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Monday, May 11, 2009

Managing resources to work better, not harder

Greetings!  I'm Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Ever wondered how you could get your financial resources to work better instead of harder?  Are you tired of trying and just failing?  Not sure what to do next?  Well, do I have an article for you to read.  This could be the beginning for you.
Please give it a read.
I'm Jill Christiansen your writing services manager wishing you a great day.
Managing Financial Resources To Work Better, Not Harder
As bleak reports of economic "doom and gloom" keep coming, the
Atticus recession series of special E-Lerts will provide you
with hands-on ideas on how to survive, and even thrive during
a recession, no matter how deep it might become.
This E-Lert features ways to improve managing financial
How do you know you need help managing the finances?
- Management is always reacting to a cash crisis.
- There is concern about having enough cash to meet the payroll.
- The same problems keep recurring despite repeated attempts to
fix them.
- There is never enough cash to carry the right level of
- Customers are not paying on time.
- The bank is concerned because the business is at the top of
its operating line.

What strategy will allow the business to survive and prosper?
- Discount pricing of older, slow-moving stock to convert it to
- Send invoices immediately upon shipment if the business sells
on terms.
- Ensure that you have an effective credit approval system; a
customer's financial condition can change quickly in an economic
- Have a system for prompt follow-up with late-paying customers
and apply it consistently so that your invoice is at the top of
the payment pile.
- Sell any fixtures or equipment that you don't need to use.
- Investigate alternative financing arrangements. Despite the
credit crunch, financing is available if you know where to look.
- Cash is the life blood of a business so manage it every single
day. Use it wisely.

A client insisted they needed to increase their line of credit.
On assessing their situation we discovered they batch-prepared
customer invoices, delaying sending many of them out for weeks.
Switching to a system of preparing and sending invoices when
goods were shipped eliminated the need for increased financing.

What does a well-run operation look like?
- Cash is monitored every day.
- Collection procedures are followed consistently.
- No assets are collecting dust.
- Eliminating people or advertising and marketing is rarely the
- Maximizes the use if internal and external resources to
implement action.
This E-Lert was developed by Atticus Principal Bruce Johnstone
who helps clients focus on effective management of financial
resources. Reach Atticus by phone at 416.644.8795.

Atticus Interim Management,
1 First Canadian Place, Suite 3700, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9
Copyright © 2008 Atticus Interim Management™. All rights reserved.
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