Can blind kids play with toys
When I was a kid, I played with dolls. I had doll houses, played ball games with my brothers, rode bicycles, and flew kites. I even had toy guns and played with my brother's toy soldiers and you know what? I had a whale of a time doing all of it. I developed ways to play football and cricket. I learned how to pitch marbles, and I even participated in hide and seek games. Boy did I ever play with all kinds of toys; from the regular girl's stuff to kicking tin cans in the road and playing ball hockey. True it is that my family and friends had to adapt things somewhat for me to play with them but despite this I had a world of fun.
If you are thinking of giving a toy to a blind child then please, please do not think twice about giving them something that they can certainly play with. Anything that does not include technology that is. Anything from dolls to doll houses, toy soldiers to toy cars, and so on. How do blind kids play with toys if they are unable to see? They use the touch and feel technique.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan your friendly accessibility advocate wishing you a terrific day and urging you to go out there and spread my message to others that yes indeed! Blind kids can and do play with toys. Here is some contact info for you to check out.
Connie Leblond
Assistive Technology Center LLC
8880-723-5011 Ext. 1
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