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Saturday, August 7, 2010

The growing problem with unhealthy attitudes

Greetings!  I'm Scott Savoy, editor at and today I am delighted to welcome the month of August.
It's shaping up to be another great summer's weekend and I hope that everyone has plans to enjoy it to the fullest.
It's time for me to introduce an editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan and today Donna focuses her attention on unhealthy attitudes.  Why don't you tell us what you think?
I wish you a great weekend.

The growing problem with unhealthy attitudes
For the past year, I like so many others have watched helplessly as unhealthy attitudes around us continue to mushroom.  What exactly am I referring to today?
Unhealthy attitudes seem to be growing among our younger ones when it comes to such things as the work ethic, commitment to produce quality work and services, a bad attitude towards respect for elders, little or no regard for customer service, no courtesy, and should I go on?  Yes, just a bit more!  Even those who should know better seem to be slipping into the same mode.  Even older ones are becoming extremely lax when it comes to unhealthy attitudes. 
You ask someone to produce a proposal to enhance and develop your website and you give them a deadline of one week from the request and you would be lucky if you even get it on time.  No apology, no nothing.  Your developer has just informed you that they are moving on; you ask them to complete a task before leaving and no response.  They simply leave and do not even tell you anything.  You phone a company for some customer support and while talking to the call taker you can actually hear them chewing gum and eating while talking to you.  Their knowledge of the service being sought is way below average and their attitude is one of total nonchalance.  Someone promises to be at your office to carry out some technical work and the appointed day arrives and they never show.
It's happening everywhere and almost daily I receive complaints from clients over similar types of incidents.  What is happening to our society?  Are we just too busy to care?  Have we become just too selfish and self centered that we are unable to see past our long noses?  How can we reverse these trends before it becomes a chronic problem?
Maybe it's time for us to return to the classroom where we can start to revamp some of our thinking and our reason for being.  Maybe we need to take time out and leave the Skype, cell phones, and texting behind for a bit.  Turn off the phones, leave the emails behind, and put down the iPhones and Blackberries for a while.  Make a conscious effort to shut down the computer each day for a few minutes and go out and smell the fresh air and interact with others face to face.  Go out there and help someone in need instead of always stretching out our hands for help.  
It is time for us to retool our attitudes.  Time for us to rethink how we interact with others and time for us to realize that we need each other in order to survive.  It's all about team work; not just you or me alone.

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.
Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all 
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity


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