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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Can Your New Virtual Assistant Generate International Business ...

How Can Your New Virtual Assistant Generate International Business ...
By Donna J. Jodhan
Have you ever thought of using a virtual assistant to help you gain international business?  Do you know how a virtual assistant works?
This is the growing trend today; using virtual assistants on your website to attract users of all languages.  It first started off in the English language arena but due to its popularity it is fast gaining a great reputation in other arenas.  For Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, and so on.
If you are a small business in the international arena, then maybe, you should be looking into this type of strategy.  A virtual assistant can go miles to make you money.  However, don't go crazy trying to use it with any and every language.  Use it well and use it to attract customers who speak some of the more popular languages. 
I am going to leave you with a terrific reference to check out.  One that gives you a much better picture than the one that I have just outlined.  Please see below.

How Can Your New Virtual Assistant Generate International Business ...
By Legitimate Home Business
1 - English language online fight is the most difficult one in the Online Global Business. World Internet Users by Language in Million English: 452M Chinese: 321,4M Spanish: 122M Japanese: 94M French: 73M Portuguese: 73M German: 60M ... For your English to European translation, make certain you always trade with a trained translator who is knowledgeable and unswerving. And you should expect good translation for your enterprise. When it comes to internet company solution, ...
Legitimate Home Based Business -  
I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  Advocating accessibility for all) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)


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