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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Translation software opens up doors

Top of the day to you!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan, president of
Today, I would like to focus my attention on how translation software has opened up doors for translators.

        Translation software opens up doors


This is a very hotly contested statement in the translation arena these days.  There are many who truly believe that translation software has become a menace to the translation industry because it takes away from the true professionalism of translation but on the other hand there are those who also truly believe that translation software has helped to open doors for many translators.


I would like to sit on the fence for this one.  I see both sides and I say this because of the following:

Translation software still has to go a long way before being able to provide translations that are professional, concise, and appropriate.  It lacks the ability to provide translations that are truly in the manner of the language of specific countries.  For example:  Many have told me that when they use translation software to translate from English to Spanish, often time, the translation produced is one that sounds like an English person translating into Spanish rather than a Spanish-speaking person translating from English to Spanish.


On the other hand, the advent of translation software has allowed many more persons to be able to work in foreign languages.  Many persons are now using translation software when they travel abroad and this is very good.  In addition, many students are using translation software to improve their written skills.  I am from the old school where I still believe that the human touch is the best way to translate.  That is, a real person can do a better job at translating.  However, it does not mean that they cannot use translation software to help them.  My final comment on this is that translation software has opened up many new doors.


I will close by giving you a reference to check out.

              A South African man uses a computer

        Translation software opens up doors

        Marketplace - Los Angeles,CA,USA

        JOYCE BIYELA [TRANSLATION]: I speak Zulu! So I don't know how computers work! That's because PCs here use English-language versions of Microsoft Windows and ...

Read more at:



I'm Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.

Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations

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