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Welcome to our blogs! A page where you will find a selection of articles, editorials, and human interest stories.
We strive to bring you information that will keep you in touch with the rest of the world and we offer you an opportunity to let the rest of the world keep in touch with you through your very own contributions.

you can make your own submissions at no cost and if your submission is chosen, it will be published along with your name and any other information that you wish us to publish.
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So, time for you to keep in touch!

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Know your audience before you step forward

Greetings! I'm Scott Savoy, editor of writing services at Ah! A long holiday weekend is in progress and I
wish everyone the peace and joy of Easter. It's time for me to introduce an
editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan. Today, she talks about the
value of knowing our audience before stepping forward.
Enjoy your holiday weekend.

Know your audience before you step forward
By Donna J. Jodhan

It is always a good thing to look before you leap and in this case, it is
always a good idea for you to know who your audience is before you decide
whether or not to post your editorials and/or blogs. This was clearly
brought home to me within the last few months as I discovered to my great
horror and disappointment.

A few months ago, I took the bold step to post some of my editorials on
certain lists and lo and behold! Instead of encouraging healthy discussion
and suggestions, my posts only served to cause vicious and nasty personal
attacks. As it was my first time posting my editorials to lists, I was in
for a very rude awakening. I learned a lot and now I have learned to do it
the right and acceptable way; and what is this way that I have learned?

Well, here goes.
Post blogs to websites that accept blogs.
Post articles, editorials, and newsletters to websites that send out
articles, editorials, and newsletters.
Leave the lists to those who just want to chat, exchange harmless
information, and share information.

Lists are no place for anyone to post their personal opinions.
Lists are very unfriendly when it comes to someone wanting to express their
personal opinions.
In short, stay away from lists if you want to express yourself. Use blogs
to do this. That's the beauty of blogs; you can say whatever is on your
mind without anyone governing your thoughts. However, be prepared to accept
whatever criticisms come your way. In the case of lists, if you want to
express your opinion, then be prepared to put up with the nasty and vicious
comments at very close quarters.
What am I really saying then? You have more opportunity and scope to
express yourself through blogs.
Just my thought for today.
Happy Easter to you!

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and weekend.
To reach me, please send an email to and I would
be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest newsletter.

Here is a complete list of where you can view Donna's blogs and editorials.
Donna Jodhan! Advocating accessibility for all
a weekly feature on important answers to consumers concerns
Weekly blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants
A monthly editorial on issues on diversity
a monthly editorial on business issues and concerns
weekly editorials on accessibility issues in Canada
Editorials: An International perspective on issues of accessibility and
disability (under the editorials section,
an international perspective)
A general perspective on issues of access and accessibility


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