Seniors and technology
Ah yes! November is here and soon the holiday bells will be ringing. Today, I am pleased to introduce an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan and she focuses her attention today on seniors and technology.
I wish you a great weekend.
Seniors and technology
By Donna J. Jodhan
I do not think that many would argue with my humble opinion that over the past decade, technology has made it possible for more seniors to live more independently. We have seen some giant steps forward in the field of technology with regard to making it easier and more possible for seniors to be more independent. An Example of this would include the event of the medical alert bracelet, and of course there are many more that can be listed. Suffice it to say that more seniors are using technology to do such things as get around more independently, communicate more freely, and socialize more easily.
More seniors are using electronic devices to get around; ranging from electric wheelchairs and walkers to sophisticated devices such as GPS gadgets. They are using the Internet to get involved in online socializing, affect in depth information searches, engage in online shopping, plus a lot more.
I do not think that over 10 years ago, anyone could have predicted the evolution of such things as social networks and online shopping and that our seniors would be so willing to embrace it all so readily. What it all means is that our seniors are being presented with more lucrative opportunities to live their golden years in a better place and as time marches on, it is only going to become better.
Just imagine seniors becoming involved in something like online dating and online socializing? Seniors using the Internet to book their travel plans? Seniors taking full advantage of the email era? Things have certainly changed and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The seniors of nowadays certainly have a lot more technology at their disposal; to learn, discover, and explore.
We can only look forward to the continuing changes of a landscape of tomorrow that will hardly image the one of just yesterday.
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
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Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan! Advocating accessibility for all
Weekly features on how to increase your success with your business ventures
Weekly articles and editorials on issues about accessibility
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