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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Internet, cellphone: 'the new essentials'

Hello there!  We the Accessibility team at would like to start by wishing all of America a terrific Thanksgiving.  May all your wishes for 2009 be true and realized.
Today, we bring you an article that is in keeping with the present belt-tightening trend.  We plucked this article from a very good and reliable source. 
Enjoy your turkey.
Your Accessibility team
Internet, cellphone: 'the new essentials'
Belt-tightening consumers more likely to cut back on movie tickets, DVDs and
top-tier cable, study finds
Globe and Mail, Oct. 23, 2008
Amid the threat of tough economic times, Internet and cellphones have become
Almost like heat and water for consumers - they are among the last monthly
expenses That households are willing to cut from their budgets during a recession.
A survey conducted last week in Canada and the U.S. suggests that if
consumers are forced to reduce spending, they will look almost everywhere
else in their Household budgets before they unplug their computer or switch off their
"Many consumers, with minor exceptions, view these as essential utilities,
like water or electricity," says the report, which was compiled from
interviews with 800 consumers last week, and is expected to be released today.
"People were saying, 'It's not going to happen - you would have to pry it
out of my hands,' that kind of language," said Kaan Yigit, head of Solutions
Research Group, the Toronto firm that produced the report.
The acknowledgment of these so-called "new essentials" plays into the hands
of the cable and telecom companies, since they rely heavily on monthly
subscribers for revenue and can bundle the services together.
However, those same companies have been eyeing this downturn with trepidation, since it will be the first to really test whether
budget-conscious consumers think Web access and cellphones are a luxury or a necessity - unlike the downturn
that Followed the dot-com crash in 2001, when those products were still in far fewer
This time, the casualties of belt-tightening will come elsewhere, with the
most likely victims expected to be concert tickets and sporting events,
according to the report. Such purchases would be downgraded to cheaper seats, or eliminated
Movie tickets were the second most-mentioned target for cuts, with DVD
Purchases third. Though Hollywood famously weathered the Great Depression of
the 1930s, with films like King Kong and Gone With the Wind
producing huge box office returns despite the hard times, theatres today
must compete with cheaper alternatives, including rentals, the Internet and
Subscriptions to magazines and newspapers were fourth on the list, while Premium cable packages were fifth. Though cable cancellations were unlikely,
nearly a third of Canadians surveyed said their cable bill was a key place to find
potential cost cuts by eliminating higher tiers of channels. That poses some
risks for the Cable distributors, who make a bigger margin selling the extras.
"If you're marketing new or extra services, your job is now somewhat harder
in that category," Mr. Yigit said. "You have to justify why it's worth it."
The report suggests a 6- to 9-per-cent contraction in spending on entertainment and communications in Canada. U.S. consumers indicate they
would look to trim their budgets by about 11 to 15 per cent.
Video game buying was sixth on the list. Interestingly, consumers said they Would probably cut their home phone service, which ranked seventh, before
they would cancel their wireless plan, which was eighth. And even though DVD
purchases ranked High as a potential cost cutting item, DVD rentals were ninth on the list,
between cellphones and the Internet, as an item that consumers would hold
onto as a cheaper alternative.
Video footage collected during the focus groups, which accompanies the report, shows how entrenched the Internet and cellphones have become,
particularly with Younger consumers. "I feel like without the Internet, I've lost contact with
everything - the world, with everyone. I can not do without it," said a
woman in her 20s who was part of the report.
Media stocks have been hit hard in the recent economic turmoil since revenues are dependent on consumer spending choices and decisions made by
advertisers on Where to place their marketing dollars.
RBC analyst Drew McReynolds said in a recent research note that the investment community so far appears to be viewing the present economic
turmoil as similar to the Economic slowdown that occurred after the dot-com crash. That period saw a
sharp drop in advertising spending, but did not last as long as other slumps.
"We believe the media sector is pricing in a 2001-2003 style economic
slowdown. Should Canada enter a recession however, we see another leg down
for the group,"
Mr. McReynolds said. "In our view the main catalyst for the media sector -
evidence of a Bottoming of the advertising cycle - is at minimum two to three quarters
On the chopping block Ranking consumer targets for cuts:
1. Big-ticket events (eg. concerts, sports)
2. Movie-going
3. DVD buying
4. Magazine subscription renewals/newsstand
5. Cable/satellite TV extras
6. Video game buying
7. Home phone
8. Mobile/wireless phone
9. DVD Rentals
10. Home Internet
Solutions Research Group
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If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

3 simple tips to make your website user friendly

Hello there!  We the research team at would like to brighten your day by helping you to make a task a bit more simple.
So many of us continue to wrestle with how to make our websites more user friendly.  Well, do we have a great bunch of suggestions for you and it comes from a very reliable source. 
Have a great day and a very happy Thanksgiving to all Americans!
Your research team
3 Simple Tips to Make
Your Website User-Friendly
By Lindsay Glass (c) 2008 

The one assumption you need to make to follow along with me in this article is "People Buy People." It can be a hard concept for many people to understand and agree with. However, millions of spent dollars have proven this premise to me, so I consider it more of a law than a theory.
If you understand the rule that people buy people, then your website MUST have a pleasant atmosphere that allows the visitor to connect with you, your company and your products.

