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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stanford Hospital interpreters make health care a universal language

Top of the day to you out there!  I'm Donna J. Jodhan and today I am here to shine the light on the good work being done by some very important persons; hospital care interpreters.
Stanford Hospital interpreters make health care a universal language
There is a welcoming trend taking place across the United States and it is being lead by the Standford Hospital.  What we are seeing is this:  The translation and interpretation professions being integrated into the medical field.  Good for the Stanford Hospital and we can be sure that more health and medical facilities across America will be watching closely and quickly following suit.  This can only mean greater foreign language services will be offered to many more patients.
Those Americans whose first language is not English will definitely benefit from this fledgling trend; Hispanics and Chinese-Americans as an example.  On a global level, those millions of visitors from foreign countries to the United States seeking medical help will also be beneficiaries of all of this.  This trend will also stand to help open doors for hundreds of thousands of those translators and interpreters who have an interest in working in the medical field.  For now they will have an opportunity to enrich their foreign language skills with additional knowledge in the health sciences.  Finally, the medical profession will stand to become more diversely trained; in foreign languages.  A win-win situation for all concerned. 
I am sure that this trend will be watched closely by other sectors, organizations, universities, and various other educational institutions.  Even our own government will be watching closely to see how things develop and if things go according to prediction, then programs could easily be developed to suit the needs within other sectors. Stanford Hospital could be the springboard for the birth of thousands of similar types of programs right here in America and eventually around the world.
I am going to leave you with a very insightful reference to check out.  This one highlights the work being done at Stanford Hospital.  Please see below.
Stanford Hospital interpreters make health care a universal language
Then came a torrent of medical phrases, in English, from the coordinator who was leading the orientation session for prospective kidney transplant patients. Human leukocyte antigen. Cross match negative. Urethral stenonis.  Nephrotoxicity. ... Many of the Stanford interpreters have received intensive training in medical terminology, and some  hold degrees in science or in formal interpreting and translation from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. ...
        Stanford News Headlines –

I'm Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J. Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (Donna Jodhan!  advocating accessibility for all) (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (under the editorials section, an international perspective) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial on issues concerning diversity) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and accessibility consultants)


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