Actions Should Stabilize Banking System
U.S. Equities, U.S. Dollar and U.S. Economy Face Significant Downsides
With the partial nationalization of the banking system, full FDIC backing to demand deposits and various other bank liabilities, extraordinary liquidity facilities offered by the Federal Reserve and indications of further flexibility as needed, the federal government and the Federal Reserve have taken actions or otherwise should have the ability to stabilize the functioning of financial services industry. As discussed previously, however, those actions will not prevent an already ongoing and deepening recession and will not provide a long term-prop to U.S. equities or to the U.S. dollar.  The ultimate cost of systemic salvation remains inflation, driven by excessive monetary creation, irrespective of the short-term collapse in oil prices.
It is important to keep in mind that the current recession has been in place for some time, since before the systemic solvency crisis broke in August of 2007. It reflects a structural impairment in the U.S. economy that has prevented sustainable income growth from exceeding that of inflation (see the Hyperinflation Report of April 8, 2008 for further detail). The recent systemic and market turmoil only have exacerbated the downturn, they did not trigger it. As discussed below, reporting of retail sales and industrial production show an ongoing and deepening recession.  
While those underlying economic numbers would be consistent with a third-quarter real (inflation-adjusted) GDP contraction, the Bureau of Economic Analysis so far has masked most of the GDP's contraction in the current recession with heavily politicized reporting. The BEA has the ability to do so, again, in the upcoming "advance" estimate of the third-quarter GDP, due out on October 30th, the Thursday before the election. On the other hand, the concept of the U.S. economy being in recession is now so widespread that further obfuscation could just intensify the public's distrust of government reporting, with little if any political gain. If consensus forecasts coming into the end of next week are for a GDP contraction, such would enhance the odds of an actual contraction being reported.


The most profitable single trade of all time revealed for the
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FACT: 99% of investors do not have a clue how to trade the markets. They ride the crashing wave of buying the highs and selling the lows. Only the strong and truly savvy are able to will and manipulate their trades and continue to profit from Wall Street.
For the very first time, we're revealing a secret strategy to the first 100 subscribers. This bear market strategy is so powerful, government politicians have been trying to outlaw it for years!
This controversial and secretly held technique has made a small select few billionaires. One in particular is our head trader, and owner of Gryphon Hedge Fund - Kenneth Maseka, who in one day alone destroyed a particular company and packed more than $190 million inside a 24 hour stretch!
As we write this report, we should firmly say that this may be the only way to realize triple digit gains over the upcoming year. And for the first time in the history of the company, we are letting 100 investors into our secret and private group.
For over 100 years, this ruthless group has used this secret strategy to make BILLIONS. Over the last century, this private group of "THE TEN"... 10 traders working in unison since 1991, these quiet stock market masters have used this one simple technique to turn wounded weak stocks into BILLIONS.
But, remember of all God's creatures, the wolf has the greatest instinct to pray on the weak and will only let others in to their pack on the unanimous vote - you must be hand selected by "THE TEN" to even be considered for this private service. Typically reserved only to the qualified investor.
In recent weeks, the government and Wall Street talked up the "collapsing" economy in an effort to gain public support for the "bailout" package.   The fear mongering has had its impact in hitting the economy harder than would have been seen otherwise from the liquidity crisis, accelerating the fall into an economic depression (see the Hyperinflation Report of April 8, 2008 for further definitions).
From the standpoint of inflation, the current level of oil prices, below $90 per barrel, has and will ease some of the immediate-term commodity-driven inflation pressures. Such will be more than offset in the next six-to-nine months as the impact from increased money supply growth starts to surface in inflation reporting. I still look for double-digit official CPI reporting in early 2009.
As to recent strength in the dollar, weakness in oil prices, and softness in gold prices, much has been distorted by the systemic solvency crisis, where forced liquidations of related financial instruments have caused prices movements well beyond or counter to underlying fundamentals. In particular, as the markets begin to stabilize, the U.S. dollar should come under intense selling pressures. Regardless of the global nature of some actions taken to stabilize the system, the primary solvency crisis and the fiscally and monetarily destructive corrective actions are predominantly U.S. issues, ones that materially have weakened the already miserable underlying fundamentals for the U.S. dollar.
When dollar selling resumes, eventually evolving into a massive flight-to-safety outside the dollar, that should put upside pressure on the prices of precious metals. Oil prices should surge in dollar terms, too, irrespective of any softening oil demand due to slower U.S. or global economic activity.
The hyperinflation forecast remains intact, but it may be moved closer to the present, depending on developments with the U.S. dollar. This shall be discussed in further detail in the upcoming SGS Newsletter.
Federal Debt and Deficit Explode. Quick impact from the solvency crisis has been seen in the U.S. government's deteriorating fiscal condition. Against official expectations two months ago of a $389 billion deficit, the official fiscal 2008 (year-ended September 30th) shortfall came in at $454.8 billion, up from $161.5 billion in 2007. These are the officially-gimmicked numbers, not GAAP reporting, which will show a much larger deficit. Reflecting the recession that was in place long before the solvency crisis exploded, government revenues in 2008 fell by 15.3% versus 2007.
As of October 14, 2008, gross federal debt stood at $10.294 trillion, up by $1.250 trillion or 13.8% year-to-year, and up by $650 billion or 8.8% since the first of September.   
CPI Continued to Absorb Oil Sell-Off Shock.  Reported September consumer inflation eased back again on both a monthly and annual basis, as the CPI continued to absorb the impact of an ongoing tumble in oil prices. Yet, "core" inflation also eased (CPI-U core up by 0.1% in September, 0.2% in August, and 0.3% in July) despite significant anecdotal evidence of surging non-energy and food inflation.
CPI-U.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported seasonally-adjusted September CPI-U eased by 0.03% (down by 0.14% unadjusted) +/- 0.12% for the month, versus a 0.14% (0.40% unadjusted) decline in August.  Year-to-year or annual inflation in September backed off to 4.94% from 5.37% in August. 
Annual inflation would increase in October 2008 reporting, dependent on the seasonally-adjusted monthly gain exceeding the 0.26% monthly increase seen in October 2007.  The difference in growth would directly add to or subtract from September's annual inflation rate of 4.94%.
CPI-W. Annual inflation for the narrower CPI-W — targeted at the wage-earners category where gasoline takes a bigger proportionate bite out of spending — eased to 5.4% in September from 5.9% in August and 6.2% in July.  The CPI-W is used for making the annual cost of living adjustments to Social Security payments, and the 2009 adjustment — based on the July to September 2008 period — should be about 5.8%, two-and-a-half times the 2.3% adjustment for 2008.  Such is not good news for federal budget deficit, discussed elsewhere.