By now, you've heard me talk about our Celebrity Branding philosophies, and the fact that you need your picture on your website goes without saying. But, there are some smaller, often overlooked, areas that shouldn't be forgotten.
Here are three simple tip to make your website user-friendly:
1. Navigation
The navigation on your site is probably its most important element. If visitors find your site confusing or cannot successfully navigate through it, they will leave. Make your navigation bar as simple as possible. One of the worst mistakes is using an expanding navigation bar that makes the visitor scroll over it in order for the menu to reveal their options. Most often, this type of navigation bar has too many choices; your visitor doesn't know where to go, so they get flustered and leave.
Navigation on your site is an art, and you should direct your visitors through a logical path to where YOU want them to go (not to where they think they want to go). One way to do this is through call to action buttons or CTAs. We use these buttons on all of our sites; a visitor will go to a main page, and then we can direct them to the parts of that site that we want them to be aware of. We use this method instead of an expanding menu, because we find that it is more logical for visitors. With this method, you can direct visitors to where you want them to go, allowing you to control the buying process.
Quick Tip: most "expanding menus" are created in Macromedia Flash. Search engines cannot read Flash, and therefore they will not pick up these links on your website. If the search engines do not pick up the links on the navigation bar and these links are nowhere else on your site, they cannot accurately crawl or index your site. This is search engine suicide, because without even knowing it, you are stopping search engines from understanding what your site has to offer and from driving traffic to you.

A good rule of thumb is that a visitor should be able to get to every page on your site with two clicks from your home page. Now, this is not realistic for very complex sites. If your website is complex, you can have a sitemap to help visitors navigate. Some sort of search function may also be a good idea for your site.
2. Page Load Speed
It's hard to believe that some people are still stuck using dial up. Even if you have entered the world of high-speed Internet, no matter what you do, some websites will load slowly. (If you're frustrated using high-speed Internet, imagine the frustration of those on good 'ol dial up!)
Page load speed is VERY important. I know that when I am surfing the Internet and I stumble upon a site that loads slowly, I get annoyed, frustrated, and don't browse the site for very long. If your website is loading slowly, you are probably losing out on valuable customers, no matter what business you are in.
In today's web world, we are seeing more and more images, audio files and videos. These things are useful, but you have to be careful that they do not affect the inner workings of your site (in this case, the time it takes for a web page to load). You want to be careful about the size of the images on your website. Both large-sized images and using too many images can cause your website to take too long to load, resulting in visitors leaving. Another tip is to convert videos into a jpeg (image) that only loads and plays the video when a visitor clicks on it. Yes, you may be adding more images to your website, but these are usually small image files; in the hierarchy of the web, a video will slow down your website much more than a small image.
Another factor that can influence the load time of your website is the amount of excess code you have on your site (that is a topic for another day - but ask your webmaster, and they will know what I am talking about).
3. Information
The number one thing that visitors look for is information. They are coming to your site to be educated about your products and/or services and, most of all, how THEY can benefit. With this in mind, it is critical for the information on your website to be accurate, complete and up-to-date. Visitors will leave your site in a split second if the information you are providing is old news.
What's that best way to provide up-to-date information on your website? The best way we suggest is through blogs and articles. By having a section on your website for blogs and articles, you can provide new, relevant and educational information to your visitors. Adding them is not only simple, but it is fast too!
So there are my three simple tips for the month on how to make your website user-friendly. Although this covered just the beginning of what your website should contain, don't worry, I won't leave you stranded-- I'll reveal even more tips in next month's article!

About The Author
Known as the "Online Celebrity Producer," Lindsay Glass helps her clients tell their stories in the online world. Lindsay began freelance writing in 2000 and soon after launched her own PR firm that thrived by offering an in-your-face "Guaranteed PR" that was one of the first of its type in the nation. She is now a founding partner of DNG Media Group, LLC. For more information, please visit .
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

India's possibilities for language professionals

Top of the day to you out there!
I'm Donna J Jodhan, president of
Today my editorial shines the spotlight on India.
Have a terrific day.



For the last few years the Indian along with the Chinese economies have been outstripping their Western counterparts in economic growth but with the recent economic slow down, these Tiger economies as experts call them, have been feeling the pinch like anyone else.  No one really knows how this is all going to play out about a year from now, but make no mistake about this; the Indian government is going to do everything in its power to ensure that its economy continues to grow whether it be big or small. 

 In the past few years more and more Western companies have relocated their call centers to India and in addition, they have been advocating for Westerners to invest in India.  India is literally bursting at the seams with consumers who are hungry for Western products and it is with this in mind that I feel that India could become a place for you to consider investing in the not too distant future.  That is, when things settle down globally and hopefully this will be much sooner than later.


I think that the possibility for translators and other foreign language professionals could be limitless if one is willing to wait for things to settle down and India may just be the place for you to be keeping an eye on.


I would like to close by giving you a reference to investigate.

India Small Business News Round-up - 23/10/2008

        By Stefan Töpfer

        Oracle targets small firms in the north for business: Oracle India Private Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of the world's largest enterprise software company, is scouting for business opportunities in the small- and medium-scale business ... Blog – 



If you require translation services then please visit

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs written by Donna at under the access and accessibility category and you can also see her biweekly editorial at

In addition, you can view her monthly online magazine editorial at under the café talk link. 

