"When It Comes To Creating Wealth, Wealth Is A Mindset
In this fast-moving age, it is so easy to take your eye of the prize. Short-term trends can easily throw one 'off track'. For every analyst who will tell you a stock or commodity is going up, there is another one who will tell you it is going down in price.
Who to believe?
If history is a guide (and it is), then you can bet the farm that monetary inflation ALWAYS results in price inflation down the road.
Argentina 1981 - 1992
Belarus 1993 - 2008
Bolivia 1984 - 1986
Bosnia - Herzegovina 1992 - 1993
Brazil 1986 -1994
Chile 1971 - 1981
China 1948 - 1955
Georgia 1993 -1995
Germany 1919 -1923
Greece 1943 - 1953 At the high point prices doubled every 28 hours. Greek inflation reached a rate of 8.5 billion percent per month.
Hungry 1944 - 1946
Israel 1971 - 1985 (price controls instituted)
Japan 1934 - 1951
Nicaragua 1987 - 1990
Peru 1987 - 1991
Poland 1990 - 1994
Romania 1998 - 2006
Turkey 1990 - 2001
Ukraine 1992 - 1995
USA 1773 - not worth a Continental
Yugoslavia 1989 - 1994
Zaire 1989 - present (now the Congo)
Zimbabwe - 2000 to present. November of 2008 - inflation rate of 516 quintillion percent
Quite frankly, The Elite Option Service is not for everyone. Not all investors have what it takes to become an "elite" option trader. Many have tried and millions have failed. If you feel you have the patience and the "brass balls" to hold an option from $2.00 to $90.00 like I have, continue reading! If you feel you do not have the "brass balls" that are required to join the "elite" and battle like a Spartan Warrior on the front lines of the battlefield, there are plenty of other services available, that will produce profit margins similar to a bank C.D.! If you are still reading that means you take the road less traveled and are not comfortable making anything less than $250,000.00 a year.
For some 5,000 years gold has provided a safe haven against the ravages of inflation.
While there are periods when it behooves the investor to cash in his gold, during periods of monetary inflation (like now), gold and silver are a must in any portfolio.
Featured is a 100 year chart that shows you when to be 'in gold' and when to be 'out of gold'. Clearly now is a time to be 'in gold', and not to worry about the daily fluctuations!
This is the most important chart any investor needs, to look at for the long-term direction of both the DOW and gold.
Do you think you can out-perform our short-term positions?
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Those of you with a shorter time-frame, might like to keep an eye on 'real interest rates'. Real rates are T-bills less the cost of living, or CPI. While the official CPI is usually less than totally reliable, (due to massaging of numbers), we will use the chart provided by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank for this article, and for those who are skeptical, we would recommend using the information provided by John Williams at www.shadowstats.com
As seen by this chart, the 'official real rate' of interest is currently -3.5%. Gold always flourishes while rates are negative. While some will argue that inflation expectations will be lowered due to the lower oil and wholesale prices of agricultural commodities, we must remember that the effect of 'negative real interest rates' take a long time to change peoples investing behavior. 'Real rates' would have to be positive for a year or more before the effects of negative rates would be erased.
This figure was 45% higher than the previous record set in Q2/08.
ETF's are sitting on 382 tonnes, double last year's tonnage.
Retail investment demand rose 121% to 232 tonnes in Q3/08.
Demand in Greater China rose 18% to 109 tonnes, with the majority of this increase attributable to a strong rise in demand in mainland China (+16 tonnes).
Jewelry demand in the Middle East rose 47% to US $2.8B in Q3/08.
Gold supply was down 9.7% from year ago levels.
My sources in Switzerland reported this morning that two Swiss banks (UBS and Credit Suisse) have written off US$60 billion dollars. You know it's bad when even the conservative Swiss bankers are having problems.
We close with the daily gold chart. Price has put in an ABC bottom. The RSI and MACD are positive. A close above the blue arrow sets up a target at the green arrow. My Gold Direction Indicator is at +85% this morning. While this article is focused on gold, the fundamentals for silver are even more bullish than for gold. The ratio between gold and silver has widened to 83:1, while the historical ratio is 15:1, and my research leads me to conclude that the ratio will narrow to 10:1 over time.
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FACT: 99% of investors do not have a clue how to trade the markets. They ride the crashing wave of buying the highs and selling the lows. Only the strong and truly savvy are able to will and manipulate their trades and continue to profit from Wall Street.
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June 15, 2020 at 10:21 AM
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