Banished to the financial wilderness, shunned by the big-shot honchos on Wall Street... the story of how a lone wolf NY trader succeeded beyond all expectations, and promises to deliver you 100% every month!
This breakthrough analysis service is only being offered on a limited scale. But if you act fast you could guarantee yourself the opportunity to receive an absolutely free six-month subscription. What's more, included in this offer is this promise: If we fail to produce a dozen plays which you can then turn into triple-digit gainers over the next year, we'll happily give you 6 months of service free... does this sound like a good deal to you?

Dear Friends,
It's a strange world we live in... just a few short years ago David Russo a trader based in New York City was struck with a bold and ingenious idea, only problem? Getting the creme de la creme of the Wall Street establishment to actually listen and give his proposition a fair shot. What occurred instead was a concerted effort to isolate, and ignore Mr. Russo and his revolutionary trading service. Humiliated by his superiors, and lampooned by his peers, lesser men would have given in and conformed to the status quo... David Russo however is a special individual.
Spurred by the fires of rejection, David Russo poured himself into a body of work he had first began nearly a decade earlier, what emerged was something many consider to be akin to a work of art. But it was a rough design. More time followed, the system was placed under the most strenuous of tests, always seeking to expose its weak spot, its underbelly if you will.
Finally after years of these exhaustive tests, and incredible attention to detail, David Russo had realized his dream, he had succeeded in creating a radically new trading system which has served to flip these initial Wall Street fat cat disbelievers onto their heads, and rue the day they failed to see Mr. Russo crafty idea for the genius it was.
Since its first quarter of beta launch The Boiler Room, a name coined by Mr. Russo in reference to this remarkable analysis service, has produced 14 winners out of a possible 18 for the staggering total accumulated profit of 1,969%.
An astonishing average gain of 109% on every single play, some of which included:
READ ON.....
C-CPI-U.  Year-to-year or annual inflation for the Chain Weighted CPI-U — the fully substitution-based series that increasingly gets touted by CPI opponents and inflation apologists as the replacement for the CPI-U — eased to 4.34% in September from 4.70% in August.
Alternate Consumer Inflation Measures.  Adjusted to pre-Clinton (1990) methodology, annual CPI growth declined to roughly 8.3% in September from 8.7% in August, while the SGS-Alternate Consumer Inflation Measure, which reverses gimmicked changes to official CPI reporting methodologies back to 1980, eased back to roughly 12.9% in September from 13.2% in August.  The alternate numbers are not adjusted for any near-term manipulations of the data.
PPI Also Absorbed Oil Selling. The regularly volatile Producer Price Index (PPI) for finished goods contracted by a seasonally-adjusted 0.4% (0.1% unadjusted) in September, versus 0.9% (1.6% unadjusted) in August, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The decline largely reflected the continued sharp decline in oil prices.  Year-to-year PPI inflation in September eased to 8.7% from 9.6% in August.
Retail Sales Plunge Month-to-Month and Year-to-Year, Before Inflation Adjustment. September retail sales showed a still-deepening economic contraction. The Census Bureau reported that seasonally-adjusted sales fell for the month by 1.16% (down 1.49% net of revisions) +/- 0.6% (95% confidence interval), following a revised 0.45% (previously 0.27%) decline in August.  On a year-to-year basis, September retail sales growth turned negative, down by 1.03%, versus a revised gain of 1.50% (previously 1.56%) in August. 