Donna also hosts a weekly feature called important answers to consumers concerns at

and her company's free monthly online magazine can be found at



Monday, November 24, 2008


Hello there!  We the Business team at would like to bring you an article that will hopefully help to prepare you for what's to come for 2009.  These are the four most professional investments as identified by a very reliable source.  In a world of economic turmoil such as the one in which we presently find ourselves, this article can help you to focus more appropriately.
Have a pleasant day.
Your business team
Normally $99 now just $19.95- 4 most professional investments
Now more than ever before, having the right approach and tools is key to your financial success. While the markets continue to be explosive and unpredictable, many investors are rubbing their heads trying to figure out, What comes next? The eagerness and enthusiasm that surrounds the opportunities available are endless, but -- HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT"S IN STORE FOR 2009?
If you prepare for the difficult economic times, and you are armed with the right tools, there will be no reason to worry about next year, or the following or the following. You can create your millionaire mindset, your own micro-economy and a thriving portfolio for many years to come.
In response to the growing fear of so many of our clients, Jeanne Grecco and Gryphon Financial have compiled this book to help you make the right investment decisions for the next 2 years.
In THE 4 MOST PROFESSIONAL INVESTMENTS FOR 2009-2010 you'll learn how to:
Make hard core cash on the U.S. Real Estate market in the middle of a declining R.E. market
Focus on the commodities that will make you your fortune in the coming years
Cash in on the Global Stock Funds that will help you strike it BIG!
Profit from the Watt-com era 
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

The makings of a giant

Good morning!  It is my pleasure to fill your weekend with an editorial written by our president, Donna J Jodhan.

The makings of a giant


Many of us dream of success and prosperity.  Many of us try but there are only a few of us who really succeed.  The road to success is a long and well-traveled one with many bumps along the way.  Success is something that is earned and not handed to us on a plate.  This applies to both companies and individuals in the same way and in order for any company to be successful; it has to endure a lot of growing pains before it matures. 


Today, I am delighted to be spreading the word about a company that in real time is still very young in years but is already going places and experts are openly saying that this company may very well be a giant in the making.  I first discovered this company about four years ago when I was searching the Internet for a company that would help me to process online payments.  It did not take me very long to sign up with this company and at that time they offered nine hours customer service in English only. That was then and this is now.  Within four very short years this company has grown from a mom and pop shop to one of matured stature. 


It seems as if this particular company has literally grown overnight and continues to grow from strength to strength.  What continues to attract me to this company is the way in which it handles itself:  Excellent customer service, technical support, and an A++ for both phone and email service.  Today, they provide round the clock support in both English and Spanish and their staff is highly trained to deal with any and every thing that come their way.  They have expanded services to provide a one stop online payment process shop and they are clearly on the path to obtaining giant status.  Their focus is complete and they have outgrown the North American continent reaching far and wide to service global consumers through its well designed and state of the art website.


Who am I talking about?  Meet!  A company that has dared to defy its larger competitors; a company that is poised to use its savvy and technical know-how to shoot to the very top, and a company that is success-bound because of its ability to look and listen before it leaps.  Vary rare qualities to be found these days.  Here now is what you should know about


About, Inc., Inc. (2CO) is the authorized reseller for thousands of tangible or digital products and services. was established in 1999 and is headquartered in Columbus Ohio.  2CO provides turnkey e-commerce solutions to thousands of business customers around the world. 2CO's proprietary technology supports back-office functions including financial reporting, tracking, fraud prevention, affiliate tracking, customer service and sales tracking.


In 2007, 2CO serviced over 2 million buyers and managed to generate a total of over 220 million dollars in sales. The website serves of an average of over 9.5 million page views per month.


Since its inception, 2CO has maintained a steady and maintainable growth. The company's approach is geared towards providing quality service to new and existing clients without feeling the need to expand at a rate that would compromise service to its clients.


Why should you   make 2Checkout your company of choice?

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Income gap growing wider

Hello there!  We the accessibility team at would like to shine the light on Canada today!  We have a very interesting article to share with you.  One that will show how Canada is lagging behind other developed countries when it comes to the ever-widening gap. 
Please have a great day.
Your Accessibility team
Income gap growing wider; Canada lags behind 17 developed countries; has no
detailed plan to fight poverty, study finds
Laurie Monsebraaten
The Toronto Star, Oct. 21, 2008
Poverty and inequality rates in Canada have been on the rise since 1995 and
are now higher than the average developed nation, according to a new study.
The income gap is growing throughout the developed world, but the gap
between rich and poor in Canada widened more dramatically than in most
countries between 1995 and 2005, according to the report released in Paris
The 20-year analysis by the 30-member Organization for Economic Co-Operation
and Development found only Germany saw a similar rate of increase during the
past 10 years.
"After 20 years of continuous decline, both inequality and poverty rates (in
Canada) have increased rapidly in the past 10 years, now reaching levels
above the OECD average," says the report.
As in other countries, more single-parent households and people living alone
are contributing to income inequality in Canada.
And wages for the rich are increasing, while they have been stagnating or
dropping for middle and lower income workers, the report says.
Most affected have been young adults and families with children.
Canada spends less on cash transfers, such as unemployment and family
benefits, than other OECD countries and that may be one of the reasons the
country fares worse than others, the report suggests.
The report echoes concerns raised by Canadian social research groups about
growing income disparity in Canada at a time of strong economic growth.
"It's a consistent repudiation of the trickle-down theory," said Armine
Yalnizyan, an economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,
which has written several reports on the issue.
"Even in a period of dramatic growth in the job market - and Canada has been
a leader in job growth in the G-7 in the last 10 years - trickle down has
not happened," she said.
The OECD report underscores the need for federal action, she said, adding
every political party except the recently elected federal Conservatives had
plans to cut poverty in their campaign platforms.
"It will be interesting to see how the other parties form a coalition of
interest on this issue, or if they do," Yalnizyan said.
With U.S. Democratic leader Barack Obama ahead in the polls and promising to
cut poverty in half in that country within 10 years, Canada may soon be one
of the only developed countries without a detailed plan to address the
But Lesley Harmer, a spokesperson for retiring Human Resources Minister
Monte Solberg, said the government is "taking real action to support
Canadians who need help."
In an email, she listed "vital social programs" the government is
strengthening: the Working Income Tax Benefit; the recent extension of
affordable housing and homelessness programs; the new retired disability
savings program; $100 monthly child care benefits; and supports for seniors,
skills training and post-secondary education.
When asked if the government plans to introduce a strategy with goals and
timetables she said: "I think what I sent you stands."

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If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How to get free press

Hello there!  We the research team at would like to bring you an article today that is going to talk about how to get free press.  An article that we are sure will help you to find ways to push your business ahead.  One that can help you to solve many business and marketing headaches.
Please read on.
We wish you an enjoyable day!
Your research team.
How to Get Free Press
By Kim Roach (c) 2008 

Free press is one of the best ways to spread the word about your website, your product, and your brand. However, most people don't know where to start. Fortunately, it's really not as hard as you might think.
There are thousands of articles being published every single day on blogs, newspapers, and magazines. Bloggers, writers, and journalists have pages to fill and all of them are actively looking for interesting topics to write about.
Many people forget that PR is about public relations. It's not just about writing a press release. It's about getting to know the journalists. Find out what kind of stories they're working on and see what you can do to help them. PR is really about listening and engaging key influencer's.
You need to connect. Connect with journalists who are writing about stories in your industry. Send them a quick note to tell them what you like about their writing. Provide them with story ideas within your industry. Provide them with value and they will have open ears whenever you want to pitch your story.
But remember, a journalist is extremely busy. You must respect their time. Keep everything short and sweet. Get to the point quickly and concisely.
Most journalists can be easily contacted through email, which can be found on their website, in their byline, or within the publication they write for. However, many writers and journalists can also be found on a number of different social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These social media platforms are another great way to connect with bloggers and mainstream media journalists.
However, what if you could get reporters and writers for major publications like the New York Times, USA Today, and the Wall Street Journal to actually come to you for their information for articles?
This is exactly what you'll get with PR Leads, a service which connects experts with reporters. At $99 per month, this is one of the best publicity bargains around without actually hiring a full time PR agency.
This is one of the easiest ways to get your name in print. PR Leads connects you with journalists in your area of expertise. They put you in direct contact with reporters who are actively looking for quotes. In fact, you'll get 3-5 emails per day sent directly to your inbox.
However, if $99 is a bit too high for you, there's also a free service called Help a Reporter Out that offers a similar service. It's run by a New York PR guy named Peter Shankman.
Much like PR leads, they connect you with PR people and journalists who are looking for sources.

Each day, they will send you up to 3 emails containing anywhere from 2-10 queries per email. You can then respond to any queries that are targeted within your niche.
This free service actually started out as a group on Facebook called "If I can help a reporter out, I will." However, it got so big that Peter decided to start sending the enquiries by email. They now have over 10,000 members getting free PR leads.
You can sign up now at .
Have you ever wanted to be a featured guest on National Television?
If you're looking to get on national TV shows, there's a specialized directory that will provide you with all the contact info you'll need to apear on top TV shows, including Oprah, the Today Show, CNN Fox News, CNBC, Nightline, Bloomberg TV, and many more.
This incredible service is known as "Harrison's Guide" and will give you 927 key contacts for 259 top national TV and cable shows that interview guests.
You'll find out exactly who to contact at each show and what to say to get them to put you on the air.
Participation is the key to good press. Get to know the influencers. But most importantly, get to know your readers. In today's world of social media, word of mouth can spread faster than ever. Everyone is now a content creator, a blogger, a social bookmarker, and an evangelist. These are the people you want to connect with.
People used to say that you had to get out there and knock on doors, but today you need to leave blog comments, interact on social networks, and above all: provide value. Contribute to the conversation.
Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, FriendFeed, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Ning, Google Groups, and many others can bring massive amounts of traffic, links, and attention. However, many people miss out on one of the biggest benefits of social media...
Your customers are having conversations at this very moment in forums, social networks, blogs, and other media outlets. Connect with them and you'll be surprised at the amount of valuable feedback you'll get back.
This feedback can then be used to improve your products, your content, and your customer experience.
Building good PR is a process of building relationships with key influencers, building relationships with your community of readers and customers, and most importantly: creating insanely valuable content.
By being remarkable, you'll naturally be noticed by bloggers, reporters, journalists, and talk show hosts. Build a business that's worth talking about and people will start talking.

About The Author
Article by Kim Roach. Grab Front Page Rankings in 24 hours - Free Google Domination Videos show you how.

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Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wanted: Foreign language skills

Wanted: Foreign language skills


Are you seeking that dream job in a dream place?  One that can offer you a lot of golden opportunity, and personal and financial satisfaction?  Well, do I have something to show you and before you call me a liar, then please read on. 


First, the translation career is very much alive and kicking.  Second, wonderful opportunities exist right here in the United States.  Third, the demand is growing.  Fourth, consumers are real.  Fifth, growth of demand and consumers is expected to keep skyrocketing for many years to come.  Why leave the shores of your homeland if you can obtain all of your career dreams as a translator right here in America.  All you have to do is become proficient at what you do and follow the translation rules as closely as you can.


I would like to close with providing you with a reference to investigate.

Wanted: Foreign language skills

Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Honolulu,HI,USA

Translators: Work with the written word, transferring text from a source language into a target language. The finished document should read as if it had ...


If you require translation services then please visit

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs written by Donna at under the access and accessibility category and you can also see her biweekly editorial at

In addition, you can view her monthly online magazine editorial at under the café talk link. 