Real Retail Sales. Deflated by the September CPI-U, seasonally-adjusted real (inflation-adjusted) retail sales contracted by 1.13% for the month of September (down 1.16% before inflation adjustment), following a 0.31% decline in the month of August (down 0.45% before inflation adjustment).  On a year-to-year basis, September retail sales fell by 5.69% (down 1.03% before inflation adjustment), versus a 3.66% decline in August (up by 1.50% before inflation adjustment). The series now has suffered its fourth consecutive quarter-to-quarter real contraction (an annualized decline of 10.1% in the third quarter versus a 1.2% drop in the second quarter) and the third consecutive quarter of annual contraction (down 4.2% for the third quarter versus a 1.6% decline for the second quarter).  Such ongoing negative growth patterns never have been seen outside of formal recessions.
Core Retail Sales.  Consistent with the Federal Reserve's predilection for ignoring food and energy prices, "core" retail sales — retail sales net of grocery store and gasoline station revenues — fell by 1.47% (down 1.76% net of revisions) in September, versus a revised 0.21% (was 0.06%) decline in August.  Those numbers contrasted with the official aggregate drop of 1.16% in September and the revised 0.45% decline in August.  On an annual basis, September "core" retail sales fell by 4.26% versus a revised August decline of 1.67% (previously down by 1.73%).
Industrial Production Contracts in 3rd Quarter, Net of Strike and Hurricane Impacts. The Federal Reserve reported a 2.8% monthly contraction in September industrial production, following a revised 1.0% (previously 1.1%) drop in August.  September's weakness was attributable to a strike at Boeing and to oil and gas related shutdowns in the Gulf of Mexico region due to hurricanes.  September year-to-year change plunged by 4.5%, after a 1.4% annual contraction in August. Adjusting for strike and hurricane impacts, however, third-quarter production still was down on both a quarterly and an annual basis.
Not adjusted for the special factors, following a 3.1% annualized quarter-to-quarter contraction reported in the second quarter, industrial production suffered its second consecutive quarterly downturn in the third quarter at an annualized 6.0% rate of decline.  In conjunction with a 2.7% contraction in year-to-year growth for the third quarter, the series is showing growth patterns not seen outside of recessions.
Trade Deficit Reportedly Narrowed in August. Still showing likely paperwork flow distortions as discussed in the last newsletter, the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported the seasonally-adjusted August trade deficit narrowed to $59.8 billion from a revised $61.3 (previously $62.2) billion in July. With apparent renewed games-playing in reported oil imports, these data could be used to help keep the "advance" third-quarter GDP estimate in positive territory for its pre-election debut.

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This method of consistent profits is alluring --- but there's even bigger benefit to simple and straightforward-----IT'S FREEDOM!
Go golfing, workout, sleep or just plain goof off- have fun- pretty much do whatever you want.
We're EMPOWERING investors one trade at a time...
READ ON.....
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

How social media is killing CNN

Hello there!  We the team at www.sterlingcreations are pleased to bring you our article of the week.  One that is thought provoking, extremely relevant, and one that is a must read.
To learn more, please read on.
Have a great December weekend.
The Sterling Creations team
How Social Media is Killing CNN
By Kalena Jordan (c) 2008 

Anyone who spent time online the previous week could not have avoided being exposed to the horrific events of the Mumbai terrorist attack on Thursday.
Those plugged into social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook were privvy to a fascinating but terrible phenomenon. Online viewers the world over were inundated with live, up to the second footage and news items channeling the Mumbai carnage to their computer screens, literally as it unfolded.

I was logged into Twitter and glued to my laptop screen all day. Several bloggers residing in India's financial capital were live-blogging events as they happened and many others who couldn't get online were on the phone feeding updates to news agencies and social media sites.
To keep up to date, I relied on Twitter user @BreakingNewz, who was apparently in touch with several witnesses, hostages and even military personnel that were live at the scene. The updates I was seeing were minutes, and in some cases, hours ahead of news agencies such as CNN and Reuters.
In fact, the news was so instantaneous that Mumbai police had to step in and ask several live bloggers and Twitterers (including BreakingNewz) to stop the updates as they were undermining military operations underway to thwart the terrorists and rescue hostages. Apparently the terrorists were using the live Internet feeds to pinpoint the location of police determined to stop them.
Which brings up an interesting point: does the immediacy of social media have the ability to kill off traditional news agencies such as CNN and BBC?
According to Wikipedia, CNN airs to more than 1.5 billion people in over 212 countries and territories. Impressive, but the Internet has a wider reach and faster growth. So what about on-the-ground reporters? CNN is apparently second only to Britain's BBC News in terms of the number of employed news journalists and worldwide news bureaus. To that I say big deal. There are undoubtedly more people blogging the news in better and faster ways than CNN journalists.

More and more people are ditching their newspaper subscription, switching off the TV and turning to the Internet for their daily news fix. And why wouldn't they? It's faster, cheaper and interactive. They can subscribe to the feeds of digital journalists and bloggers they like, they can search news by region, category or timeline and thanks to social networking, can be informed the very instant news happens in the world.
So could the advent of social media signal the end of traditional news journalism? Yes, I think it could. We've already seen how the Internet has impacted newspaper publishing .
Perhaps topical specialization is one answer to the digital vs paper journalism dilemma. Maki explains it well in his blog post The Future of Content in an Age of Information Overload:
"If newspapers can't compete with blogs and online news sites in terms of speed and variety, perhaps they can trump them in terms of depth or trust. After all, feature-length content with solid, investigative reporting is not something you'll often find on most blogs or personal sites on the web."
Then there's the recent wave of spats between journalists and bloggers. Many of the articles I've read lately feature defensive posturing by some traditional journalists whining that bloggers are "ruining" the art of writing by flooding the Internet with poorly written micro content.

Perhaps some journalists are feeling threatened by the ability of bloggers to reach the masses before they do? Or is it because they can't handle the fact that the art of writing is now in the grasp of anyone with a PC and an Internet connection?
To those journalists I say - get over yourself. Blogging is the ultimate equalizer. Just like brick and mortar businesses had to come to terms with e-commerce, writers need to adapt to the digital medium and morph their skills to suit, not throw tantrums and claim that the sky is falling.
Having spent much of my secondary and most of my tertiary education training as a journalist, I can understand the resistance they feel to the digital wave and their loyalty to the traditional craft. But the Internet is actually giving journalism a larger audience and providing ordinary people with a voice they never had before.
As Andrew Sullivan writes in his thesis-like post Why I Blog:
" blogging evolves as a literary form, it is generating a new and quintessentially postmodern idiom that's enabling writers to express themselves in ways that have never been seen or understood before. Its truths are provisional, and its ethos collective and messy. Yet the interaction it enables between writer and reader is unprecedented, visceral, and sometimes brutal. And make no mistake: it heralds a golden era for journalism."
The naked truth is that the cachet of being a journalist is no longer restricted to the tertiary-educated, long-suffering newspaper cadet. Global Internet uptake and the advent of Web 2.0 has ensured that news can be reported instantly anytime, anywhere, by anyone.
Social media sites provide the channels to reach a mass audience and blogs provide the content. Blogging - even on a micro scale like Twitter - unlocks the journalist inside everyone and that's not a bad thing.

About The Author
Article by Kalena Jordan, one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia, who is well known and respected in the industry, particularly in the U.S. As well as running a daily Search Engine Advice Column, Kalena manages Search Engine College - an online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in Search Engine Optimization and other Search Engine Marketing subjects.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Women bear brunt of downturn