Donna also hosts a weekly feature called important answers to consumers concerns at

and her company's free monthly online magazine can be found at



Monday, November 17, 2008

Depressions, recessions, overselling

Hello there!  We the business team at would like to share an article with you that is most relevant to today's deepening economic crisis.  So many persons have so many opinions to share and so many of us are just not sure which is best to follow.
We do not pretend to have the best opinion for you but we have an article to share with you that comes from a very reliable source.  We hope that you find it of value.
Here's wishing you a pleasant day.
Your Business team

I've been thinking about D.R.O.P.s . Actually I've been thinking about Depressions, Recessions, Oversellings/ Overbuyings, Panics, and 7,140 to 8,568. The (choice of) word games from Washington D.C. and other financial capitols of the planet continue in the ongoing effort to placate the general public investing subclass. It took the major downturns at the world's stock exchanges last week finally to get the politicos and poobahs to come clean that the global financial systems are in crisis and how the elephant in the front parlor needs to be acknowledged and dealt with promptly. While the hearts of the storms center in the USA. They have their roots in OUR profligate borrowing and spending in recent decades. It is now a crisis threatening to take down the economies and financial systems everywhere. The financial economic gurus of the G-7 (G-8, or G-9) met in DC last Friday and put forth a united "happy face" on how they would control and fix the problems. I am not so optimistic re: their solution.
You see it was only grudging that "the powers that be" would even admit how we are now in a recession - much less acknowledge that the situation that "IT" was descending to the "Depression" level. Until only very recently, we were advised how "if something wasn't done and affirmative action taken, we could descend into a step back in growth (aka a recession) in the coming year." We were not told if the coming year was 2007, 2008, or 2009? Spinmeisters are conveniently vague in their definitional use of the words and time frames chosen!


A Billionaire's Secret
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International Power Group ... up 755%.
Fording Canadian Coal Trust ... up 286%.
Dear Investor:
Hello. My name is Ken Maseka.
Have you heard of me? Perhaps not.
But when you hear the gains my readers have made, you may wish you had....
                                                                                                                READ ON......

When I was a U of I undergrad, Dr. Janet L. Weston, used a parable to explain the definitions (and perceptions) of the various downturns by the public. She said: "When you come home at night and see on the NEWS or read in the paper, that somebody elsewhere has lost their job, the economy is cooling. When you come and learn how a family member, friend, or neighbor has lost their job; the economy is in recession. When you come home and reveal that you have lost your job, it is a depression!" How close to home an economic or financial situation hits really defines everything!
Until the Great Depression of 1929, such widespread downturns were called "Panics." These were periodic retrenchments of the natural economic cycle. They varied in severity and duration. The "Big One" of the 1930's was perceived as different beast. Steps were taken to manipulate growth and economies to forestall such a global catastrophe from re-occuring. The wild west of unrestricted (and free) functioning of economic forces gave rise to regulation and various governmental stimuli. This worked up to a point since WWII. If the policies of "crystal ballers" with their hands on the throttle (or the brake) missed in their prophetic/ "profitic" actions; mistakes were panned off as a mere correction. Most recently, the fixing stimulus to any bubble in growth (or prosperity) was to maneuver an even bigger one to take its place. Borrowing and spending was the panacea for everything. Printing money and cutting interest rates would "always" prove a wonder-cure and prosperity would once again follow. We are now seeing that eventually such a misguide policy has its own problems, too!


    He's 14 for 15 with an average gain of 85.5%

Turn Your Subscription Cost Into $15,000.00 With One FIVE Minute PHONE CALL...
But - You Must Run These Bases Quickly to Grab These Insane Profits for the LOWEST
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Dear Investor,
"He's got to be NUTS."
Sitting, starring out the window aside my desk on Wall Street with a blank gaze, I tried to catch up with my own thoughts.
"Why would he - at the same time - advise long and short pays on cement?"
"He knows I think he's crazy. He's probably happy that I think that."
Want to know something about those "insane" trades? They were gigantic winners- each and every one!
75% when he went short on cement
56% when he went long on cement
82% by recommending short on energy
94% by recommending a long play on energy
I guess he's not so NUTS after all...
He's gotta be the best damn trader on Wall Street today. And his last 12 closed positions have all been winners.
To add to what I just mentioned, he cashed in on 142%, 400%, 110%, 102%... and an embarrassing 16%, which I'll go into in a second.
Even though he appears to be "off his rocker" most days, this guy makes profitable gains from this volatile market...look to good to be true? But when he next requested this "out of left field" suggestion to me, I've got to tell you it's almost too crazy to entertain...
Check this out...
READ ON..... 

Last week the vultures finally came home to roost. The elephant in the front parlor was proving too costly to feed as some loveable house pet to ignore. In 1929, Wall Street fell by 23%. Last week leading market indexes fell by 18%. Elsewhere in the world, major exchanges declined even more. Trading was suspended at several of them for a few hours to provide a "catch-a-breath break."
Earlier in Spring, I responded to readers' emails asking where I thought the bottom would come? Then... I responded that the major bottom would only come when the Dow Ind was somewhere between 7,140 and 8,568. This marks a 50% to 40% drop from the all time high of 14,280 - ditto for other indexes. Most responded at the time that I was absolutely crazy. This has been the historical norm in almost all earlier panics, depressions, and recessions. We are told how the markets eventually recover - took 29 years for the markets to recover from 1929! Do you have that much time to wait in this go around? I'm Fred Cederholm and I've been thinking. You should be thinking, too.