Hello there!  We the accessibility team at would like to present you with a truly sobering article for today.  One that truly outlines the plight of women in Canada and indeed for most of the rest of the world.  This article sure sobered us up and we are sure that it will do the same to you.
Please read on and think about our women folk as they struggle during these very difficult times.
Have a pleasant day.
Your accessibility team
women bear brunt of downturn
Antonia Zerbisias
The Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 2008
We may all be tightening our belts, but women are feeling the biggest pinch.
They will soon be pounding the pavement, many starting in January, when you
can bet that their jobs in retail will disappear.
The sale signs are already grim. Consumer confidence is the lowest it's been
since 1982.
Fact is, women have always made up the majority of Canada's poor, with one
in seven living below the poverty line. More than half of single-parent
families are headed by women, many of whom never see a support cheque from the father
of their children.
There's little economic justice.
First there's the wage gap, that 70-cent dollar on average that women earn
in comparison with men. So, when wages fall, they fall more precipitously
for women.
Second, women have higher costs. There's still no equity in the price of a
haircut or for dry-cleaning a blouse compared with a shirt. What's more, as
prices go up, whether for food or energy, they eat up a bigger proportion of
women's wages.
As a result, women on the edge also have less to save, and to put into
Next, there's the fact that so many women work in service jobs where there
is no benefit package, no security, no severance. If a banker or stock
trader loses his or her job, there goes a nanny, a cleaning lady and maybe a
dog walker. There are no golden handshakes for maids.
Then there's the reality that women live longer than men, and need to
stretch their mingy pensions - assuming they have any - even further.
And why do they have smaller pensions, often half those that men get?
Because so many of them, myself included, stayed home for years where,
despite contributing to the economy in so many ways, their work was unpaid.
(One study shows that women do two-thirds of the unpaid caregiving in
Canada, and contribute even more through volunteerism.)
Even the employment insurance rules discriminate.
As the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives reported a year ago,
qualification requirements for benefits are such that, even though they pay
premiums, as many as two in three working women never receive a cent in EI
if they lose their jobs.
Which could explain why, as Statistics Canada reported yesterday, this
September, compared with last, the number of men collecting EI was up 5.7
per cent while the number of women getting benefits climbed only 1.7 per
It wasn't necessarily because women are holding on to jobs while men are
losing theirs.
Note that, south of the border, women were the ones mostly caught by the
subprime mortgage crisis partly because they were seeking healthier
environments for their children.
No wonder Sara Mersha, the executive director of Direct Action for Rights
and Equality (DARE) in Rhode Island, describes what's happening to many
women in the U.S. as an "economic Katrina."
Paradoxically, some of the right-wing commentators who blame women for the
financial disaster, who deride "welfare mothers," see no shame in hundreds
of billions of dollars in government handouts for fat cat executives and
How much more effectively these mind-boggling sums could be invested in
communities, to improve housing, health care and other services and lift up
women and their children for generations to come.
Here in Ontario, it's true that manufacturing jobs are in jeopardy - and
that many of those positions are held by men.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has discussed bailing out our auto sector. Who
knows if that will help?
One thing's sure: No matter what happens to the assembly line, it's women
who will be run over.
Antonia Zerbisias is a Living section columnist. azerbisias @
She blogs at   

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Six Steps to Writing an Offer that Inspires Customers to ACT

Hello there!  We the research team at are pleased to bring you an article that could very well help you to gain the top of your class.  What do we mean by this?  Well, some strategiesto help you attract new customers.
Please read on.
Have a great day!
Your research team
Six Steps to Writing an Offer that Inspires Customers to ACT
By Judy Murdoch (c) 2008 Highly Contagious Marketing 

Until fairly recently, writing marketing copy was a strange and mysterious undertaking to me.
It's funny because when I was doing advertising research, I often worked closely with copywriters. I would interview customers to learn how they responded to different messages and report back to the creative team. Sometimes the copywriter or art director would have questions they wanted me to ask my focus groups. So I got to know the writers and their work pretty well.

Yet, when they went back to their desk to actually create the message, I had no idea how they came up with the words that moved customers to action.
Customer-Focused Story to the Rescue!
Turns out like any professional, copywriters have systems. One such system that has made my writing life infinitely easier is the Customer Focused Story: A six step process that helps you develop a message that inspires action on the part of your readers.
[ Note: I am grateful to marketer/copywriter extraordinaire, Mark Silver, who developed the Customer Focused Story process and taught me how to use it. Learn more about Mark at ] The power behind the Customer Focus Story is this: before people are ready to take action, it is absolutely critical that they feel safe to do so. By "safe" I mean your copy addresses two, usually unarticulated questions:
(1.) Do they feel that the business making the offer understands the problem they're struggling with?
(2.) Can the business help THEM?
If your copy helps them answer "yes" to those two questions, chances are very good your customers will take the next step.
Applying the Customer Focus Story: A Real Example
My client, Judy Rotunda of Pilates for Life, specializes in helping women who want to get fít but whose physical limitations make it difficult to use standard options such as fitness centers, aerobics classes, etc. Judy offers private and semi-private classes that enable clients to safely progress at their own pace. In this way clients get stronger and fitter without risking further injury.
Here is how we developed the Customer Focused Story for Pilates for Life:
STEP 1. Name the Who and the Problem with which They're Struggling.
The first thing you want to tell readers is "this is who I help and what I help them with." The point is to elicit a strong "Yes, that's me," in your ideal prospect so they will want to keep reading.