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Saturday, November 15, 2008

A mug of Motivation to help you cope

Good morning!
We hope that you are about to embark on a wonderful weekend and that whatever your plans are, they come true for you.  Life is o too short not to be able to enjoy it.  You need to relax and recuperate from a hard week's work be it at home or at the office. 
We're not going to bother you too much but instead we'd like to help you relax and recharge your battery for next week.
So, we're going to take you to some fun spots where you can spend a little time reading, enjoying, and vegetating. Take five and let us motivate you to do better next week.  It's all for free so why not take advantage of it?
If you're seeking a mug of motivation then Donna J Jodhan is standing by to share one with you.  She produces a free monthly online magazine that is jammed packed with all kinds of exciting and interesting news.  Tidbits on health, inspiring editorials, but most of all, articles that will help to motivate your creative juices.  Take your time and browse through this free online magazine and just enjoy reading it.
Donna J Jodhan wants to motivate you to reach for the sky.  She is a very successful entrepreneur, business consultant, and author and she does not let her blindness hold her back!
You can also view donna's weekly feature called answers to consumers concerns at
and she is also featured at under the category access and accessibility.
Donna also stirs the pot at
and she writes a weekly blog right here at
Check out these features.
If you like traveling and have always wanted to work and live abroad then we have just the thing for you.  A website that has a free weekly blog on all kinds of opportunities to get you going.  Doesn't hurt to dream does it?
This website can help to stimulate your imagination to reach for those wonderful opportunities in some very great countries.
Finally, a place that you can go and call your very own little spot.  A place where you can read about all kinds of helpful tips; consumer tips for women, seniors, retirees, and parents.  Healthy eating tips, home business opportunities tips for women, seniors, retirees, and parents.  Security tips for home computer users, and tips on how to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.
You are also encouraged to make your own little contribution and it's all for free!
Have fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New light on common cold

Hello!  We the Accessibility team at would like to end this week by sharing an article with you that comes from the Medical arena.  Believe it or not, the cold and flu season is here once again, so please be careful and remember to take your flu shot.
Have a pleasant day.
Your Accessibility team

New light on common cold; Calgary research on cells in nose
aims to help develop better prevention and treatment options
 Noor Javed
The Toronto Star, Oct. 24, 2008
Annoying cold symptoms, such as a runny nose and watery eyes, are caused by
the way our body responds to a cold, and not by the cold virus itself,
according to researchers from the University of Calgary.
The study, to be published today in the American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care Medicine, is the first comprehensive look at how epithelial
cells in the nose change when they are exposed to the cold virus, known as
The research is meant to help scientists develop more effective cold
prevention and treatment options.
"The idea initially was that the virus itself is having a nasty effect on
all of your body and causing big problems," said Dr. David Proud, a
physiology professor at the University of Calgary, and lead author of the
"Now what we're saying is that the virus itself is relatively innocuous to
the cell that it infects - they can live in there for days and days. What it
does is change the way your body reacts to the presence of that virus," he
"That is what really triggers all of these symptoms."
The research found that when the epithelial cells in the nose are infected,
it induces a cellular response - creating genes that make the inflammation
and others that try to fight off the infection.
"Among the groups of genes we saw were those that would make the
inflammation worse, increase swelling, and bring in the white blood cells,
but there are
also these genes in the epithelial cells which should be antiviral and help
to fight the virus," said Proud.
He said future research for cold treatments could include finding ways to
reduce the chemical causing the inflammation, or identify and increase the
of molecules that are part of the body's natural antiviral defence.
"Those are the two approaches: Can we identify the bad things and maybe
selectively shut down a few of them, or can we identify what we think are
good responses and make those bigger," said Proud.
Research volunteers were infected by the rhinovirus, and the nasal scrapings
were taken before and after the infection occurred. Using a technique called
"gene chips," the researchers were able to look at the microscopic cellular
changes taking place in the cells.
"We were simultaneously looking at 35,000 genes and seeing what changed,"
said Proud. "That's why this research was so comprehensive."
The goal is to use this research in developing new treatments for the cold
and, in the long-term to study, the effect of the rhinovirus on more severe
such as asthma and bronchitis.
"So this research is both useful for the common cold and for the severe
complications of the common cold," he said.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The evolution of online advertising

Hello there!  We the Research team at are delighted to share a very insightful article with you today.  One day that will help you to better understand the growth of online advertising.
Have a terrific day.
Your Research team
The Evolution of Online Advertising
Technology - More Targeting, Less Privacy (Part One)
By Scott Buresh (c) 2008 Medium Blue 

Please bear with me as I go through a brief history of basic online advertising. The evolution of targeted online advertising is interesting, because I believe the perceived harmlessness of early advertising technology and targeting tactics lulled many people into a sense of complacency or perhaps even false security.
In the beginning of targeted online advertising, there were banner ads. As many people recall, these were supposed to drive the Internet marketing industry in its infancy. Scads of publishers paid scads of money based on a CPI (cost per impression) model or simply paid huge dollars for banner ads and other targeted online advertising on well-trafficked sites.

Then something crazy happened - nothing. It turns out that the banner advertising technology on the Internet was not the magic bullet it was purported to be. The old way of making money based on providing content (the way magazines and newspapers ran advertising) just didn't seem to work in this context.
This new advertising technology was part of the reason for the collapse of the dot-bomb era. All the talk was about "eyeballs," "stickiness," "bleeding edge," "cradle to grave," and several other terms that, in retrospect, would have sounded more at home in a Wes Craven movie than in an emerging industry. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of business models depended on a traditional marketing strategy working more or less the same as it always had when introduced into a non-traditional setting.
All the while, one company, originally called GoTo, then Overture, and finally bought by Yahoo!, actually formulated a targeted online advertising system that worked - keyword advertising. Companies could bid on a per-click basis for certain key terms, which sent valuable traffic to its website.
Obviously, the improvement in advertising technology had to do with the model itself, which was perpetuated on relevance. By only bidding on keyphrases that you wanted, you could only pay for visitors who had already shown an interest in your products or services. This targeted online advertising model was soon copied by Google, who tweaked it and made it better.
There were not many raised eyebrows at this time, in terms of privacy. After all, the user was the one entering the query, and nobody suspected at the time that search engines might one day actually create individual profiles on users. We were all just really enjoying "having the information at our fingertips" without the potential hazards of ink stains and paper cuts that traditional research required.
Google then took a similar idea a step further. Instead of just serving up targeted online advertising on its home page, the company created a content distribution network called AdSense. In this program, owners of websites could sign up to have the ads placed on their sites. Google would then use a "contextual" logic to determine which ads to place where. In other words, Google would "read" the content on a page and then serve up targeted online advertising in the area provided by the site owner that was relevant to the content.