In the case of Pilates for Life, the who and what are:
"Women who are suffering from chronic back pain. Oftentimes, the pain is so bad it makes it hard for them to do things most of us take for granted."
STEP 2. Specify the Solutions They've Tried which Didn't Work
I know when I first began using the Customer Focused Story, I resisted this step. Why wouldn't I immediately launch into my wonderful solution?
Here's why. Two little words: "Yeah, but." No doubt you've experienced this when you've talked to prospects. You tell them about your product or service and they respond to every claim you make with "Yeah, we tried that but it didn't work." This is normal. They don't want to buy something they already know doesn't work.
The best way to deal with "yeah buts" is to simply acknowledge the solutions they've probably already tried--the ones that didn't work.
For example:
"They've tried the usual fitness options: low impact aerobics, yoga, and weight training but often those options just make things worse."
STEP 3. Explain Why Those Solutions Don't Work
When you not only acknowledge what your prospects probably tried but go on to say in effect, "Hey, what you did was perfectly understandable. That's what most people would have tried. I tried those things and my customers have tried those things." You're demonstrating empathy.
You are also letting them know they don't have to feel embarrassed or ashamed for trying and failing. That they are not the only ones who have struggled to find a solution to their problem.
Pilates for Life example:
"The problem with most mainstream exercise programs is the instructor's lack of experience working with back injuries and chronic pain. An instructor who is unfamiliar with these conditions may push for progress too quickly. Or they may assume persons with chronic back pain can do each movement in the same way as everyone else. Often times, this can strain the back muscles even more, cause more injury, and make the pain even more severe."
STEP 4. Talk About What They Need to Do to Solve the Problem
Your reader is probably thinking, "Okay, I understand why what I tried didn't work. So what DOES?" Here's where you get to address their question.
Pilates for Life example:
"A successful fitness program for persons with chronic back pain requires three things:
(1.) a fitness trainer familiar with the physiology of back injuries;
(2.) private or semi-private classes so the instructor can make sure the participant is doing the movements properly; and
(3.) a significantly slower pace to allow the muscles to adjust to new movements."
STEP 5. Tell Them Why You're Qualified to Deliver the Solution That Works
Finally, you get to talk about your solution! Specifically, you are going to write about how you are qualified to deliver a solution that works (which you just wrote about in Step 4).
Qualifications you want to refer to can include your personal experience, formal training and education, success stories about how you've helped your customers, and testimonials.
Pilates for Life example:
"For over twenty years, Pilates for Life owner, Judy Rotunda, suffered from chronic pain due to a childhood back injury. She looked everywhere to find an exercise program that would improve her strength and flexibility and, she hoped, provide some relief from the constant pain. When a fríend suggested she try Pilates, she was skeptical but after just two sessions, she was a fan. In fact, she was so convinced that Pilates was the answer for persons suffering from back injuries and chronic pain that she decided to become a certified Pilates instructor. Today Judy owns her own fitness service, Pilates for Life, which offers private, closely supervised exercise sessions for persons for whom standard exercise programs just don't work."
STEP 6. Tell the reader Exactly What the Next Step Is and How to Take It
At this point, a reader who is an ideal customer for you, is probably feeling hopeful and excited about learning more about what you do. So you are going to tell them exactly what the next steps are.
Pilates for Life example:
The ideal customer for Pilates for Life is a woman who is in chronic pain due to a back injury. Because they are in so much pain so much of the time, they are highly motivated to find solutions. There are two actions they could take:
"(1.) Go to the Pilates for Life Web site and complete a short assessment to help them determine whether Pilates is right for them.
(2.) Call Judy to talk about how Pilates might help them."
Putting It All Together
Once you complete Steps 1 through 6, you have all the pieces of your marketing message. The very last thing to do is to write it using "you" instead of "the customer" so it speaks to your customer in a personal way.
You may also want to do some light editing to make sure the separate elements flow well as a single written piece.
Bottom Line
I see so many small business owners struggle with creating a strong, to the point marketing message that inspires customers to take action. The Customer Focused story, in my experience, is a common sense, straight forward solution to this problem.

About The Author
Judy Murdoch helps small business owners create low-cost, effective marketing campaigns using word-of-mouth referrals, guerrilla marketing activities, and five-star strategic alliances. Download a free copy of the workbook, "Where Does it Hurt? Marketíng Solutions to the problems that Drive Your Customers Crazy!" . You can contact Judy at 303-475-2015 or .
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The British picture; hospitals and immigration

Top of the day to you!  I'm Donna J Jodhan, president of
Today I would like to take you to Britain and examine the picture there.

The British picture, immigration and hospitals


When it comes to spoken languages, the British landscape has certainly changed and this change is extremely noticeable today.  There was a time not so long ago when English was probably the main language being spoken in Britain but with the passing of years this picture has changed and today Britain is home to many spoken languages.


This landscape has changed due to a very heavy influx of immigrants from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and with this comes the opening up of more opportunities for translators and interpreters.  As I along with many other see things, tons of opportunities abound for translators and interpreters to work in such places as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, immigration related centers and departments, and even at schools and universities.  For translators, interpreters, and teachers, the future for employment is extremely bright if you can work in more than one language.  True it is that our global economy is presently not doing too well, but for translators and interpreters, teachers and writers who can speak more than one language!  Your time is now.  Immigrants to Britain need your services.  The British government needs your services.  I am going to leave you with two references for you to review.  Both will help to paint the picture more clearly for you.


        Labour And The Tories Have Made Britain A Laughing Stock Example 1 ...

        By Victor(Victor)

        Patients who need interpreters are being given priority by hospital trusts because bosses reckon it's cheaper than having costly translators hanging about. It means that at busy times non-English speakers are instantly shunted to the ...

        Southend-On-Sea - 


        Familiar voices: Why the linguistic heritage of Britain's ethnic ...

        Independent - London,England,UK

        These languages have a huge part to play within the UK too, with a growing need for interpreters and translators to assist in anything from immigration to ...

Read more at:


If you require translation services then please visit

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs written by Donna at under the access and accessibility category and you can also see her biweekly editorial at

In addition, you can view her monthly online magazine editorial at under the café talk link. 

Donna also hosts a weekly feature called important answers to consumers concerns at

and her company's free monthly online magazine can be found at

Monday, December 1, 2008

Your personal bailout package

Hello there!  We the business team would like to start the month of December by sharing a very interesting article with you.  We know that many of you are desperately seeking to find some glimmer of hope during this economic crisis and we believe that the following article which comes from a very reliable source will help you to find that small albeit solid glimmer of hope.
Have a great day!
Your business team
Your Personal Bailout Package
Dear Investor,

 My name is Michael Warren, I am a partner of the firm Gryphon Financial and head of equity Hedge Fund strategies as well as managing our offshore Hedge Fund and Structured products division.  Since 1993 I have played a integral role in the developement of Gryphon Financial the Newsletter Division.  I am a graduate from Columbia University and The Wharton School of Business. I come from a long line of investors and Traders, as a matter of fact five generations.  It's my personal opinion that we can outperform any Newsletter in the business. I would be more than happy to help with any questions.  I can be reached at 1-800-828-9921 or 212-859-5088.

What Goes Down Must Go Up

We have seen gold stocks absolutely destroyed this year beyond imagining, declining even more than bullion, with a 50% retracement of the prior decline in gold shares likely in the coming months. Such a sharp move in gold shares would not be surprising as the sell off this month has been overdone by any measuring stick with gold stocks currently presenting values never seen before.
Over the past year we have seen gold stocks underperform bullion with the trend accelerating to the downside since July as the credit crisis intensified. While the credit crisis explains the strong underperformance of gold shares recently, it does not explain the weakness seen in gold stocks relative to gold from November of last year until July of this year.
Figure 1
Perhaps the best explanation for gold share underperformance earlier in the year was due to rising oil prices that were cutting into gold producer margins. So, even though gold bullion was rising, it was not rising as much as crude oil because gold producer's profit margins were getting squeezed. The ratio of gold to oil serves as a relative proxy for gold miner profit margins and has displayed a close correlation with gold stocks relative performance to gold bullion. As seen in the figure below, the ratio of gold to oil peaked last year and has been falling since then, until recently as oil prices have collapsed while gold has held up more strongly. Typically, turns in the gold to oil ratio mark turns in the gold stocks to gold bullion ratio, and the recent upturn in the gold to oil ratio is likely signaling gold stock outperformance relative to bullion ahead.
Figure 2
Source: Bloomberg
Not only does the ratio of gold to oil point towards a rebound in gold stock outperformance, but so too does the ratio of gold stocks to gold itself which hit a major statistical extreme this month. The ratio is currently nearly three and a half standard deviations (SDs) from its multi decade long-term average, the most extreme reading seen in the past 24 years. The ratio should stay within two SDs from the mean roughly 95% of the time which has indeed been the case. However, the current reading of 3.41 SDs away from the mean should only happen 0.06% of the time, or to put it differently, 99.94% of all observations should be contained within 3.41 SDs of the mean.