There were a few missteps with this new advertising technology (one classic example was when the online version of the NY Post ran a story in 2004 about a murder victim whose body parts had been packed into a suitcase. Running alongside the story was an ad that Google served up for Samsonite Luggage). Yet this targeted online advertising service also caught on, with nary a cry from privacy people. After all, you don't have to visit the sites. And the site owners don't have to sign you up for the service, right?
Suddenly, Gmail was offered and that raised some eyebrows. Gmail, of course, is Google's free email-based platform. Gmail gave people an (at that time) unprecedented 1 gigabyte of email space (Yahoo!, if memory serves, offered 4 megs for free email accounts and charged people for more memory). The only caveat – Gmail would use a similar advertising technology platform as AdSense, but it would decide which ads to serve up by reading through your emails.
Well, this new approach to advertising technology creeped some people out, and privacy advocates were a bit more vocal about using targeted online advertising by parsing through people's emails. A California lawmaker tried to introduce some legislation preventing the practice. International privacy groups chimed in with their own concerns. In the end, however, the fact remained that one had to sign up for a Gmail account and everyone that did was (presumably) aware of how the service worked before they did sign up. So it was an opt-ín system – If you didn't want Google parsing through your email and serving up relevant, targeted online advertising, you didn't have to use the service.
So there we all were, happily surfing away, not a care in the world. What most of us didn't realize was that enough free cookies were being distributed to each of us to turn the otherwise docile Keebler elves into tree-dwelling Mafioso erroneously plotting a turf war.
These cookies, of course, are the ones that websites place on your computer when you visit – little packets of information that record your visit, and sometimes, your activity there. Certainly, there's a legitimate reason for this. When you return to a website, it can help if it remembers your last visit and you can pick up where you left off. Assume, for example, that you were making multiple purchases from an e-commerce site and had a bunch of stuff in your shopping cart but were forced to abandon the site before completion. It's nice to go back and pick up where you left off without having to do it all over again.
Digital advertisers, however, saw another opportuníty for targeted online advertising. They invented advertising technology that would scour through the cookies on your personal machine, figure out what you liked and disliked by looking at the types of sites you went to, and then feed up highly targeted online advertising based upon your browsing history. These companies included aQuantive, DoubleClick, ValueClick, and others. Of the companies I mentioned, only ValueClick is still independent. Google snapped up DoubleClick, while Microsoft snapped up aQuantive. Clearly, these companies believe in the future of Internet advertising technology and also believe in the long-term legality of this technology.
Now some real red flags were raised. I've written about this advertising technology before, so I'm not going to go over it all again here. Suffice to say that some government regulators were pretty skeptical about this new form of advertising technology and there have been numerous suggestions for regulation. The lack of uproar from the public, however, has not really created any backlash for the companies in question. It could be because there is widespread ignorance about Internet advertising technology (and I believe there is, based on conversations with people of average Internet experience). Perhaps a part of it is also that privacy has been eroding on the Internet one incremental step at a time.
To be continued in part two...

About The Author
Scott Buresh is the CEO of Medium Blue Search Engine Marketing, which was named the number one organic search engine optimization company in the world in 2006 and 2007 by PromotionWorld. Scott has contributed content to many publications including The Complete Guide to Google Advertising (Atlantic, 2008) and Building Your Business with Google For Dummies (Wiley, 2004), MarketingProfs, ZDNet, WebProNews, DarwinMag, SiteProNews,, and Search Engine Guide. Medium Blue serves local and national clients, including Boston Scientific, DS Waters, and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Visit to request a custom SEO guarantee based on your goals and your data.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is the French language on the decline?


Is the French language on the decline? 


This is the question that is on the mind of several experts these days.  There is a trend that has quietly been growing across Europe for the past few years and this trend involves more and more schools teaching their students such languages as Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish.  The demand is being driven by the students themselves who are trending away from learning French and towards these languages.  The reasons for this picture could be as follows:

The children of immigrant families now living in Europe wanting to stay in touch with their native tongues.  More opportunities opening up for students to use these languages.  French on the decline because its use is not as attractive as it used to be.  The Chinese are doing more business in Europe.  Europe forging closer ties with South America.  Immigration from Arab and Middle Eastern countries is on the rise. 

Whatever the reason, it is worrisome to the French and it would be interesting to see how things shape up in the coming years.  I will close by giving you a reference to check out.



        Speaking of Languages: The Decline of French

        Brussels Journal - Brussel,Belgium

        How can schools teach French if the overwhelming number of students demand Arabic or Spanish or Chinese? Above all, how can French compete with English? ...

Read more at:


If you require translation services then please visit

I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

Now you can view blogs written by Donna at under the access and accessibility category and you can also see her biweekly editorial at

In addition, you can view her monthly online magazine editorial at under the café talk link. 

Donna also hosts a weekly feature called important answers to consumers concerns at

and her company's free monthly online magazine can be found at

Monday, November 10, 2008

We will drop the bomb on Wall Street

Hello!  We the Business team at would like to start the week by sharing a very relevant article with you.  This one comes from a very reliable source and we believe that it will help you to get a more detailed and exacting picture of how things stand today.
We hope you find it interesting.
Have a great day.
Your Business team
We will drop the bomb on Wall Street
     There is an unstable ticking time bomb woven deep within the fabric of the American Economy, and it's going to go off very soon, when it does, the already struggling American economy will be catastrophically overwhelmed. Major Banks and investment firms once believed to be "too large to go under" will be left in ruins. As a result, bonds will fail. Corporate bankruptcies will rise to unprecedented heights. The Dow Jones will tumble down under 5000. The previously floundering Greenback will find its new home next to the relics of the French Franc and German Mark.  
   As these major investments fall away, a tiny cluster of seemingly obscure investments will take ascent.  Taking refuge in these investments immediately will ENSURE your financial future as the hysteria takes grip of the populace, and the American economy is undone.
The Trillion Dollar Derivatives
Time Bomb
      Layered deep within the confines of the real economy... there is a subterranean economy, where the world's financial power brokers carry on clandestine transactions in the trillions.
  Transactions that are hidden well away from the mainstream media. You will rarely read about them in the Financial Times, let alone see them on any 24 hour news channels, and yet they have a very real affect on your every investment; Bonds, mutual funds, your real estate, and especially your stocks.
   This financial assembly acquits to an Ocean current, invisible to the naked eye, these currents affect everything from climate to sustenance for billions of creatures. They both also share a very real frailty, they are subject to forces they have no control over.
   Periodically something goes wrong. A massive terrorist attack or a bank goes under, which uncovers the apocalyptic powers these institutions carry. The world spectator their effects on Black Monday, in 1987. Also in 1997 when the Asian markets were struck down, and once more in 1998 with the LTCM hedge fund debacle. But these were just the first salvos to the devastation that is to come.
   A confluence of events is building up, when they reach boiling point the invisible currents will still. When they do, we may well be witness to the largest financial meltdown since the Great Depression, and our economy may never recover.
   Now is the time to prepare yourself for the inevitable, to position yourself to garner the benefits of astronomical profits by investing in a tiny cluster of little known investments which will take a meteoric rise when practically all else falls by the wayside.
   This is not simply an empty declaration; a select group of informed private investors have already taken advantage of these investment techniques, taking gains of 797% and up to 1,797%. These investments will be revealed to you in a moment, and why I fully expect equivalent opportunities this year as well. But at this time I would like to address the pink elephant in the room, a vexing development that has occurred in the worlds financial markets in our lifetime. It is an issue that could cause horrendous financial ripples, and one for which investors by and large are inadequately prepared for...
The Colossal Secret Economy
That's About To Explode...

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Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Activists raise concerns for homeless; Urge Finley to ensure funding promise is kept

Hello there!  We the accessibility team at would like to publish a very relevant article today.  In the present situation of doom, gloom, and economic crisis, so many of us often forget to think about the plight of those who are less fortunate; the poor, the homeless, and the disabled.  It is with this in mind that we choose to share this article with you today.
Please, during these very difficult times, think of those who are less fortunate.  Those who at the best of times experience great difficulty coping and communicating.  Those who experience twice as much hardship during times like these.
Have a terrific day.
Your accessibility team
Activists raise concerns for homeless; Urge Finley to ensure funding promise
is kept
Joanna Smith 
The Toronto Star , Oct. 31, 2008
Activists concerned that poverty and housing issues will be pushed to the
back burner during the economic downturn found little solace in Diane
Finley's return as the federal minister responsible for the portfolio.
"I'm not expecting the current government in the current economic situation
- with the sort of signals they've been sending - to come out with any
particularly bold or innovative ideas and certainly none that would be
attached to any significant amount of funding to address the issues that
we're concerned with," said Rob Rainer, executive director of the National
Anti-Poverty Organization.
Finley was appointed minister of human resources and skills development
yesterday, a role she held in 2006 before her appointment as immigration
Toronto street nurse Cathy Crowe said the challenges facing the poor will
become more acute as the economy worsens, and predicted Finley will have her
work cut out for her.
"I think she's going to be in a lot of trouble ... those of us working in
the field are predicting a massive influx of homeless people in all the
major cities and rural areas given the recession and the plant closures, and
what's going on with the economy," Crowe said.
Michael Shapcott, a senior fellow at the Toronto-based Wellesley Institute,
recalled poverty and housing activists having a hard time with Finley the
last time around.
"In the two years since the minister was in this portfolio, we know that
housing insecurity has grown worse, homelessness has gotten worse in most
major centres," he said. "We're very concerned that the minister needs to
take a much more aggressive role in terms of making sure that the
investments that are needed are in place."
Rainer noted three federal programs dealing with affordable housing and
homelessness worth $1.9 billion over five years were renewed a few days
before the election was called and announced on the campaign trail - but
worries the government could use the economy as an excuse to back away from
"One hope would be that they would honour that commitment but it seems the
government could easily send out the signal that due to the economic
downturn and shrinking government revenues they're going to have to restrain
certain spending areas or even spending promises," Rainer said.
If you would like to learn more about us and the services we offer, then please visit
If you would like to keep abreast of some of the most important happenings affecting your lives today, then please visit  There you will get the latest news roundups on such topics as:
Stress, anxiety, and depression. News for retirees, seniors, and aging baby boomers.  Security tips for home computer users.  Home business opportunities, Internet business opportunities, small business opportunities, business opportunities in Asia.  You will also learn how to obtain tremendous personal and financial satisfaction by selling your knowledge and experience.