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Dear Investment Reader,
In a recent article entitled "The Hedgefund Trader," The Wall Street Journal writes that "there are now more than 430,000 households in the U.S. with a net worth of $10 million or more." Only who are these people, and how can you break into their crowd?

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That's unfortunate. Because success in life doesn't necessarily come from how much money you start with, but who you know. With the right connections, the right contacts and the right inside information," almost anyone can join the ranks of the rich and powerful. But - like many people - you probably don't have an "in".
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This intelligence is powerful enough to put millions in your pocket over the next twelve months... and every year after for the
rest of your life.
READ ON.....

Figure 3
Source: Bloomberg
So you can see how extreme the current reading is from a statistical perspective, and readings roughly two SDs from the mean often mark peaks and troughs in gold shares. For example, the prior two lowest readings over the last 24 years in the XAU to bullion ratio have marked major turning points in gold shares. The -1.77 SD reading seen in 1986 marked a major move in gold shares with the XAU rallying 164% in just over a year. The -2.03 SD reading in 2000 marked the kickoff to the gold bull market this decade and the current reading also likely points to a major turning point in gold shares.
Figure 4
In terms of gauging a likely rebound in gold shares, a 38.2% Fibonacci retracement of the current decline would roughly coincide with the September bottom and an 84% move off the recent lows. A 50% retracement would put the XAU back to roughly 136 and mark a 111% move off the recent lows. Either way, the move in precious metals should be explosive as the downward thrust was exponential with the September lows likely marking the first line of resistance. A move back up to the September lows will be a welcome development for commodity bulls to recoup a significant portion of recent losses.
Figure 5
While the resource complex (and broad market for that matter) is likely to experience a sizable rally from oversold conditions, gold shares likely present the most attractive opportunity for several reasons. For starters, the gold to oil ratio is just off multi-decade lows with gold offering greater relative value than oil based on the historical relationship between the two. Reflecting the relative value between the two commodities is the ratio of gold shares (XAU) relative to oil shares (XOI), with the relative stock ratio also at multi-decade lows with gold shares representing a greater bargain relative to oil shares.
Figure 6
Source: Bloomberg
We have likely witnessed a major turning point recently in gold shares relative to oil shares. The trend in underperformance of gold shares relative to oil shares was broken last year as the Fed began to cut interest rates, which was the same backdrop for gold shares outperforming oil shares beginning in late 2000. Another similar development between the two time periods was the Federal Reserve expanding its balance sheet in a reflation effort. With the previous reflation effort paling in comparison to the current campaign, gold shares should outperform oil shares by a sizable margin.


For a brief but dramatic moment today, some conference attendees thought perhaps God himself was delivering investment advice, as a voice bellowed out:

You do not make money in the market by looking in the same place as everyone else.
The podium was empty. The aisles revealed no one. The back of the room was the usual few people shuffling in and out between sessions...

You do not make money in the market by looking in the same place as everyone else.
But there it was again. Some heads looked up (those who thought God was the likeliest one to reveal this message to them, perhaps). Others continued to scan the room quizzically. But the most insightful moment for this reporter came whenthe person attached to the voice revealed himself in the back of the room after repeating his message four times - and still, three quarters of the room watched the podium stubbornly...
Is this what we do as investors? Even when we know we have to think outside of the box. Trade on the trends before they transform into headlines. And abandon the self-defeating emotional responses that would have us broke in a matter of hours if we let them?
The brash new editor of Stock Shocker Of The Week, challenged attendees to snap out of it - to stop investing by headlines and hot tips. To stop watching stock prices on your computer screen and break out in a sweat when they wiggle around. To get outside and live a little. The more hands off you are as an investor, the better off you'll be.
Don't believe him? He must be on to something, because he's racking up enormous gains for his limited number of subscribers.

Figure 7
Figure 8
Source: Federal Reserve
Additional support for gold share outperformance relative to oil shares is that all across the globe countries are debasing their currencies as seen in the table below of country monetary growth rates.
Table 1. Global Monetary Growth Rates (Y/Y % Chg)
Source: Bloomberg LP
Developments such as these will be bullish for gold long term, and with gold shares representing a bargain relative to both gold bullion and energy shares, investments in gold stocks at these depressed values will likely be rewarded in the years ahead.

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Canada's Public Infrastructure isn't as nearly bad or as costly as the U.S's, however with far less in population and industry doesn't mean the investment opportunities are far less, in fact they may be greater. Here's why...

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Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.